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About the Authors关于作者
1 Richard Feynman理查德费曼
Born in 1918 in New YorkCity, Richard P. Feynman received his Ph.D from Princeton in 1942. Despitehis youth, he played an important part in the Manhattan Project at Los Alamosduring World War II. Subsequently, he taught at Cornell and at the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology. In 1965 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, alongwith Sin-Itiro Tomonaga and Julian Schwinger, for his work in quantumelectrodynamics.
Dr. Feynman won hisNobel Prize for successfully resolving problems with the theory of quantumelectrodynamics. He also created a mathematical theory that accounts for thephenomenon of superfluidity in liquid helium. Thereafter, with MurrayGell-Mann, he did fundamental work in the area of weak interactions such asbeta decay. In later years Feynman played a key role in the development ofquark theory by putting forward his parton model of high energy protoncollision processes.
Beyond these achievements,Dr. Feynman introduced basic new computational techniques and notationsinto physics—above all, the ubiquitous Feynman diagrams that, perhaps more thanany other formalism in recent scientific history, have changed the way in whichbasic physical processes are conceptualized and calculated.
Feynman was a remarkablyeffective educator. Of all his numerous awards, he was especially proud of theOersted Medal for Teaching, which he won in 1972. The Feynman Lectures onPhysics, originally published in 1963, were described by a reviewer inScientific American as “tough, but nourishing and full of flavor. After 25years it is the guide for teachers and for the best of beginning students.” Inorder to increase the understanding of physics among the lay public,Dr. Feynman wrote The Character of Physical Law and QED: The StrangeTheory of Light and Matter. He also authored a number of advanced publicationsthat have become classic references and textbooks for researchers and students.
作为一个教育者,费曼成绩裴然,有口皆碑。在他所获的奖项中,他特别引以为豪的,是他1972年获得的“Oersted教育奖章” 。费曼物理学讲义,最初于1963年出版,“科学美国人”的一个评论家把它描述为:“强悍,营养丰富,味道鲜美。25年后,它是教师的指导,和初学的最佳指南。”为了增加公众对物理学的理解,费曼博士写了“物理学规律的特点和量子电动力学”的一章:“光和物质的奇怪理论”。他还编写了大量先进的出版物,对于研究者和学生来说,这些都变成了经典的参考书和教科书。
Richard Feynman was aconstructive public man. His work on the Challenger commission is well known,especially his famous demonstration of the susceptibility of the O-rings tocold, an elegant experiment which required nothing more than a glass of icewater and a C-clamp. Less well known were Dr. Feynman's efforts on theCalifornia State Curriculum Committee in the 1960s, where he protested themediocrity of textbooks.
理查德 费曼是一个有建设性的公众人物。在对“挑战者号”事故的调查中,他的工作非常著名,特别是他的关于O型环低温下易受影响的演示,这是一个杰出的实验,所要求的,无非是一杯冰水和一个C型夹钳。稍微不太著名的,是1960年代,费曼博士在“加州课程委员会”中的努力:他反对教科书的平庸。
A recital of RichardFeynman's myriad scientific and educational accomplishments cannot adequatelycapture the essence of the man. As any reader of even his most technicalpublications knows, Feynman's lively and multi-sided personality shines throughall his work. Besides being a physicist, he was at various times a repairer ofradios, a picker of locks, an artist, a dancer, a bongo player, and even adecipherer of Mayan hieroglyphics. Perpetually curious about his world, he wasan exemplary empiricist.
理查德 费曼在科学和教育领域,成就众多,对这些详述,也难以刻画出他的本质。正如他的很多读者、甚至他的大多数技术出版物的读者所知,费曼的兴趣浓厚的和多方面的人格,在他所有的工作中,都有所展示。除了作为一个物理学家外,在不同的时期,他还是一个收音机修理员,一个钟表收藏家,一个艺术家,一个舞蹈爱好者,一个邦戈鼓鼓手,甚至,是一个玛雅象形文字的破解者。
Richard Feynman died onFebruary 15, 1988, in Los Angeles.

