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IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端1楼2020-11-09 16:38回复
    EDM.com创始成员,Armada前内容经理。在荷兰旅居八年,现在回到美国洛杉矶发展音乐事业的Ross Palmer不仅是音乐制作人、DJ,还是音乐工程师和音乐产业内不可多得的管理人才。2011年,Ross Palmer建立电音组合Fuzzi Kittenz活跃至今。2015年,他与合伙人一同创办Aloa Music,致力于电音文化在亚太市场的发展。

    IP属地:湖北3楼2020-11-09 16:40
      关于电子舞曲音乐,或者EDM的定义,人们一直都有很多的疑惑或者错误观念。虽然那个把所有电子舞曲音乐都标识为“Techno”的时代已经逐渐远去,但现在依然有很多人不知道如何准确地将EDM的子乐种进行分类。有一些人认为EDM只是一种音乐风格——一种被Hardwell和Martin Garrix发扬光大的音乐风格。
      There’s a lot of confusion and misinformation about what exactly Electronic Dance Music, or “EDM”, is. Even though we’ve come a long way from the days when all Electronic Dance Music was incorrectly labeled as “techno”, regardless of genre, many people still have no idea how to properly identify or categorize the different sub-genres of EDM. Some people believe that EDM is just one style, like the style of music made popular by DJs like Hardwell and Martin Garrix, for instance.

      IP属地:湖北4楼2020-11-09 16:42
        However, the term itself is much broader. ANY form of danceable music that is largely made or produced using electronic instruments can be called EDM. There are numerous popular forms of dance music on the charts and in the clubs today, making it almost a guarantee that EDM is here to stay. What follows is a brief overview of some of the biggest and most relevant genres of EDM, to help give you a better idea of how to properly identify, recognize, and understand the many different types of dance music in the world today.

        IP属地:湖北5楼2020-11-09 16:43
          首先,我们必须得分清楚什么是“bass music”和“house music”。因为绝大多数的商业EDM都是4/4拍,因此节奏、律动和配器就成为了区分EDM乐种的主要手段。House music和它的分支一般来说是120BPM到140BPM,而且总是会有“4 on the floor”这种鼓点,意即低音鼓会在每个四分音符敲响。
          To begin with, we must make a distinction between what is termed “bass music” and what is termed “house music” (or house music derivatives). While just about all commercial EDM genres are in 4/4 time, tempo, rhythm, and instrumentation are the primary means of separating EDM into sub-genres. House music derivatives can be anywhere from around 120BPM up to 140BPM, and always feature what’s known as a “4 on the floor” beat, or a beat in which the bass drum hits on every quarter note.

          IP属地:湖北6楼2020-11-09 16:45
            House music的分支有:progressive house、trance music、deep house、big room house、tropical house、electro等等。Hardstyle的节奏比其他的house music都要快很多,但依然保有“4 on the floor”。Bass music则是低音鼓以切分节奏来演奏,并且鼓点不止落在每个四分音符上。Bass music的分支乐种有:Drum&Bass、Future Bass、Dubstep、Moombahton、Trap等等。
            House music derivative genres include: progressive house, trance music, deep house, big room house, tropical house, electro and more. Hardstyle is a much faster variant of house music, but still retains the “4 on the floor” beat. “Bass music”, on the other hand, features bass drum patterns in which the bass drum (or kick) plays with syncopations and in rhythms that don’t just fall on every quarter note. Bass music genres include: Drum & Bass, Future Bass, Dubstep, Moombahton, Trap, and more.

            IP属地:湖北7楼2020-11-09 16:45
              我们先来看看house music的分支乐种,按照节奏从慢到快排列。
              We will start with the genres derived from house music, from lowest tempo to highest.
              House music衍生乐种:
              Genres derived from house music:

              IP属地:湖北8楼2020-11-09 16:46

                IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端9楼2020-11-09 16:50
                  Deep House / Techno (~120BPM-127BPM)
                  Typical artists: John Digweed, Todd Terry, Nick Warren)
                  对一些喜欢把所有乐种都分得清清楚楚的纯化论者来说,deep house和techno应该区分开来才对。但为了能简便概述,我们把这两个同根同源的乐种归在一起。
                  To purists, these two should be kept separate. However, for the sake of brevity, we’ll include them together as they have many of the same influences and origins.
                  Deep house像techno一样,是house music最早衍生出的乐种。它们发源于芝加哥和底特律这样的工业城市,是高度机械化生活的一种艺术反映。Deep house和techno从80年代一直存活到现在,甚至能追溯到Kraftwerk和Vangelis这样的老牌艺人。这种音乐比轻柔的tropical house节奏快得多,特点是缓慢递进的音乐材质和较长的格式——一些deep house有十二分钟甚至更长。典型的deep house声音是:缓慢演变的和弦合成器或者合成打击鼓、洗脑且重复的旋律,以及围绕着鼓点进行的,具有韵律感的模拟低音线。
                  Deep house, like techno, is one of the earliest forms of house music, originating in industrial cities like Chicago and Detroit as a reflection of increasingly mechanized, robotized life. It has survived from the 80s until now, with roots going back to artists like Kraftwerk and even Vangelis. Today it’s got a faster tempo than the chilled-out tropical house, and it involves slowly evolving textures and long-format songs, with some songs lasting 12 minutes or more. Typical sounds are: slowly evolving synth chords (or “pads”), hypnotic, repetitive rhythms, and a groovy analogue basslines working around the kick drum.

