武装突袭冷战突击吧 关注:112贴子:1,677
  • 3回复贴,共1




IP属地:河南1楼2022-07-14 22:52回复
    _plane = _this select 0
    ?(!alive _plane) : exit
    ?(damage _plane > .4) : goto "FireOne"
    goto "MainLoop"
    ?(!alive _plane) : exit
    ?(damage _plane < .2) : goto "MainLoop"
    ?(damage _plane > .60) : goto "FireBoth"
    drop ["cl_fire","","Billboard", 1,0.2+ random 0.3,[0, -5, -0.5], [5-random 10,5-random 10,5-random 10], 1, 1,1.275, 0, [(random 3),0],[[.8,.7,.1,.3],[.8,.7,.1,.01]],[1,1,1,1],0.01,0.02,"","",_plane]
    drop ["cl_basic","","Billboard",1,0.5+ random 0.5,[0, -5, -0.5], [5-random 10,5-random 10,5-random 10], 0, 1, 0.85, 0.1, [(random 2),(random 10)],[[0,0,0,.2],[0,0,0,0]],[1,1,1,1],0.01,0.07,"","",_plane]
    goto "FireOne"
    ?(!alive _plane) : exit
    ?(damage _plane < .2) : goto "MainLoop"
    drop ["cl_fire","","Billboard", 1,0.2+ random 0.3,[0, -5, -0.5], [5-random 10,5-random 10,5-random 10], 1, 1,1.275, 0, [(random 3),0],[[.8,.7,.1,.3],[.8,.7,.1,.01]],[1,1,1,1],0.01,0.02,"","",_plane]
    drop ["cl_basic","","Billboard",1,0.5+ random 0.5,[0, -5, -0.5], [5-random 10,5-random 10,5-random 10], 0, 1, 0.85, 0.1, [(random 2),(random 10)],[[0,0,0,.2],[0,0,0,0]],[1,1,1,1],0.01,0.07,"","",_plane]
    drop ["cl_fire","","Billboard", 1,0.2+ random 0.3,[1, -2, 0], [5-random 10,5-random 10,5-random 10], 1, 1,1.275, 0, [(random 3),0],[[.8,.7,.1,.3],[.8,.7,.1,.01]],[1,1,1,1],0.01,0.02,"","",_plane]
    drop ["cl_basic","","Billboard",1,0.5+ random 0.5,[1, -2, 0], [5-random 10,5-random 10,5-random 10], 0, 1, 0.85, 0.1, [(random 2),(random 10)],[[0,0,0,.2],[0,0,0,0]],[1,1,1,1],0.01,0.07,"","",_plane]
    _plane setFuel (fuel _plane) - 0.00002
    goto "FireBoth"

    IP属地:河南2楼2022-07-14 22:53
      ; We know who we are
      _array = _this select 0
      _plane = _array select 0
      ; If we're dead, we can't launch flares
      ?(!alive _plane): goto "Exit"
      ; If the engine's off, we can't launch flares
      ?(!isengineon _plane): goto "Exit"
      ; But, who's the bad guy?
      _enemy = _array select 2
      ; And what did he fire?
      _weaponname = _array select 1
      ; Get the missile object that was launched at us
      _missile = nearestobject [_enemy, _weaponname]
      ; Play the pips over the radio
      _plane vehicleradio "Incomingmissilewarning"
      ; Wait till the missile is within 350
      ?(_missile distance _plane < 350) : goto "Continue"
      ?(!alive _missile) : exit
      goto "WaitLoop"
      ; Init the counter
      _count =0
      drop["kouleSvetlo","","Billboard",0.05,6,[-2,1,.3],[-6-random 6,- random 2,0],0,1.8,1,0,[1],[[1,1,0.3,1]],[0,1],0,0,"\su25\script\smokes.sqs","",_plane]
      drop["kouleSvetlo","","Billboard",0.05,6,[ 2,1,.3],[ 6+random 6,- random 2,0],0,1.8,1,0,[1],[[1,1,0.3,1]],[0,1],0,0,"\su25\script\smokes.sqs","",_plane]
      ; Next please
      _count = _count+1
      ; Each flare makes a noise
      _plane say "ReleaseDecoy"
      ; Wait for the next one
      ; Drop five pairs
      ?(_count<5):goto "LaunchLoop"

      IP属地:河南3楼2022-07-14 22:54

        IP属地:河南4楼2022-07-15 13:46