IP属地:陕西1楼2020-09-07 16:20回复

    IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端6楼2020-09-07 21:31
      Preface to the New Millennium Edition新千禧年版前言
      Nearly fifty years havepassed since Richard Feynman taught the introductory physics course at Caltechthat gave rise to these three volumes, The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Inthose fifty years our understanding of the physical world has changed greatly,but The Feynman Lectures on Physics has endured. Feynman’s lectures are aspowerful today as when first published, thanks to Feynman’s unique physicsinsights and pedagogy. They have been studied worldwide by novices and maturephysicists alike; they have been translated into at least a dozen languageswith more than 1.5 millions copies printed in the English language alone.Perhaps no other set of physics books has had such wide impact, for so long.
      This New MillenniumEdition ushers in a new era for The Feynman Lectures on Physics (FLP): thetwenty-first century era of electronic publishing. FLP has been converted toeFLP, with the text and equations expressed in the LaTeX electronic typesettinglanguage, and all figures redone using modern drawing software.
      The consequences for theprint version of this edition are not startling; it looks almost the same asthe original red books that physics students have known and loved for decades.The main differences are an expanded and improved index, the correction of 885errata found by readers over the five years since the first printing of theprevious edition, and the ease of correcting errata that future readers mayfind. To this I shall return below.
      The eBook Version of thisedition, and the Enhanced Electronic Version are electronic innovations. Bycontrast with most eBook versions of 20th century technical books, whoseequations, figures and sometimes even text become pixellated when one tries toenlarge them, the LaTeX manuscript of the New Millennium Edition makes itpossible to create eBooks of the highest quality, in which all features on thepage (except photographs) can be enlarged without bound and retain theirprecise shapes and sharpness. And the Enhanced Electronic Version, with itsaudio and blackboard photos from Feynman’s original lectures, and its links toother resources, is an innovation that would have given Feynman great pleasure.

      IP属地:陕西10楼2020-09-09 15:45

        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端11楼2020-09-09 15:48
          3. How this NewMillennium Edition Came to Be 这个千禧年版是如何诞生的
          Between November 2005 andJuly 2006, 340 errata were submitted to The Feynman Lectures Website http://www.feynmanlectures.info.Remarkably, the bulk of these came from one person: Dr. Rudolf Pfeiffer, then aphysics postdoctoral fellow at the University of Vienna, Austria. Thepublisher, Addison Wesley, fixed 80 errata, but balked at fixing more becauseof cost: the books were being printed by a photo-offset process, working fromphotographic images of the pages from the 1960s. Correcting an error involvedre-typesetting the entire page, and to ensure no new errors crept in, the pagewas re-typeset twice by two different people, then compared and proofread byseveral other people—a very costly process indeed, when hundreds of errata areinvolved.