                  IP属地:湖北13楼2020-11-09 16:54
                    Progressive house (~120BPM-128BPM)
                    Typical past artists: Sasha, Cass & Slide, Sander Kleinenberg. Modern artists: Axwell & Ingrosso, Nicky Romero, Avicii)
                    Progressive house 的定义在几十年里有着翻天覆地的变化。早年间,这个词是用来形容由Ibiza电音界带红的,介于deep house和trance music之间的乐种。Cass&Slide的歌曲“Perception”是这种早期风格的范例。
                    Progressive house has significantly changed definitions over the last few decades. In the early years, this term was used to describe a genre halfway between deep house and trance music and was made popular in Ibiza. It used to feature spacey synths and slowly evolving textures. A great example of this past style is a track called “Perception” from Cass & Slide.
                    近年间,progressive house这个词开始用来形容另一种完全不同的音乐风格。Swedish House Mafia和Nicky Romero就是这种新风格的领军人物。这种新风格的典型特征是大开大合的合成器leads(指歌曲的主要声效,bass则是歌曲的基础声效)以及情绪化的旋律。现代progressive house听起来强烈而又激进,由和弦构成的旋律递进和大量白噪音叠加而成。相对来说,早期的progressive house听起来更加舒缓、含蓄,更像deep house一些。新一代的电音爱好者提到progressive house会想到Hardwell,而年长一些的爱好者们则会嘲笑前者的这一想法。
                    Over the last few years, the term “progressive house” has changed dramatically to reflect a completely different style. Artists such as the Swedish House Mafia and Nicky Romero have championed a new style under the same name, which features huge super saw synthesizer leads and emotional melodies. Modern progressive house is loud and aggressive with a chord-based melody progressions layered with ample white noise, whereas previously it was much more mellow and subtle and similar to deep house. Younger kids think of Hardwell when they think of Progressive house, and older ravers laugh at the idea.

                    IP属地:湖北14楼2020-11-09 16:56
                      Bigroom house (Exactly 128BPM )-
                      Typical artists: Hardwell, Martin Garrix, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, David Guetta, Afrojack)
                      与Progressive house不同,bigroom house注重于强劲的drop而不是旋律。虽然这种乐种只有128BPM,但对合成器音效的使用却更加激进,以期制造最大的声音冲击力。Martin Garrix的“Animals”是这种音乐风格的教科书式案例。Bigroom house的歌曲通常来说比deep house和其他早期乐种要短得多,breakdown/drop/breakdown/drop的歌曲节奏也要更加明显一些。
                      Unlike progressive house, bigroom house features hard drops in which melody isn’t the main focus. Here, even though the tempo is always at 128BPM or very near it, synthesizers are used in a more aggressive fashion to create maximum sonic impact. Consider Martin Garrix’s “Animals” as the textbook definition of this style. Tracks are usually MUCH shorter than deep house or older genres, with a very clear breakdown/drop/breakdown/drop song structure that seldom varies.

                      IP属地:湖北15楼2020-11-09 16:58
                        Trance Music (Previously 140BPM+, now anywhere from 128-140BPM)
                        Typical past artists: BT, Paul van Dyk, Rank 1, Tiësto. Modern artists: Armin van Buuren, David Gravell, Andrew Rayel)
                        Trance music是另一种存活了数十年,但定义却完全改变的乐种。原来,trance music(像 progressive house一样)被如此命名,是因为它通过具有催眠性的旋律和较长的声音递进为听众制造了一个迷幻的氛围。
                        Trance music is another genre that has survived for decades but has changed completely. In the past, trance music (much like progressive house) was so named because it put the listener into a trance-like state when listening, through hypnotic/mesmerizing melodies and long sonic progressions.
                        如今,trance music更像现代的progressive house,更注重旋律,并且buildup和breakroom也比progressive house和bigroom house更慢一些。想要听现代trance,Armin van Buuren至今仍播出的“A State of Trance”电台节目是一个很好的资源。而想听早期的trance,则可以试试BT的“Godspeed”和Paul van Dyk的“For An Angel”。
                        These days trance music is similar to modern progressive house, with a stronger melodic focus and a slower buildup and breakdown than either progressive house or bigroom house. For modern trance, listen to Armin van Buuren’s “A State of Trance” radio show, still broadcast today. For examples of early trance, listen to BT’s “Godspeed” or Paul van Dyk’s “For An Angel”.

                        IP属地:湖北16楼2020-11-09 17:00
                          Hardstyle (150BPM+ )
                          Typical artists: Headhunterz in his early years)
                          Hardstyle是在荷兰创立并发扬光大的音乐风格。它的节奏非常快(甚至能达到200BPM)但鼓点节奏却依然是4 on the floor。这个乐种主要注重于具有极度失真的鼓点和合成器声效。Hardstyle运用大量的失真效果来为大型演出和音乐节制造完美的氛围,并利用尽可能少的声音元素来达到最大的声音冲击力。
                          Hardstyle was largely created and championed in the Netherlands, where it has a very fast tempo range (even up to 200BPM) while still retaining a 4 on the floor kick drum pattern. This genre emphasizes an extremely distorted kick drum and highly distorted synth sounds in general, where great attention is paid to using distortion as a creative and musical tool for large-format shows and festivals. There are usually minimal elements used which are designed for maximum sonic impact.

                          IP属地:湖北17楼2020-11-09 17:02
                            Bass music分支乐种(按节奏从慢到快进行排序):
                            Bass Music Genres (from lowest BPM to highest):

                            IP属地:湖北18楼2020-11-09 17:04

                              IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端20楼2020-11-09 17:06