在本获得奥斯卡最佳影片的作品《逃离德黑兰》中,在全片的关键时刻之一配乐响起了《when the levee breaks》,该歌曲出自英国元老级摇滚乐团Led Zeppelin(齐柏林飞艇)于1971年11月8日发行的著名专辑《Led Zeppelin Ⅳ》。被推崇为摇滚圣歌的《Stairway to Heaven》即出自这张专辑。 歌曲内容与电影情节匹配程度出奇之高。 也许老本也是一个深藏不漏的摇滚乐迷呢。 Led Zeppelin
When one thinks of Ben Affleck the first thing that comes to mind is a Hollywood hunk not a man that has several tattoos covering his shoulders. arms and back. Most people are not aware of Ben's little tattoos collection, the main reason behind that is Ben is ashamed of his ink now. He admits he got most of his ink when he was around 16 and wishes he would not have chosen half of the designs he did. Below is a list of some of Ben's tattoo collection that he now regrets. 1. Barb wire across his right bicep. 2. A dolphin located somewhere on his body covering up the name of his High School Sweetheart. 3. A huge cross on his left arm. 4. A fish intertwined with a skull and crossbones on his right arm. 5. The initials "OV" on his shoulder blade with MOH NON TE written above it and TA OR underneath it. Ben majorly regrets all of his tattoos and does not have a problem admitting it. He is even interested in getting his tattoos removed by a laser. "I was young. It was fun and cool. I'm sorry now, but it is a good lesson in decisions that have important and long repercussions." Ben also says that he tries to stay away from roles that require him to be shirtless or wear short sleeves because he hates the make up you have to wear to cover up tattoos. He states that the process is very time consuming and a little strange. "It's the equivalent of being sand-blasted, but it leaves the tattoo undetectable." The main reason Ben is ready to get rid of his tattoos has to do with his acting. "They get in the way of my being able to play someone else. Every time I'm sitting in a makeup chair or putting on a costume I'm reminded I'm me, not the person I'm supposed to be playing." Your Tattoo Friend