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IP属地:上海来自Android客户端1楼2016-03-09 08:16回复

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端3楼2016-03-09 08:20

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端5楼2016-03-09 08:22
        文:Animal I Have Become

        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端6楼2016-03-09 08:32

          IP属地:上海来自Android客户端7楼2016-03-09 08:37
            "Hey." Matt said. "I know what will make you feel better." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the tennis ball. "Have you been missing something?"
            Kira's eyes widened and he reached for the ball, but he as his fingertips touched the soft fuzzy surface, he pulled back as if the ball were on fire. Matt didn't understand. "You love your ball. What's wrong?"
            L bit his thumb hiding his smirk from Matt. "Very obedient Kira. Matt, put the ball away, he can not have it."
            "What? Why?"
            "He lost that privilege."
            Matt looked at Kira. The 'pet' looked like he was about to cry. Matt placed the ball on the table. "That's not fair, L."
            "Oh? Tell me, why is that?"
            "Even real dogs can have a toy."
            "Yes, but he is a murderer. Will Matt place the cameras up or no? I need to know now."
            Matt sighed frustrated. He did not want to place cameras up around the school. He wanted to go back to normal. He lifted his hand and ran it through Kira's hair. Like every time before, the strands were soft to the touch. Together he and Kira shared a short smile. "Alright." Matt said. "I'll do it. Whatever you want."
            "Thank you."
            "No, don't thank me. I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for Mello." He looked back again at Kira's eyes. "And for him. You have to give him his ball back." Watari chuckled and L sneered at the idea, but with no other choice, he agreed. "I will return the ball until this new Kira is caught."
            "No you have to give it back for real."
            More frustrated than he could ever recall being, Matt flipped one of the chess pieces off the board and onto the floor. "Then you have to tell Roger! I will not step foot into another persons room without permission." Matt tightened his grip around Kira's trembling shoulders for comfort.
            "If Roger tells you personally that you have permission then you will do as I say?"
            "Yes. I will." It was a tough decision, but Matt felt he made the right one.

            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端8楼2016-03-09 08:40

              IP属地:上海来自Android客户端9楼2016-03-09 08:44
                Kira turned his head to L, the pen in his hand paused quickly, "Master I-"
                He didn't have time to finish. L was on him in a matter of two seconds. L flew at him, grabbed him by the shoulders and slung him up against the wall. "What the hell have you done!"
                Kira's face contorted with fear. "I-I-" His words were cut off when L punched him square in the jaw. He slid to the floor as his hands flew to his face out of instinct and he rubbed his aching jaw. "Master…please.." He whispered. "I only wanted to help. You said, you said, y-you wanted help."
                Not listening, L had grabbed him again, slinging him this time down onto the chest board on the table with a bang. The little pieces went scattering to the floor. The remaining pawns pressed into Kira's back painfully, bruising the skin and mashing into his shoulder blades. The laptop flipped off the edge, landing onto the floor.
                "What the hell have you done!" L screamed at him once again.
                "You don't understand! It's not-" Once again he was cut off as L's fingers wrapped tightly around his throat. Purple was all L Lawliet could see through his anguished tears. He had never experienced raw emotion like this. "You killed him! He took up for you and now he's dead. What have you done?"
                Kira didn't understand. All he knew was that he couldn't breath. His fingers scratched at his Master's, trying with any strength that he could find to pry them off. His feet swung back and forth, he couldn't feel the floor. God the chess pieces were killing him! L was killing him!
                "How could you do it? How could you kill Watari!"
                Kira heard that. His eyes widened in shock. Ryuk was laughing so much it seemed as if he was going mad.
                " I should have killed you from the very start1" L screamed through his tears with a deep hatred, "I should have locked you up the day I first set my eyes on you, you murderous bastard." L squeezed harder with every word he spat at Kira.

                IP属地:上海来自Android客户端10楼2016-03-09 08:56
                  For Kira the kiss left him breathless, and when L finally pulled his head back to break the kiss, Kira whined as L continued, "I own your rights to privacy, desired religion and all it's practices, the right to property, to bear arms, to all or no medical treatment, all your rights to past, present or future children."
                  Kira began to cry, but L wouldn't stop. "I own your rights to express yourself, to travel, to safety, to cruel and unusual punishment, and every right during a trial." L began to laugh. "You have no rights Kira. I even own those tears."
                  "But I..I have the right to-to-to-"
                  "To to to, what Kira?"
                  What was it? What was his final right? The list contained of healthy diets, shelter, proper training and... Kira couldn't remember.
                  What was it?
                  What was it?
                  L ignored Kira as he continued his tongue down the pet's neck and collarbone and drifting down further to his chest. He nipped a little at the left pink nipple he found there, then glided to Kira's navel where he dipped his tongue inside, swirling and tasting the skin.
                  What was it?
                  Kira shivered under the control of L. His skin broke out into goose bumps and he found his own hips bucking up, wanting to meet his Master where only minutes ago he wanted to knee. But L was too far down, heading south to Kira's thigh where he licked with warmth before blowing cold air across.
                  Kira opened his mouth to moan aloud, unable to help himself, but was silenced with a kiss. Their lips locked together and L kissed him fiercely, biting his lips and sucking on his tongue.
                  Then it hit him.
                  Kira began moving his mouth to speak but it was hard against L's movements of trying to kiss. Finally, L caught on and pulled back to hear the pet speak.
                  "I still have rights. I have the right to…" He felt foolish. L was looking at him annoyed, as if maybe he wasn't even worth the trouble. But a voice told Kira to keep going. To keep speaking. "To love. I still have that right."

                  IP属地:上海来自Android客户端11楼2016-03-09 09:20
                    L began to laugh again, his shoulders shaking. "Nice try, but Kira doesn't know what love is. You think you know, but you don't. But don't worry pet, I will love you. Very, very, hard."
                    Before Kira could realize what he'd done, L consumed his lips again, dominating the kiss and resuming every piece of control in a brutal violence.

                    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端12楼2016-03-09 09:20
                      说实话这里其实侦探君给自己立了一个好大的be flag→_→月连爱的权利都没有了你让他以后还怎么爱你啊你个jerk!

                      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端13楼2016-03-09 09:26
                        "Keep walking." Matt gulped and did as he was told. He moved on till they were in the back of the room, passed the cells. Once there, his eyes widened at what he saw in the darkened room. It was L; chained to a wall, the left side of his face covered in blood, his eyelids slant, barely open.
                        L looked barely alive
                        no zuo no die哟侦探君

                        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端14楼2016-03-09 09:31

                          IP属地:上海来自Android客户端15楼2016-03-09 09:34
                            4.wimmy's house有新基拉出现,尼亚疑似与基拉同战线?【这点不确定,因为评论里都这么说】

                            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端17楼2016-03-09 11:12
                              友情提示:看这篇很可能对侦探君好感急降,毕竟原文评论里都是清一色的骂侦探君jerk,sadism, douchebag

                              IP属地:上海来自Android客户端18楼2016-03-09 11:23