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The reason there are nolectures on how to solve problems is because there were recitation sections.Although I did put in three lectures in the first year on how to solveproblems, they are not included here. Also there was a lecture on inertialguidance which certainly belongs after the lecture on rotating systems, but whichwas, unfortunately, omitted. The fifth and sixth lectures are actually due toMatthew Sands, as I was out of town.

IP属地:陕西31楼2020-09-16 09:02
    The question, of course,is how well this experiment has succeeded. My own point of view—which, however,does not seem to be shared by most of the people who worked with thestudents—is pessimistic. I don’t think I did very well by the students. When Ilook at the way the majority of the students handled the problems on theexaminations, I think that the system is a failure. Of course, my friends pointout to me that there were one or two dozen students who—very surprisingly—understoodalmost everything in all of the lectures, and who were quite active in workingwith the material and worrying about the many points in an excited and interestedway. These people have now, I believe, a first-rate background in physics—andthey are, after all, the ones I was trying to get at. But then, "Thepower of instruction is seldom of much efficacy except in those happydispositions where it is almost superfluous.” (Gibbon)

    IP属地:陕西32楼2020-09-16 09:54
      Still, I didn’t want toleave any student completely behind, as perhaps I did. I think one way we couldhelp the students more would be by putting more hard work into developing a setof problems which would elucidate some of the ideas in the lectures. Problemsgive a good opportunity to fill out the material of the lectures and make morerealistic, more complete, and more settled in the mind the ideas that have beenexposed.

      IP属地:陕西33楼2020-09-16 14:37

        IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端34楼2020-09-16 15:39
          I think, however, thatthere isn’t any solution to this problem of education other than to realizethat the best teaching can be done only when there is a direct individualrelationship between a student and a good teacher—a situation in which thestudent discusses the ideas, thinks about the things, and talks about the things.It’s impossible to learn very much by simply sitting in a lecture, or even bysimply doing problems that are assigned. But in our modern times we have somany students to teach that we have to try to find some substitute for the ideal.Perhaps my lectures can make some contribution. Perhaps in some small placewhere there are individual teachers and students, they may get some inspirationor some ideas from the lectures. Perhaps they will have fun thinking themthrough—or going on to develop some of the ideas further.
          Richard P. Feynman
          June, 1963

          IP属地:陕西35楼2020-09-16 16:00
            This book is based upon acourse of lectures in introductory physics given by Prof. R. P. Feynman at theCalifornia Institute of Technology during the academic year 1961–62; it coversthe first year of the two-year introductory course taken by all Caltechfreshmen and sophomores, and was followed in 1962–63 by a similar series coveringthe second year. The lectures constitute a major part of a fundamental revisionof the introductory course, carried out over a four-year period.

            IP属地:陕西36楼2020-09-17 11:09
              In order to generate avariety of ideas on what material to include and how to present it, asubstantial number of the physics faculty were encouraged to offer their ideasin the form of topical outlines for a revised course. Several of these were presentedand were thoroughly and critically discussed. It was agreed almost at once thata basic revision of the course could not be accomplished either by merelyadopting a different textbook, or even by writing one ab initio, but that thenew course should be centered about a set of lectures, to be presented at therate of two or three per week; the appropriate text material would then beproduced as a secondary operation as the course developed, and suitablelaboratory experiments would also be arranged to fit the lecture material.Accordingly, a rough outline of the course was established, but this wasrecognized as being incomplete, tentative, and subject to considerablemodification by whoever was to bear the responsibility for actually preparing thelectures.

              IP属地:陕西38楼2020-09-17 16:24
                Concerning the mechanismby which the course would finally be brought to life, several plans wereconsidered. These plans were mostly rather similar, involving a cooperative effortby N staff members who would share the total burden symmetrically and equally: eachman would take responsibility for 1/N of the material, deliver the lectures,and write text material for his part. However, the unavailability of sufficientstaff, and the difficulty of maintaining a uniform point of view because of differencesin personality and philosophy of individual participants, made such plans seemunworkable.

                IP属地:陕西39楼2020-09-17 17:11
                  The realization that we actuallypossessed the means to create not just a new and different physics course, butpossibly a unique one, came as a happy inspiration to Professor Sands. Hesuggested that Professor R. P. Feynman prepare and deliver the lectures, andthat these be tape-recorded. When transcribed and edited, they would then becomethe textbook for the new course. This is essentially the plan that was adopted.

