We are excited to announce our first RESPEC.CO POP-UP Store at Lot 10 Shopping Mall, KL. Featuring Muzik Eyewear , BLANC & ECLARE exclusively. Be sure you come and earn your Respec. #respecco #muzikeyewear #blancandeclare
We are proud to unveil our special item for this holiday season: scarves. Our Creative Director will be appearing at our latest retail partners in Seoul and Chongqing for a fan signing event. Receive tickets via store purchase or online draw. 郑总裁好贴心<( ̄) ̄)>
Our Creative Director introducing the 1989 and 2014 scarves.[br][video width=500 height=450 vsrc= vpic= pkey= vhsrc=]http://dispatcher.video.qiyi.com/disp/shareplayer.swf?vid=871e9d137025c413494bea8231071645&tvId=3008313109&cnId=23&coop=ugc_openapi_baidutieba&cid=qc_100001_300089&bd=1&autoChainPlay=0&autoplay=1&showRecommend=0[/video]
CR 各社群平台 We've had a busy December: featured in Next+One HK, successful Chongqing & Seoul openings. Happy holidays, from BLANC & ECLARE! CR 小除号官方INS Successful popup store at Lotte Seoul. Also, here's a hint on the surprise for 198900: a fun personal Instagram account is opening. #blancgroup #blancandeclare #seoul#lotte #jessica
Getting busy in Thailand. Expanding to another 5 stores. Check out www.blancgroup.com for location details. Infinite Gallery 2424 eyewear#infinitegallery #2424eyewear #infiniteeyewear