我很喜欢看纽约邮报"真实古怪 WEIRD BUT TRUE"这一栏目.有时间就放些出来.知道点世界上奇离古怪的事的同时也可学点英文.
A worker at a McDonald's in an Atlanta suburb spent a night in jail after a cop said his burger was so salty, it made him sick.
Kendra Bull, 20, of Union City, Ga., was charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct after admitting she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat. She was freed on $1,000 bail. Bull tried to remove the salt before serving the burgers, but Police Officer Wendell Adams, who got a burger made with the oversalted meat, busted Bull.
A worker at a McDonald's in an Atlanta suburb spent a night in jail after a cop said his burger was so salty, it made him sick.
Kendra Bull, 20, of Union City, Ga., was charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct after admitting she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat. She was freed on $1,000 bail. Bull tried to remove the salt before serving the burgers, but Police Officer Wendell Adams, who got a burger made with the oversalted meat, busted Bull.