金色豪门 (1994) 毒瘤在里饰演一名很复杂的角色,在某些令人不安的情节里令人联想到bd在baby jane里诡异的舞蹈,以毒瘤在戏中的性格,可能是在致敬Holly Hunter在钢琴课的角色。在生下薇诺娜后,她有个惊叹的表情,不得让人联想到她将以一个“前”妓女的角色通过人道主义,领取第三座奥斯卡时沾沾自喜的表情。 Meryl Streep, whom the more ageist among you may consider an unlikely teenager, skips around the set in a manner disturbingly reminiscent of Bette Davis in Whatever Happened To Baby Jane. Sometimes Streep’s character refuses to speak to her husband for years on end, possibly in an attempt to show how right Meryl would have been for Holly Hunter’s role in The Piano. After giving birth to Winona Ryder, Streep settles for a beatifically smug expression reminiscent of an ex-hooker accepting a third Oscar for humanitarian achievement. (Chris Tookey, Daily Mail)
接下来是作为刚获戛纳70大奖不久的传奇女士 Nicole Kidman: 淑女本色 The Portrait of a Lady(1996) 可怜的传奇顶着笨重的假发,看起来像对工资欲求不满的乡下图书管理员。 Poor Nicole Kidman has features that cannot support an upswept hairdo, and looks like a disgruntled provincial librarian. by john simon。
Julianne Moore: 摩尔拥有许多优秀的特点:美丽,才华,红发,令人心碎。但“有趣”似乎不是其中之一。 Julianne Moore can be many, many wonderful things - beautiful, talented, redheaded, heartbreaking - but funny doesn't seem to be one of them. (John Anderson, Newsday)
嘉宝: 嘉宝是被高估的,她的声音深沉,身材一般,脚很大,没有幽默感,私生活成迷,但她的脸十分完美(这算夸?)。 Garbo is monumentally overrated. Her voice is deep., She has no humour, her figure is flat, her carriage is not graceful, her feet are big, her private life is a fog. Only her face is perfect. by 希区柯克
前吧宠糕糕: 德国好人 (2006) cb自认为她模仿的玛琳黛德丽声音,葛丽泰嘉宝姿态是很好的表演,但从没有一个“蛇蝎美人”像她一样如此枯燥乏味。 Cate Blanchett seems to think that imitating Marlene Dietrich’s voice and Greta Garbo’s posture somehow amounts to a performance. Rarely has a femme fatale been so deadly dull. (Chris Tookey, Daily Mail)