潍坊万智牌吧 关注:16贴子:269
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1. 游戏概念 Game Concepts
100. 总则 General
101. 万智牌的最高原则 The Magic Golden Rules
102. 牌手 Players
103. 开始游戏 Starting the Game
104. 结束游戏 Ending the Game
105. 颜色 Colors
106. 法术力 Mana
107. 数字和符号 Numbers and Symbols
108. 牌 Cards
109. 物件 Objects
110. 永久物 Permanents
111. 咒语 Spells
112. 异能 Abilities
113. 徽记 Emblems
114. 目标 Targets
115. 特殊动作 Special Actions
116. 时机和优先权 Timing and Priority
117. 费用 Costs
118. 生命 Life
119. 伤害 Damage
120. 抓一张牌 Drawing a Card
121. 指示物 Counters
200. 总则 General
201. 名称 Name
202. 法术力费用和颜色 Mana Cost and Color
203. 图片 Illustration
204. 颜色标志 Color Indicator
205. 类别栏 Type Line
206. 版本符号 Expansion Symbol
207. 文字栏 Text Box
208. 力量/防御力 Power/Toughness
209. 忠诚度 Loyalty
210. 手牌修正 Hand Modifier
211. 生命修正 Life Modifier
212. 文字栏下方信息 Information Below the Text Box
300. 总则 General
301. 神器 Artifacts
302. 生物 Creatures
303. 结界 Enchantments
304. 瞬间 Instants
305. 地 Lands
306. 鹏洛客 Planeswalkers
307. 法术 Sorceries
308. 部族 Tribals
309. 时空 Planes
310. Phenomena
311. 先锋 Vanguards
312. Schemes
400. 总则 General
401. 牌库 Library
402. 手牌 Hand
403. 战场 Battlefield
404. 坟墓场 Graveyard
405. 堆叠 Stack
406. 放逐区 Exile
407. 赌注 Ante
408. 指令区 Command
500. 总则 General
501. 开始阶段 Beginning Phase
502. 重置步骤 Untap Step
503. 维持步骤 Upkeep Step
504. 抓牌步骤 Draw Step
505. 主阶段 Main Phase
506. 战斗阶段 Combat Phase
507. 战斗开始步骤 Beginning of Combat Step
508. 宣告攻击者步骤 Declare Attackers Step
509. 宣告阻挡者步骤 Declare Blockers Step
510. 战斗伤害步骤 Combat Damage Step
511. 战斗结束步骤 End of Combat Step
512. 结束阶段 Ending Phase
513. 结束步骤 End Step
514. 清除步骤 Cleanup Step
600. 总则 General
601. 施放咒语 Casting Spells
602. 起动起动式异能 Activating Activated Abilities
603. 处理触发式异能 Handling Triggered Abilities
604. 处理静止式异能 Handling Static Abilities
605. 法术力异能 Mana Abilities
606. 忠诚异能 Loyalty Abilities
607. 关联异能 Linked Abilities
608. 结算咒语和异能 Resolving Spells and Abilities
609. 效应 Effects
610. 一次性效应 One-Shot Effects
611. 持续性效应 Continuous Effects
612. 改变叙述的效应 Text-Changing Effects
613. 持续性效应的互动 Interaction of Continuous Effects
614. 替代性效应 Replacement Effects
615. 防止性效应 Prevention Effects
616. 替代性效应和/或防止性效应的互动 Interaction of Replacement and/or Prevention Effects
700. 总则 General
701. 关键词动作 Keyword Actions
702. 关键词异能 Keyword Abilities
703. 回合动作 Turn-Based Actions
704. 状态动作 State-Based Actions
705. 掷硬币 Flipping a Coin
706. 复制物件 Copying Objects
707. 牌面朝下的咒语和永久物 Face-Down Spells and Permanents
708. 连体牌 Split Cards
709. 倒转牌 Flip Cards
710. 升级牌 Leveler Cards
711. 双面牌 Double-Faced Cards
712. 操控其他牌手的回合 Controlling Another Player
713. 结束回合 Ending the Turn
714. 重新开始游戏 Restarting the Game
715. 子游戏 Subgames
716. 进行简化 Taking Shortcuts
717. 处理非法动作 Handling Illegal Actions
800. 总则 General
801. 限制影响范围模式 Limited Range of Influence Option
802. 攻击复数牌手模式 Attack Multiple Players Option
803. 攻击左边或右边模式 Attack Left and Attack Right Options
804. 调动生物模式 Deploy Creatures Option
805. 团队共享回合模式 Shared Team Turns Option
806. 自由竞赛赛制 Free-for-All Variant
807. 大型混战赛制 Grand Melee Variant
808. 团队对团队赛制 Team vs. Team Variant
809. 皇帝赛制 Emperor Variant
810. 双头巨人赛制 Two-Headed Giant Variant
811. 隔位分队赛制 Alternating Teams Variant
900. 总则 General
901. Planechase
902. 先锋牌 Vanguard
903. 指挥官 Commander
904. Archenemy

IP属地:山东1楼2013-12-18 20:42回复
    102. 牌手 Players
    102. 牌手
    102. Players
    102.1. 牌手是指进行游戏的人。主动牌手是轮到该回合的牌手。其他牌手便是非主动牌手。
    102.1. A player is one of the people in the game. The active player is the player whose turn it is. The other players are nonactive players.
