451.The Astor Court---苏州庭园(明)
131.1. Take the bull by the horns----抓住牛角. 意思是遇到困难情形,果断做出决定,当机立断. We'll have to take the bull by the horns and tackle the Medicare question.
10"A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out." "别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。” Sometimes in life, 有时候在生活中, You find a special friend; 你会找到一个特别的朋友; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. 他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活。 Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; 他会把你逗得开怀大笑; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. 他会让你相信人间有真情。 Someone who convinc
5【乡愁】 故乡的歌 是一支清远的笛 总在有月亮的晚上 响起 故乡的面貌 却是一种模糊的怅望 仿佛雾里的 挥手别离 离别后 乡愁是一棵没有年轮的树 永不老去
15必须坚持 汪国真<归来,汪国真> 必须坚持 为了不被淹没 必须坚持 既然不想苟活 必须坚持 为了不被视为弱者 必须坚持 既然想证明什么 必须坚持 坚持到最后一刻
121.Caladesi Island State Park, Clearwater/Dunedin, Fla. 佛罗里达州
12"are we poisonous?" the young snake asked his mother. " yes, dear." she replied. "why do you ask? "because i've just bitten my tongue!
35介绍十个不寻常的逗留地方 狗吠公园客栈 1.Idaho: Pull into the Dog Bark Park Inn outside Cottonwood, Idaho, and you’ll be greeted by
9“Sometimes when people are under stress, they hate to think, and it's the time when they most need to think.” ----Bill Clinton quotes (American 42nd US President (1993-2001), b.1946) 很多时候当人们处于精神压力下,他们不愿意去思考,其实那是他们最需要思考的时候.
20Weird America 12 strange landmarks and attractions in cities and towns across the country that might have you doing a double take
67介绍美国历史古迹和纪念碑 Historic Sites and Monuments 1. Mesa Verde National Park 这个国家公园在Colorado科罗拉达州. The Mesa Verde cliff dwellings悬崖住所 were discovered by cowboys more than 100 years ago. The Anasazi Indians built the stone buildings under overhanging cliffs. Not much is known about the Anasazi people. Researchers have learned that some of the ruins are nearly 1,400 years old. On one knows why, but the Anasazi deserted丢弃 the cliff dwellings about 700 years ago. The people are gone, but the remains of their amazing and ancient city ca
105英文里除了说"I love you”外,还可以用其它表达方式. 我一天介绍一些.看看能不能凑够一百句.
16The Night has a Thousand Eyes by Francis William Bourdillon The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies With the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyes, And the heart but one: Yet the light of a whole life dies When love is done.
9中文三首 幸福相守请记住冬夜里我的叮咛. 请留下月光中我的希望. 请让我亲吻着你的名字. 请让我铭记着你的善良. 我仰望天空群星闪烁.我面对苍天呼唤你的出现. 伤我的痛我的我的最爱 我要的我求的幸福不在遥远 伤我的痛我的我的最爱 我要得我求的幸福我们相守......相守
134响应纽约市长Bloomburg的号召,宣传纽约,介绍纽约.我开一个专门介绍纽约的贴子. 就从今年的感恩节开始介绍.
12不知道有人喜欢破案吗? 我看了一本两分钟破案的小说.挺好玩的.试放几篇来这.看看是否有人喜欢来破案. 这些案件都是从Donald J.Sobol的Two Minute Mys
47一起来玩个游戏吧,楼上的出一个词语,楼下的造句,这样接龙下去.但要求是楼下的造的句子要将楼上的词语用逗号拆开. 例如用"成熟"造句吧.就可以说:这东
184貌似大家对内蒙的大草原都很向往! 不管怎么说,我也在这生长十几年了,就介绍一下我们这座内蒙小城好了!~ 不过,我不太地道...因为这里不是纯草原地区!~
21在yhj926 的空间发现了这个美丽的中秋节祝福个性网页.非常喜欢.也把自己的名字加上,在这遥祝我百度的朋友们中秋节快乐! 谢谢yhj926! 但愿人长久千里共婵娟. http://zhongqiu.8wish.com/?stra=mary
266我很喜欢看纽约邮报"真实古怪 WEIRD BUT TRUE"这一栏目.有时间就放些出来.知道点世界上奇离古怪的事的同时也可学点英文. 盐放多了也是罪. 一名M
64Which animal is not a rodent: squirrel,hamster,husky,rat?
129我知道燕子是吉祥鸟. 能否告知我其它一些关于燕子的资料吗?或是告诉一些关于燕子的词句,成语等. (我是指真正的小鸟.不是人喔) 谢谢!
53preapare to talk about USA and China's culture 1,what things are the same ? 有什么地方相同? 2,what things are the different?有什么地方有
192我做的工作跟英文毫无关系.我也不会出国.但是我看见身边的人都在疯狂学习英文.我也不知不觉地买了好些书.但是我真不知道我学了有什么用.学来干啥? 请