震惊寄生虫吧 关注:1,094贴子:28,857
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March 16, 2020
n Memory of Shane all players can use one of the Skins he designed and liked the most.
The Heavy Skin. type -shane to equip
January 9, 2020 |
. Reduced syndicate starting income
. Changed size of "you were killel by"
. Updated moderator lists and F12
Added 2 Role Names
Added moderator commands to figure who is lagging
. Dynamically generated static shadows, should dratically help with performance!
. Updated CRED-17 Tooltip to clarify what it does.
lowered price of CRED-17 slightly.
- Fixed a bug with a messagen when you got spawned
. Fixed infinite Kratos energy bug
. Fixed a bug with rotating turrets and camera vision
March 1, 2020
. fixed a Bug with reciving multiple directives
. fixed a bug with Android Protect Syndicate Directive.
Android has now a 50/50 Chance getting good/ evil directive when he fails.
. Removed handles and player name from handles command for LIVING players
. Added -check # (# = playernumber) command for dead players
Changed Crew Member Information at marshalls.
Added a message with Information on your death.
February 29,2020
. Fixed a bug with android Data chip and aliens
. Fixed a bug with Aegis and IBA
. Fixed a bug with recycler
. Fixed a bug with agent mulligan
. Fixed a bug with exit locations
. Fixed a bug with powered down Android in Mech
. Modified Cred-17 ( now drains 5% of income from non syndicate players)
. Slightly buffed ASD ( costs less, increased energy, loses energy slower)
Added new Directive for Android:
* Infiltrate Syndicate Objective: Eliminate 1 Syndicate member, get hacked money and sC,
get access to a free stash.
Assist Syndicate Objective: Assist Syndicate operations.
Get some SC and free money. Access to a stash. Essentially a fourth Syndicate member.
Modified Internal structure of Directives to allow easier additions of new Directives.
Modified RNG for Directives, it now rolls a dice between 0-5
If0 or 1 Protect Humans if 2, Protect Aliens, if 3 Eliminate Humanity, if 4 Infiltrate Syndicate if 5, Assist Syndicate
. Directives are now dynamic, example is if there are already 2+ aliens, Android will not get Protect Alien Directive.
If there are only 2 Syndicate Members, Android will not get Infiltrate Syndicate and be more weighted to Assist Syndicate.
Added a special event . catch a lobby with NERT!
. All players now get a random color
Changed Agent mulligan . there is a chance to just chance role but not color. the more players die the smaller the chance
Added game mode messages
. If Android dies to C.O.R.E he does not transform into Chip form and stays dead
February 23, 2020
. Stationary Auto-Docs can now be attacked and rendered unusable.
. Stationary Auto-Docs can now be repaired by Repair Kits.
. Stationary Auto-Doc sabotage time can now be seen in Security Logs.
. Reworked how SC and Credits interact.
Raw SC can now be purchased by various amounts, the more you buy the more it is discounted.
. Raw SC can now be purchased by Syndicate for 1,3,6 at prices 2000, 4000, 7000.
Raw SC can now be dropped or traded among other Syndicate members.
. Max of 15 SC can be purchased in any single match.
. Added Aegis Energy Shield to Syndicate Stash.
Added CRED-17 Device to Syndicate Stash
Started WIP Wave Tron Brainwashing Chip to Syndicate Stash (Not Finished Yet).
Added Stealthcades to Syndicate Stash.
Added several additional screenshots to the Battle.net map info.
Installing S-Comms now permenantly turns your Radar Ping red.
Players still ping Red while chatting on the S-Comm.
. Nerfed Syndicate Security sabotage bonus DMG for biological .75-> .5.
. Nerfed Dark Nemesis mech stun time from 5 sec -> 2.25 sec.
. Nerfed Zeus Tank damage 125 > 115.
. Nerfed Zeus Tank damage loss per 1 armor 4 -> 6. (EX: Having 2 armor reduces the 115 damage by 12)
. Balances to Bio-Magnetic Field random event.
Added SG Drug bonus to Coropaks.
. Security Officer now gets all drug related bonuses.
. Syndi-Coropak movespeed bonus 5% > 10%.
. Minigun damage 3.75 -> 4.0.
. General buffs to entire Bat form Aliens.
Queen T4 and T5 form HP reduced.
Xenodon T4 and T5 small movespeed buff.
Some Firmware Infestation/Sabotages have received a buff.
. S-COMM relay price reduced.
Bug Fixes
“see Discord
Suits can not be changed while carrying a corpse
. Player cant transform to alien while carrying corpse
Changed Body Bomb costs to 400 minerals and 1 sC, decreased purchase amount to 2
Role play mode now has Android and Psion available
. Changed steam vents in vents, nothing can be placed inside fog
Changed pathing on spacewalk
Added Android to Self destruct message after powered down
Remote control can be used as soon as Android is rebuild
slightly decreased starting income

IP属地:湖北1楼2020-03-18 19:15回复

    IP属地:湖北2楼2020-03-18 19:16
      加入了一个CRED-17的玩意 可以偷非hd人员5%的经济
      如果菲尼克斯的眩晕是5秒的话 那么现在被削弱到2.25秒(我不太清楚菲尼克斯机甲的英文)
      现在hd可以买晶币 1个2000 3个4000 6个7000
      有几个涉及专有名词 我实在是不懂啥意思 烦请大佬出手咯

      IP属地:湖北4楼2020-03-18 19:40
        大DOC可以被打爆 打爆会有爆炸 打它会被锁 修好给提示 需要俩修理工具才能修好(温馨提醒 大DOC炸了后会非常影响周边小范围地区的操作)
        测试的时候我用高斯和传奇巴雷特打爆过 非常奇怪的是 传奇巴雷特满伤害打它要四枪 而高斯打爆他速度不慢 这点非常奇怪
        现在死亡会给提示 举个例子 你被core干掉了
        好多专有名词啊 我QTMD

        IP属地:湖北6楼2020-03-18 20:53
          因为一些版本更新没有显示出来 那我浅谈一下我玩的时候发觉的变化
          新增了一个太空蝎虫泛滥(我取得名字 就着看吧)事件
          介绍忘记了 大致是这些玩意在星舰到处繁殖 有公司悬赏杀一个40块
          注意 就我目前观察 其主要刷新区域是管道 而且无害 会被管道毒气杀死 星灵会主动攻击
          新增了一个时间扭曲的事件 我打星灵水晶塔的时候正好出现了这个事件 故我不确定是不是水晶塔残血所触发的
          画面会变 类似于0zz熄灯(讲道理我上一次看到熄灯是很早之前了 所以有点忘记了) 但是不会很黑 会给小人buff
          持续时间短 不确定是不是因为水晶塔爆炸而消失
          有一个生物磁场的随机事件 但是具体作用未知 我询问过某些玩过的大佬 他说过船上会出裂缝 有几率你走着走着踩上裂缝折越到某个随机地点 可能就是这个生物磁场事件吧.........

          IP属地:湖北7楼2020-03-18 21:08
            年度好帖 建议加精

            IP属地:湖北8楼2020-03-18 21:15


              IP属地:湖北13楼2020-03-19 10:24

                DOC应该有什么单次受伤上限的设定 满伤害大狙打它要四枪 但一把普通高斯打爆他却很轻松
                如第一个图所示 DOC被破坏后电流所在的范围内 都不太好操作(右键电流区域=右键DOC 所以有点恶心操作)

                IP属地:湖北14楼2020-03-19 10:28