    102.2. 在双人游戏中,牌手的对手即是另外一名牌手。
    102.2. In a two-player game, a player’s opponent is the other player.
    102.3. 在团队间的多人游戏中,牌手的队友指的是同一个团队中的其他牌手,而牌手的对手指所有不在其团队的牌手。
    102.3. In a multiplayer game between teams, a player’s teammates are the other players on his or her team, and the player’s opponents are all players not on his or her team.

    IP属地:山东4楼2013-12-18 20:45
      104. 结束游戏 Ending the Game
      104. 结束游戏
      104. Ending the Game
      104.1. 当任何一位牌手赢或是这盘比赛平手时,这盘游戏立刻结束。
      104.1. A game ends immediately when a player wins, when the game is a draw, or when the game is restarted.
      104.2. 赢得游戏的方式有很多种。
      104.2. There are several ways to win the game.
      104.2a 若某牌手还在此盘游戏中,而其所有对手都已离开此盘游戏,则该牌手赢得这盘游戏。这立刻生效并覆盖所有防止该牌手赢得游戏的效应。
      104.2a A player still in the game wins the game if all of that player’s opponents have left the game. This happens immediately and overrides all effects that would prevent that player from winning the game.
      104.2b 某个效应令一位牌手赢得此盘游戏。(在多人游戏中,此效应也许并不会导致游戏结束;参见规则104.3h。)
      104.2b An effect may state that a player wins the game. (In multiplayer games, this may not cause the game to end; see rule 104.3h.)
      104.2c 在团队间的多人游戏中,若某团队有至少一位牌手还在此盘游戏中,而其它团队都已离开此盘游戏,则该团队赢得这盘游戏。赢得游戏的团队中每位成员均赢得此盘游戏,即使其中的某些牌手之前已经输掉此盘游戏。
      104.2c In a multiplayer game between teams, a team with at least one player still in the game wins the game if all other teams have left the game. Each player on the winning team wins the game, even if one or more of those players had previously lost that game.
      104.2d In an Emperor game, a team wins the game if its emperor wins the game. (See rule 809.5.)
      104.3. 输掉游戏的方式有很多种。
      104.3. There are several ways to lose the game.
      104.3a 牌手可以在任何时候认输。认输的牌手会立刻离开游戏。该牌手输掉此盘游戏。
      104.3a A player can concede the game at any time. A player who concedes leaves the game immediately. He or she loses the game.
      104.3b 如果一名牌手的生命为0或是更少,在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则704。)
      104.3b If a player’s life total is 0 or less, he or she loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)
      104.3c 如果一名牌手要抓的牌张数目比其牌库中的牌多,其抓所有剩余的牌,然后在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则704。)
      104.3c If a player is required to draw more cards than are left in his or her library, he or she draws the remaining cards, and then loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)
      104.3d 如果一名牌手有十个或更多中毒指示物,在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则704。)
      104.3d If a player has ten or more poison counters, he or she loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)
      104.3e 某些效应可能叙述为某位牌手输掉游戏。
      104.3e An effect may state that a player loses the game.
      104.3f 如果一名牌手同时赢及输,则该牌手输掉游戏。
      104.3f If a player would both win and lose the game simultaneously, he or she loses the game.
      104.3g 在团队间的多人游戏中,若所有成员都输掉游戏,则该团队输掉游戏。
      104.3g In a multiplayer game between teams, a team loses the game if all players on that team have lost the game.
