辐射头含钍,辐射剂量是每小时0.01mrem。体检照一次x光就有10mrem。根据核规则委员会公布,一个人平均每年会接受620mrem。所以,即便你天天将辐射镜头带在身上,一年也只会接受87.6mrem的辐射。(A radioactive lens containing Thorium emits around 0.01 mrem/hr. For comparison, a chest X-ray emits 10 mrem, and none of us died from it. According to Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Americans on average receive 620 mrem each year. So, even if you had your Thorium lens with you at all times (and I assume you’re not that attached to it), you’d receive a yearly dose of 87.6 mrem from it.)