你轻轻走过,不留痕迹。 You passed by quietly. Without any trace. 我悄悄睡去,失去呼吸。 I fall asleep , lose my breathe. 飘,飘。远方是何方? Fluttering,fluttering. Where is the place far away? 寻,寻。真理在哪里? Searching and searching. What called the truth. 我陷落,到最低的领域。 I'm falling down. To the lowest sphere. 你出现,从圣光中。 You turn up, from the holy light.
总是会迷失在梦境里,追求着虚无缥缈之物。 I always got lose in my dreamland and chasing illusory. 当有人揭穿梦境,世界,瞬间灰崩瓦解。 When someone exposes the dream, my world, will be destroyed at once. 我累了,真的累了。 I'm tired, really tired. 躲回我的梦境,看梦里花开。 Hade back into my dream, to see the flower bloom there. 我并没有厌世! I don't world-weary in fact. 只是梦境太美,并无比强大。 Just because the dream's so beautiful, and comes so strong. 我很累。 I'm so tired. 想哭,不想掉无用的眼泪。 I wanna cry, but no useless tears. 我笑,麻醉自己以虚伪繁华。 I laugh, hocus myself with fack luxury. 我堕落下去了。 I'm fall. 梦境,心之荒原。 Dreamland, the wasteland of heart. 那里,灰黑阴影地带。 There, the sphere of gray shadow. 心灵的后花园,埋葬着幽灵和秘密。 The back garden of spirit, with buried specters and secret. 我于绵绵细语交流,去触碰光明的黑暗。 I talk with whispers and to touch the bright darkness. 我神与我同在。 My lord is together with me. 圣光笼罩于我。 Holy light hang over me. 刺我,以圣洁之剑。 Stab me, with sacred sword.