I hope you‘ll find what you are looking for. And you're not alone. 我祝你们能找到所求的. 前行道路永不孤独. 来自堕落帝国的美好祝福,当过先辈子弟的应该都看到过。堕落帝国不会永伴先辈子弟,到一定时候,堕落帝国或是觉醒帝国最终都会被扫进历史的垃圾堆里(谁不想要暗物质引擎和暗物质盾呢),但在此之前,无垠星海中对方是唯一可以信任的对象。
Take my hand,it's time to leave 冰冷虚空,你我携手前进 From now on to enternity 从此刻直至永恒 We all know it's hard to breathe 你我均晓前路不易 and how we got here is a mystery 时光长河早已埋没来路 So we leave the world we know behind,behind 因此我们离开故地 There is so much there to see 星海辽阔,无奇不有 I hope you‘ll find what you are looking for 愿你终明宇宙真理 And you are not alone 前行之路永不孤独