          IP属地:陕西14楼2020-09-12 14:44
            Pfeiffer and Gottlieb haveconverted into LaTeX all three volumes of FLP (and also more than 1000exercises from the Feynman course for incorporation into Feynman’s Tips onPhysics). The FLP figures were redrawn in modern electronic form in India,under guidance of the FLP German translator, Henning Heinze, for use in theGerman edition. Gottlieb and Pfeiffer traded non-exclusive use of their LaTeXequations in the German edition (published by Oldenbourg) for non-exclusive useof Heinze’s figures in this New Millennium English edition. Pfeiffer andGottlieb have meticulously checked all the LaTeX text and equations and all theredrawn figures, and made corrections as needed. Nate Bode and I, on behalf ofCaltech, have done spot checks of text, equations, and figures; and remarkably,we have found no errors. Pfeiffer and Gottlieb are unbelievably meticulous andaccurate. Gottlieb and Pfeiffer arranged for John Sullivan at the HuntingtonLibrary to digitize the photos of Feynman’s 1962–64 blackboards, and for GeorgeBlood Audio to digitize the lecture tapes—with financial support andencouragement from Caltech Professor Carver Mead, logistical support fromCaltech Archivist Shelley Erwin, and legal support from Cochran.
            The legal issues wereserious: In the 1960s, Caltech licensed to Addison Wesley rights to publish theprint edition, and in the 1990s, rights to distribute the audio of Feynman’slectures and a variant of an electronic edition. In the 2000s, through asequence of acquisitions of those licenses, the print rights were transferredto the Pearson publishing group, while rights to the audio and the electronicversion were transferred to the Perseus publishing group. Cochran, with the aidof Ike Williams, an attorney who specializes in publishing, succeeded in unitingall of these rights with Perseus (Basic Books), making possible this NewMillennium Edition.
            法律问题很严重,在1960年代,加州理工授权Addison Wesley出版印刷版本,在1990年代,又授予他们发布费曼讲座的视频和某种电子版本的权利。在2000年代,通过一系列权利的赎回,印刷版本的权利,被转给了Pearson出版集团,而视频的权利和电子版本,则被转给了Perseus出版集团。艾克·威廉姆斯,是一位专攻出版的律师,在他的帮助下,柯克伦成功地把所有这些权利,都联合在了Perseus(基础书籍)的旗下,这才使这个新的千禧年版本变得可能。

            IP属地:陕西17楼2020-09-12 19:29
              4. Acknowledgments 鸣谢
              On behalf of Caltech, Ithank the many people who have made this New Millennium Edition possible.Specifically, I thank the key people mentioned above: Ralph Leighton, MichaelGottlieb, Tom Tombrello, Michael Hartl, Rudolf Pfeiffer, Henning Heinze, AdamCochran, Carver Mead, Nate Bode, Shelley Erwin, Andrew Lange, Tom Soifer,Ike Williams, and the 50 people who submitted errata (listed at http://www.feynmanlectures.info).And I also thank Michelle Feynman (daughter of Richard Feynman) for hercontinuing support and advice, Alan Rice for behind-the-scenes assistance andadvice at Caltech, Stephan Puchegger and Calvin Jackson for assistance andadvice to Pfeiffer about conversion of FLP to LaTeX, Michael Figl, ManfredSmolik, and Andreas Stangl for discussions about corrections of errata; and theStaff of Perseus/Basic Books, and (for previous editions) the staff of AddisonWesley.
              通过很多人的努力,这个新千禧年版,才变得可能,这里我代表加州理工,对所有的人表示感谢。特别地,我要感谢上面提到的那些关键人物:Ralph Leighton, Michael Gottlieb, Tom Tombrello, Michael Hartl,Rudolf Pfeiffer, Henning Heinze, Adam Cochran, Carver Mead, Nate Bode, ShelleyErwin, Andrew Lange, Tom Soifer, Ike Williams,以及50个提交了勘误的人士(名单在listed at http://www.feynmanlectures.info)。我还要感谢米歇尔·费曼(理查德·费曼的女儿),长期以来支持我们的工作,并提出了很多建议,Alan Rice,在加州理工,做了很多幕后的支持和建议,StephanPuchegger and Calvin Jackson,在菲佛把FLP转换至LaTeX格式时,他们提供了帮助和建议,Michael Figl, ManfredSmolik, and Andreas Stangl,他们参与了勘误如何更正的讨论,Perseus/BasicBooks集团的员工,和Addison Wesley集团的员工(因为以前的版本)。

              IP属地:陕西18楼2020-09-13 15:15
                (摄影 乔·柔)

                IP属地:陕西20楼2020-09-14 09:38
                  1、 For descriptions of the genesis ofFeynman’s lectures and of these volumes, see Feynman’s Preface and theForewords to each of the three volumes, and also Matt Sands’ Memoir inFeynman’s Tips on Physics, and the Special Preface to the Commemorative Editionof FLP, written in 1989 by David Goodstein and Gerry Neugebauer, which alsoappears in the 2005 Definitive Edition.