      104.3h 在选择使用限制影响范围的多人游戏中,宣告一位牌手赢得游戏的效应将导致在其影响范围内所有该牌手的对手输掉游戏。
      104.3h In a multiplayer game, an effect that states that a player wins the game instead causes all of that player’s opponents to lose the game. (This may not cause the game to end if the limited range of influence option is being used; see rule 801.)
      104.3i In an Emperor game, a team loses the game if its emperor loses the game. (See rule 809.5.)
      104.3j In a Commander game, a player that’s been dealt 21 or more combat damage by the same commander over the course of the game loses the game. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704. Also see rule 903.14.)
      104.3k 在一场比赛中,牌手可能受到来自裁判的处罚从而输掉一盘游戏。参见规则100.6。
      104.3k In a tournament, a player may lose the game as a result of a penalty given by a judge. See rule 100.6.
      104.4. 游戏平手的方式有很多种。
      104.4. There are several ways for the game to be a draw.
      104.4a 若还在游戏中的所有牌手同时输掉游戏,则游戏平手。
      104.4a If all the players remaining in a game lose simultaneously, the game is a draw.
      104.4b 若一盘没有使用影响范围的游戏(包括双人游戏)中出现了强制动作组成的“循环”,重复一系列事件且无法停止,此盘游戏为平手。若循环中包含可选择的动作,便不会导致平手。
      104.4b If a game that’s not using the limited range of influence option (including a two-player game) somehow enters a “loop” of mandatory actions, repeating a sequence of events with no way to stop, the game is a draw. Loops that contain an optional action don’t result in a draw.
      104.4c 某些效应可能叙述为游戏为平手。
      104.4c An effect may state that the game is a draw.
      104.4d 在团队间的多人游戏中,如果所有依然在游戏中的团队同时输掉游戏,该游戏为平手。
      104.4d In a multiplayer game between teams, the game is a draw if all remaining teams lose simultaneously.
      104.4e In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option, the effect of a spell or ability that states that the game is a draw causes the game to be a draw for that spell or ability’s controller and all players within his or her range of influence. Only those players leave the game; the game continues for all other players.
      104.4f In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option, if the game somehow enters a “loop” of mandatory actions, repeating a sequence of events with no way to stop, the game is a draw for each player who controls an object that’s involved in that loop, as well as for each player within the range of influence of any of those players. Only those players leave the game; the game continues for all other players.
      104.4g In a multiplayer game between teams, the game is a draw for a team if the game is a draw for all remaining players on that team.
      104.4h In the Emperor variant, the game is a draw for a team if the game is a draw for its emperor. (See rule 809.5.)
      104.4i 在比赛中,游戏中得所有牌手可以同意有意平手。参见规则100.6。
      104.4i In a tournament, all players in the game may agree to an intentional draw. See rule 100.6.
      104.5. 如果牌手输掉游戏,其离开该游戏。如果游戏对于某牌手为平手,其离开该游戏。多人游戏规则规定当有牌手离开游戏时如何做;参见规则800.4。
      104.5. If a player loses the game, he or she leaves the game. If the game is a draw for a player, he or she leaves the game. The multiplayer rules handle what happens when a player leaves the game; see rule 800.4.
      104.6. 有一张牌(重获自由的卡恩)重新开始游戏。当游戏重新开始时依然在游戏中的所有牌手马上开始新的游戏。参见规则714,“重新开始游戏。”
      104.6. One card (Karn Liberated) restarts the game. All players still in the game when it restarts then immediately begin a new game. See rule 714, “Restarting the Game.”

      IP属地:山东6楼2013-12-18 20:48
        109. 物件 Objects
        109. 物件
        109. Objects
        109.1. 物件包括堆叠中的异能、牌、牌的复制、衍生物、咒语、永久物或徽记。
        109.1. An object is an ability on the stack, a card, a copy of a card, a token, a spell, a permanent, or an emblem.
        109.2. 如果咒语或异能使用类别或副类别描述物件,且并未使用“牌”、“咒语”或“来源”,它表示战场上该类别或副类别的永久物。
        109.2. If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes a card type or subtype, but doesn’t include the word “card,” “spell,” “source,” or “scheme,” it means a permanent of that card type or subtype on the battlefield.
        109.2a 如果咒语或异能使用“牌”一词描述物件,以及某区域的名称,它表示该区域中符合该描述的牌。
        109.2a If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “card” and the name of a zone, it means a card matching that description in the stated zone.
        109.2b 如果咒语或异能使用“咒语”一词描述物件,它表示在堆叠上符合该描述的咒语。
        109.2b If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “spell,” it means a spell matching that description on the stack.
