# Contributing
# 指南
This is for code contributions. For translations, see [TRANSLATING](TRANSLATING.md).
## Basic Guidelines
## 基础指南
### Use an IDE.
### 开发环境
Specifically, IntelliJ IDEA. Download the (free) Community Edition of it [here](
https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/). Some people use other tools, like VS Code, but I would personally not recommend them for Java development.
使用IntelliJ IDEA开发。在这里下载免费的社区版(
### Always test your changes.
### 坚持测试你的代码
Do not submit something without at least running the game to see if it compiles.
If you are submitting a new block, make sure it has a name and description, and that it works correctly in-game. If you are changing existing block mechanics, test them out first.
### Do not make large changes before discussing them first.
### 讨论前不要进行大的更改
If you are interested in adding a large mechanic/feature or changing large amounts of code, first contact me (Anuken) via [Discord](
https://discord.gg/mindustry) - either via PM or by posting in the `#pulls` channel.
For most changes, this should not be necessary. I just want to know if you're doing something big so I can offer advice and/or make sure you're not wasting your time on it.
https://discord.gg/mindustry) - 要么通过PM要么在"#pulls"频道发布
### Do not make formatting PRs.
### 不要做格式PR(GitHub术语 Pull Request 请求合并分支)
Yes, there are occurrences of trailing spaces, extra newlines, empty indents, and other tiny errors. No, I don't want to merge, view, or get notified by your 1-line PR fixing it. If you're implementing a PR with modification of *actual code*, feel free to fix formatting in the general vicinity of your changes, but please don't waste everyone's time with pointless changes.
## Style Guidelines
## 风格指南
### Follow the formatting guidelines.
### 遵循以下格式
This means:
- No spaces around parentheses: `if(condition){`, `SomeType s = (SomeType)object`
- Same-line braces.
- 4 spaces indentation
- `camelCase`, **even for constants or enums**. Why? Because `SCREAMING_CASE` is ugly, annoying to type and does not achieve anything useful. Constants are *less* dangerous than variables, not more. Any reasonable IDE should highlight them for you anyway.
- No underscores for anything. (Yes, I know `Bindings` violates this principle, but that's for legacy reasons and really should be cleaned up some day)
- Do not use braceless `if/else` statements. `if(x) statement else statement2` should **never** be done. In very specific situations, having braceless if-statements on one line is allowed: `if(cond) return;` would be valid.
- Prefer single-line javadoc `/**
@Return for example */` instead of multiline javadoc whenever possible
- Short method/variable names (multipleLongWords should be avoided if it's possible to do so reasonably, especially for variables)
- Use wildcard imports - `import some.package.*` - for everything. This makes incorrect class usage more obvious (*e.g. arc.util.Timer vs java.util.Timer*) and leads to cleaner-looking code.
Import [this style file](.github/Mindustry-CodeStyle-IJ.xml) into IntelliJ to get correct formatting when developing Mindustry.
- 括号周围不要有空格
正确示范: 'if(condition){`, `SomeType s = (SomeType)object'
错误示范: 'if(condition) {`, `SomeType s = (SomeType) object'
- 括号在同一行上(应该不包括{},此外的括号全部都在同一行上)
- 四空格缩进(而不是tab,这样可以有效避免在不同环境导致的缩进问题)
- 驼峰命名法,**即使是常量或枚举(也应该用驼峰命名法)[类名的首字母应当大写]** 为什么?因为下划线风格命名奇怪且繁琐,也没有任何益处。
- 不要使用下划线。(是的,我知道' Bindings '违反了这个原则,但这是由于遗留原因,确实应该在将来的某一天清除)
- 不要使用不带括号的'if/else'语句。任何类似于'if(x) statement else statement2'的代码都是被严格**禁止**的。在非常特定的情况下,
允许在一行中使用不带括号的if语句,如: 'if(cond) return;'
- 任何时候,优先使用单行的javadoc注释,示例: '/** @return for example */'
* Loads all game content.
* Call load() before doing anything with content.
- 方法/变量的名称应当精简(如果可以的话,尽量避免使用复合名称,尤其是变量)
- 使用通配符导入,示例: 'import some.package.*' 任何时候,这样做能使类的错误用法更加明显,代码更加简洁。
在开发minindustry时,将[此样式文件](.github/ minindustry - codestyle - ij .xml)导入IntelliJ以获得正确的格式。