                  IP属地:陕西21楼2020-09-14 09:40
                    2、In 1975, he started checking erratafor Volume III but got distracted by other things and never finished the task,so no corrections were made.
                    3、Pages 288–289 of PerfectlyReasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track, The Letters of Richard P. Feynman,ed. Michelle Feynman (Basic Books, New York, 2005).

                    IP属地:陕西22楼2020-09-14 09:42
                      Feyman’s Preface 费曼的序言
                      These are the lectures inphysics that I gave last year and the year before to the freshman and sophomoreclasses at Caltech. The lectures are, of course, not verbatim—they have beenedited, sometimes extensively and sometimes less so. The lectures form onlypart of the complete course. The whole group of 180 students gathered in a biglecture room twice a week to hear these lectures and then they broke up intosmall groups of 15 to 20 students in recitation sections under the guidance ofa teaching assistant. In addition, there was a laboratory session once a week.

                      IP属地:陕西23楼2020-09-14 15:01
                        The lectures here are notin any way meant to be a survey course, but are very serious. I thought toaddress them to the most intelligent in the class and to make sure, ifpossible, that even the most intelligent student was unable to completelyencompass everything that was in the lectures—by putting in suggestions ofapplications of the ideas and concepts in various directions outside the mainline of attack. For this reason, though, I tried very hard to make all thestatements as accurate as possible, to point out in every case where theequations and ideas fitted into the body of physics, and how—when they learnedmore—things would be modified. I also felt that for such students it isimportant to indicate what it is that they should—if they are sufficientlyclever—be able to understand by deduction from what has been said before, andwhat is being put in as something new. When new ideas came in, I would tryeither to deduce them if they were deducible, or to explain that it was anew idea which hadn’t any basis in terms of things they had already learned andwhich was not supposed to be provable—but was just added in.

                        IP属地:陕西25楼2020-09-14 17:57
                          At the same time that Iwas aiming at the more active student, I also wanted to take care of the fellowfor whom the extra fireworks and side applications are merely disquieting and whocannot be expected to learn most of the material in the lecture at all. Forsuch students I wanted there to be at least a central core or backbone ofmaterial which he could get. Even if he didn’t understand everything in alecture, I hoped he wouldn’t get nervous. I didn’t expect him to understandeverything, but only the central and most direct features. It takes, of course,a certain intelligence on his part to see which are the central theorems andcentral ideas, and which are the more advanced side issues and applicationswhich he may understand only in later years.

                          IP属地:陕西27楼2020-09-15 11:54
                            In giving these lecturesthere was one serious difficulty: in the way the course was given, there wasn’tany feedback from the students to the lecturer to indicate how well thelectures were going over. This is indeed a very serious difficulty, and I don’tknow how good the lectures really are. The whole thing was essentially anexperiment. And if I did it again I wouldn’t do it the same way—I hope I don’thave to do it again! I think, though, that things worked out—so far as thephysics is concerned—quite satisfactorily in the first year.

                            IP属地:陕西28楼2020-09-15 15:26
                              In the second year I wasnot so satisfied. In the first part of the course, dealing with electricity andmagnetism, I couldn’t think of any really unique or different way of doingit—of any way that would be particularly more exciting than the usual way ofpresenting it. So I don’t think I did very much in the lectures on electricityand magnetism. At the end of the second year I had originally intended to goon, after the electricity and magnetism, by giving some more lectures on theproperties of materials, but mainly to take up things like fundamental modes,solutions of the diffusion equation, vibrating systems, orthogonalfunctions, … developing the first stages of what are usually called “themathematical methods of physics.” In retrospect, I think that if I were doingit again I would go back to that original idea. But since it was not plannedthat I would be giving these lectures again, it was suggested that it might bea good idea to try to give an introduction to the quantum mechanics—what youwill find in Volume III.

                              IP属地:陕西29楼2020-09-15 17:21