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Theessay will discuss the Pilgrim Fathers and its important impact in Americanhistory. We will principally talk about it in its spirits.
Whenasked 'Who were the Pilgrim Fathers?' The only answer was that they were abunch of guys who got themselves locked up for having different religiousbeliefs, and they wanted to go to another country where they could practicetheir religion without fear of being killed for it.
In 1608,the king of England,James I ,cameinto power.He wanted the Pilgrim Fathers to respect him. Therefore,they left for Dutchwhose religion was free.They soon found Dutch was a place where the moralcriteria required little,however.Then they went to the North America. They settledthere for practicing their religion freely.
During the first few years they stayed inthe North America, they were given a hand by Indians in planting grain.Laterthey set up a festival named “Thanksgiving Day”——that’s the origin of one of the mostimportant festival in America.
The another,due to the Pilgrim Fathersmajority of whom came from Oxford or Cambridge,the Harverd University was setup so early in the United States.Besides,nealy all of Ivy Leagues were in thebasis of seminary.The PilgrimFathers accounted for a large percentage in Americans.They had influencedAmerican educational field so much.That’s why American education are soadvanced in the world now.
Thirdly, the Pilgrim Fathers’spirits still had an impact in Americans’ life now. It has made most Americanshard-working, modest, serious, and honest. They didn’t be afraid of obstaclesin front of them. So that they have ambition to widen their territory. We cansee now from American history that they did expand their territory all thetime. The Pilgrim Fathers had laid a solid foundation for American society,Americans’ character. Their spirits have affect all fields of Americans’ life.
These will now be discussed inmore detail. They brought democracy into the United States. After they settledin the North America, they began to practice their religion freely. Theyadvocated democracy and freedom.We could see this point from later “TheDeclaration of Independent”. Till now, “Everyone is equal” is a momentousfragment from Americans’ value.
To sum up, this essaydiscussed the significance of the Pilgrim Fathers’ spirits. And in mypersonally thought, the democracy they brought has the largest impact in theUnited States.

1楼2014-12-15 22:54回复
    0.0 不!敢!相!信!居!然!还!有!

    2楼2014-12-15 22:55
      Whatwere the causes for the American War of Independence(American revolutionarywar)?
      This essay will discussthe reasons for the American War of independence.The American War ofIndependence began in 1775 as open conflict between the united thirteencolonies and Great Britain. By the Treaty of Paris that ended the war in 1783,the colonies had won their independence.
      While no one event can bepointed to as the actual cause of the revolution, the war began as adisagreement over the way in which Great Britain treated the colonies versusthe way the colonies felt they should be treated. Americans felt they deservedall the rights of Englishmen. The British, on the other hand, felt that thecolonies were created to be used in the way that best suited the crown andparliament. This conflict is embodied in one of the rallying cries of theAmerican Revolution: No Taxation Without Representation.
      These will now bediscussed in more details.The main cause was Britain's attempt to tightenimperial control in the economic field by regulating American commerce andindustry to suit British interests.
      Britian had controlledAmedican output and input so tight. European goods sold to America had to belanded first in England, taxed and then transported in English ships.Many goodslike tobacco, cotton, sugar could be sold only in England, where they weretaxed.
      At that time, Americanswere discouraged from developing their own factories and economy.However,whatthey need to manufacture were all supplied from England.Under the big stressfrom British taxation,they had difficulties developing what they wanted.
      Therefore,Americansintended to be against Britian.They objected to British taxation on consumergoods, particularly tea that led to the Boston Tea Party and the beginning ofthe revolution.
      These are what this eassycontains.British tightly stress and fear of American rise,irresistible developmenttrend of American economy, and accumulation conflict between America and theGreat Britian are involved causes in the essay above.Personally,I think thelast conflict, namely the accumulation conflict between Ameica and the GreatBritain,are the most significant cause of the American War of Independence.That’sall I want to express.

      3楼2014-12-15 22:55
        还!能!有!么! 我!都!醉!了!

        4楼2014-12-15 22:56
          What werethe reasons or causes of the American Civil War?
          This essay will discussthe causes of the American Civil War. The US Civil War lasted from 1861 to1865. Its causes can be traced back to tensions that formed early in thenation's history. Following are the top three causes that led to the "WarBetween the States".
          Economic and socialdifferences were accumulated gradually between the North and the South.Theeconomic form of the South which was based on slavery intended to provide rawmaterials for England.They had direct relation about interests.Whereas theNorth was developing native economy which competed with England at that time.Inaddition,England had advantage over the North America in resource and economy,whichAmerica fell victim to. As a result, the North was sick of the attitude of theSouth toward England, which made their conflict accumulate day by day.
          Views of states wereversus federal rights.The South wanted to get rid of federation so that theycould set up confederation.They advocated that they had rights to choose thefreedom they lived from the moment this country had been founded.They justwanted to maintain their old glory when they were slave owner.While the Northintended to defeat the South to recover the united states,and imposerestriction on even abolish slavery to develop capitalism.
          The fight between Slaveand Non-Slave system were implacable.Every time a new state was founded,therewas always a fight about its content and slavery.The slave owner in the Southtook advantage of its status in the Congress and government to acquire victory,which accelerated resistance of the North.
          To sum up, the main causesare listed in the essay above.The accumulation between the South and the Northin economic and social differences,their opposite views about federal rights,andthe fight about slavery are what have been discussed in this essay.What’more, Ipersonally think that the most primary cause is the first cause.That’s all Iwant to express in this essay.

          5楼2014-12-15 22:56
            o()^))o 唉 不开心写这么好被发现了怎么办

            6楼2014-12-15 22:57