level 1
·2 days ago
I work in addiction recovery. It means a lot to me. I wouldn’t quit if I won the lottery, but I would go part time.
我在戒毒所工作,这份帮助别人戒除毒瘾的工作对我来说意义很大。 我想我不会辞职,不过我会从全职转成兼职。
level 2
·2 days ago
Hmmm… sounds like you might be addicted to your job. Have you ever considered talking to someone about that?
Hmmmm, 听上去你好像对“工作”上瘾了, 你有没有试着和别人聊一聊你的状况?
·2 days ago
I’m the Assistant Director for a Children’s Theatre.
It’s really not something you do for the money. You do it because you love it and can’t imagine your life without it.
如果冲着钱来根本就不会来做这份工作的啦, 我做这份工作就是因为热爱和我不能想象不做这个还能干啥。
·2 days ago
I recondition (light remodeling) apartments after tenants move out. I’m alone all day and I can listen to podcasts or books, the work is very satisfying to me, and as a woman I’ve loved learning HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work as I use the experience in my own home when things break/need updated. I would go crazy without working anyway but I really do love my job
我是一个灯光师,那种租客搬出去之后房东请我们来重新装修房间的那种。 我基本上每天都是自己工作,听听播客或者有音书,我还蛮满意这种工作环境的。 而且作为一个女性我还很喜欢学习一些供暖 水管工 电工相关的技能,这样我就可以在我自己的房子里修修这个,装装那个。 如果不工作的话我会无聊死的。
(自己动手装修自己的家真的极其有成就感。 一个朋友买了个老破小自己慢慢的换地板,刷漆,装修, 买木板做日式开门,敬佩和羡慕的不行)
level 1
·2 days ago
I'm a doctor. A great portion of my income is already donated to my hospital's program that expands access to low-income patients. I'd probably give 100% of my income to the program if I won and use the lottery winnings for living.
医生, 我平时就把很大一部分收入捐给我们医院,这样我们就可以更多的为那些低收入人群提供服务。 如果我中了大奖,那估计我就会把我所有的收入捐出去然后靠奖金生活。