                  IP属地:陕西40楼2020-09-17 17:51
                    It was expected that thenecessary editing would be minor, mainly consisting of supplying figures, andchecking punctuation and grammar; it was to be done by one or two graduatestudents on a part-time basis. Unfortunately, this expectation was short-lived.It was, in fact, a major editorial operation to transform the verbatim transcriptinto readable form, even without the reorganization or revision of the subjectmatter that was sometimes required. Furthermore, it was not a job for a technicaleditor or for a graduate student, but one that required the close attention ofa professional physicist for from ten to twenty hours per lecture!

                    IP属地:陕西41楼2020-09-18 11:10
                      The difficulty of theeditorial task, together with the need to place the material in the hands of thestudents as soon as possible, set a strict limit upon the amount of “polishing”of the material that could be accomplished, and thus we were forced to aim towarda preliminary but technically correct product that could be used immediately,rather than one that might be considered final or finished. Because of anurgent need for more copies for our students, and a heartening interest on thepart of instructors and students at several other institutions, we decided topublish the material in its preliminary form rather than wait for a furthermajor revision which might never occur. We have no illusions as to thecompleteness, smoothness, or logical organization of the material; in fact, weplan several minor modifications in the course in the immediate future, and wehope that it will not become static in form or content.

                      IP属地:陕西42楼2020-09-18 14:41
                        In addition to the lectures,which constitute a centrally important part of the course, it was necessaryalso to provide suitable exercises to develop the students’ experience and ability,and suitable experiments to provide first-hand contact with the lecture materialin the laboratory. Neither of these aspects is in as advanced a state as the lecturematerial, but considerable progress has been made. Some exercises were made up asthe lectures progressed, and these were expanded and amplified for use in thefollowing year. However, because we are not yet satisfied that the exercisesprovide sufficient variety and depth of application of the lecture material tomake the student fully aware of the tremendous power being placed at hisdisposal, the exercises are published separately in a less permanent form inorder to encourage frequent revision.

                        IP属地:陕西43楼2020-09-18 15:31
                          The revision program wasunder the direction of Professors R. B. Leighton, H. V. Neher, and M. Sands.Officially participating in the program were Professors R. P. Feynman, G. Neugebauer,R. M. Sutton, H. P. Stabler,1F. Strong, and R. Vogt, from the division of Physics, Mathematics andAstronomy, and Professors T. Caughey, M. Plesset, and C. H. Wilts from the divisionof Engineering Science. The valuable assistance of all those contributing tothe revision program is gratefully acknowledged. We are particularly indebted tothe Ford Foundation, without whose financial assistance this program could nothave been carried out.
                          Robert B. Leighton
                          July, 1963.
                          修订计划,由雷顿、尼赫尔、和山德士教授指导完成。正式参加计划的有:来自物理、数学、和天文系的理查德费曼,G. Neugebauer, R. M. Sutton, H. P. Stabler,1F. Strong, and R. Vogt等教授,和来自工程科学系的T. Caughey, M.Plesset, and C. H. Wilts等教授。在此,对所有对修订计划有贡献的人,都深表感谢。我们特别受惠于福特基金,没有他们的经济资助,这个计划,无法完成。

                          IP属地:陕西45楼2020-09-18 17:19
                            Surprisingly enough, in spite of thetremendous amount of work that has been done for all this time it is possibleto condense the enormous mass of results to a large extent—that is, to find lawswhich summarize all our knowledge. Even so, the laws are so hard to grasp thatit is unfair to you to start exploring this tremendous subject without somekind of map or outline of the relationship of one part of the subject ofscience to another. Following these preliminary remarks, the first threechapters will therefore outline the relation of physics to the rest of thesciences, the relations of the sciences to each other, and the meaning ofscience, to help us develop a “feel” for the subject.

                            IP属地:陕西47楼2020-09-19 15:52
                              The principle of science, the definition,almost, is the following: The test of all knowledge is experiment. Experimentis the sole judge of scientific “truth.” But what is the source of knowledge?Where do the laws that are to be tested come from? Experiment, itself, helps toproduce these laws, in the sense that it gives us hints. But also needed is imaginationto create from these hints the great generalizations—to guess at the wonderful,simple, but very strange patterns beneath them all, and then to experiment tocheck again whether we have made the right guess. This imagining process is sodifficult that there is a division of labor in physics: there are theoreticalphysicists who imagine, deduce, and guess at new laws, but do not experiment;and then there are experimental physicists who experiment, imagine, deduce,and guess.

                              IP属地:陕西50楼2020-09-19 18:35