Level Editor - The Basics
关卡编辑器 - 基础
Building a basic room:
The basic objects
We will begin with building the floor of the level. Select the primitives tool in the toolbox. In the right tab you can now see that plane is the default selected primitive. This is the primitive we will use for our floor. Click the dotted button next to the material field to bring up the texture browser. Enter Static_objects/castlebase/ and select castlebase_tiledfloor.mat. Now click & drag an area in the perspective view to create your floor. Do not worry if the floor gets to small or too big, this can be changed after creation by selecting the primitive and changing its size values. The size of my floor is: X=25, Y=1 Z=12. It should look something like this: 我们开始创建一个基本的水平地板。选择工具箱的primitives工具(关卡编辑器左边,绿色柱体和蓝色圆锥的图标)。
点击“...”旁边的“+”按钮打开纹理浏览器。根据目录Static_objects/ castlebase/选择并打开castlebase_tiledfloor.mat文件。
我的地板尺寸是:x =25,y= 1 z =12。它应该看起来像这样: