Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for coming.
My photography work is conceptual, which is , I guess I choose the way I’m saying, I don’t go around and shoot what I see. I studied at UCLA with Robert Hanington, who was a great teacher, and assisted the work we were doing in his course, the humanity(?) nature.
我的摄影作品是概念性的。就是说,我不是走到哪看见什么拍什么。我在加利佛尼亚大学向Robert Hanington学习过摄影,他是个很好的老师,协助我们在他开设的课程上做作品。
My photography work is conceptual, which is , I guess I choose the way I’m saying, I don’t go around and shoot what I see. I studied at UCLA with Robert Hanington, who was a great teacher, and assisted the work we were doing in his course, the humanity(?) nature.
我的摄影作品是概念性的。就是说,我不是走到哪看见什么拍什么。我在加利佛尼亚大学向Robert Hanington学习过摄影,他是个很好的老师,协助我们在他开设的课程上做作品。