        109.2c 如果咒语或异能使用“来源”一词描述物件,它表示任何区域中符合该描述的来源—包括异能的来源和伤害的来源。参见规则609.7。
        109.2c If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “source,” it means a source matching that description—either a source of an ability or a source of damage—in any zone. See rule 609.7.
        109.2d If an ability of a scheme card includes the text “this scheme,” it means the scheme card in the command zone on which that ability is printed.
        109.3. 物件的特征包括名称、法术力费用、颜色、颜色标志、牌类别、副类别、超类别、规则叙述、异能、力量、防御力、忠诚度、手牌修正和生命修正。物件可以拥有一些甚至全部这些特征。所有关于物件的其它信息均不是特征。例如,特征不包括永久物是否横置、咒语的目标、物件的拥有者或操控者、灵气所结附的对象等。
        109.3. An object’s characteristics are name, mana cost, color, color indicator, card type, subtype, supertype, rules text, abilities, power, toughness, loyalty, hand modifier, and life modifier. Objects can have some or all of these characteristics. Any other information about an object isn’t a characteristic. For example, characteristics don’t include whether a permanent is tapped, a spell’s target, an object’s owner or controller, what an Aura enchants, and so on.
        109.4. 只有在堆叠中或战场上的物件才有操控者。不在堆叠或战场上的物件不受任何牌手操控。参见规则108.4。此规则有四条特例:
        109.4. Only objects on the stack or on the battlefield have a controller. Objects that are neither on the stack nor on the battlefield aren’t controlled by any player. See rule 108.4. There are three exceptions to this rule:
        109.4a 徽记的操控者为将它放进指令区的牌手。参见规则113,“徽记”。
        109.4a An emblem is controlled by the player that puts it into the command zone. See rule 113, “Emblems.”
        109.4b In a Planechase game, a face-up plane or phenomenon card is controlled by the player designated as the planar controller. This is usually the active player. See rule 901.6.
        109.4c In a Vanguard game, each vanguard card is controlled by its owner. See rule 902.6.
        109.4d In an Archenemy game, each scheme card is controlled by its owner. See rule 904.7.
        109.5. 物件上的“你”和“你的”指该物件的操控者、它即将的操控者(如果牌手正试图施放或起动它)或其拥有者(如果它没有操控者)。静止式异能的操控者为其所在物件的当前操控者。起动式异能的操控者为起动该异能的牌手。触发式异能的操控者为触发该异能时该物件的操控者,除非该异能为延迟触发异能。延迟触发异能的操控者,请参见603.7d-f。
        109.5. The words “you” and “your” on an object refer to the object’s controller, its would-be controller (if a player is attempting to play, cast, or activate it), or its owner (if it has no controller). For a static ability, this is the current controller of the object it’s on. For an activated ability, this is the player who activated the ability. For a triggered ability, this is the controller of the object when the ability triggered, unless it’s a delayed triggered ability. To determine the controller of a delayed triggered ability, see rules 603.7d - f.

        IP属地:山东13楼2013-12-18 21:07
          113. 徽记 Emblems
          113. 徽记
          113. Emblems
          113.1. 一些效应会将徽记放入指令区。徽记是个标记,代表具有一个或数个异能的物件,但没有其它特征。
          113.1. Some effects put emblems into the command zone. An emblem is a marker used to represent an object that has one or more abilities, but no other characteristics.
          113.2. 产生徽记的效应格式为“[牌手]获得具有[异能]的徽记。”这代表该[牌手]将一个具有[异能]的徽记放进指令区。此徽记由该牌手拥有和操控。
          113.2. An effect that creates an emblem is written “[Player] gets an emblem with [ability].” This means that [player] puts an emblem with [ability] into the command zone. The emblem is both owned and controlled by that player.
          113.3. 除了创造该徽记之效应所定义的特征之外,它不具有其它特征。特别来说,徽记没有名称,没有类别,没有法术力费用,也没有颜色。
          113.3. An emblem has no characteristics other than the abilities defined by the effect that created it. In particular, an emblem has no name, no types, no mana cost, and no color.
          113.4. 徽记的异能会在指令区生效。
          113.4. Abilities of emblems function in the command zone.
          113.5. 徽记并非牌,也不是永久物。徽记不是牌类别。
          113.5. An emblem is neither a card nor a permanent. Emblem isn’t a card type.

          IP属地:山东19楼2013-12-18 21:18
            工程量很大 容我慢慢搞

            IP属地:山东27楼2013-12-18 21:33