-Nova Galactic is one of the manufacturer. They offer 3 different base models (exploration, cargo, gunboat). Axion Energy offers 2 (mining, cargo), Argos has 1 (science and exploration).
Nova Galactic是飞船制造商之一,提供3种不同的飞船基础型号(探索,货运,战斗), Axion Energy提供2钟(采矿,货运),Argos提供1种(科学和探索)。【这几个制造商演示里也是有的】
-Full weapon and armour customization like in Fallout 4
-armour is layered again like in Fallout
-gravitiy changes depending on where you are (Planet, Moon, Space, Station). Wildlife looks more bulkier on planets/moons with higher gravity and sleeker on planets/moons with lower gravity. It is very science based so that all of it "makes sense". Still some wacky stuff but thats to be expected.
-Gravity is a new "mechanic" in Starfield, since havok is now gone and has been replaced in-house. For example you can turn off gravity in a ship or a station and everything that isnt attached to a surface starts floating around (Prey?).