[INTERVIEW] Hyolyn’s STARCAST interview w/ Brave Brothers(勇敢兄弟) & Kim Do Hoon(音译:金道勋)
Kim Do Hoon x Brave Brothers ’ view on Hyolyn ? ….”She’s like a fox , a bear , and ~ ” Music Talk

Three of the busiest people in the pop industry have gathered.Hyorin, who started her solo activities, the composer Kim Do Hoon and the Brave Brothers are the ones.These three met through Hyorin's first solo album Love & Hate.Hyorin sang the songs and Kim Do Hoon and the Brave Brothers wrote the title song of the album 'Lonely' and 'One Way Love'.
On December 5th,Hyolyn , Kim Do Hoon and Brave Brothers gathered at LP music café ‘Café de Musica’ located in Hyochang-dong. The first one to arrive was Hyorin , who showed up with her own unique loud laugh.
" After the recording for the album was done , it is my first time meeting these two composers (BB-OWL/KDH-Lonely). I did not get the chance to give them my solo album because i wanted to gve them the album after nicely signing it . These two really made a lot of effort."(Hyorin)
Soon , Kim Do Hoon & Brave Brothers showed up . It was the first time ever these two met. However the awkward mood did not last for a long time. After they started telling stories about their works on Hyolyn’s album , they found points they had in common and soon talked comfortably . Hyolyn was sitting between those two and the mood was happy and harmonious.
On this day, the reason Hyorin, Kim Do Hoon and the Brave Brothers gathered was to talk about the behind-the-scene stories of songs ‘Lonely’ and ‘One Way Love’. During their conversation, they shared what they thought about one another and also the things that would have been much better if it was to be improved. Also, they asked and answered questions of things they were curious about
Now , it is the music talk of HyolynxKim Do HoonxBrave Brothers that STARCAST have prepared.

Kim Do Hoon x Brave Brothers ’ view on Hyolyn ? ….”She’s like a fox , a bear , and ~ ” Music Talk

Three of the busiest people in the pop industry have gathered.Hyorin, who started her solo activities, the composer Kim Do Hoon and the Brave Brothers are the ones.These three met through Hyorin's first solo album Love & Hate.Hyorin sang the songs and Kim Do Hoon and the Brave Brothers wrote the title song of the album 'Lonely' and 'One Way Love'.
On December 5th,Hyolyn , Kim Do Hoon and Brave Brothers gathered at LP music café ‘Café de Musica’ located in Hyochang-dong. The first one to arrive was Hyorin , who showed up with her own unique loud laugh.
" After the recording for the album was done , it is my first time meeting these two composers (BB-OWL/KDH-Lonely). I did not get the chance to give them my solo album because i wanted to gve them the album after nicely signing it . These two really made a lot of effort."(Hyorin)
Soon , Kim Do Hoon & Brave Brothers showed up . It was the first time ever these two met. However the awkward mood did not last for a long time. After they started telling stories about their works on Hyolyn’s album , they found points they had in common and soon talked comfortably . Hyolyn was sitting between those two and the mood was happy and harmonious.
On this day, the reason Hyorin, Kim Do Hoon and the Brave Brothers gathered was to talk about the behind-the-scene stories of songs ‘Lonely’ and ‘One Way Love’. During their conversation, they shared what they thought about one another and also the things that would have been much better if it was to be improved. Also, they asked and answered questions of things they were curious about
Now , it is the music talk of HyolynxKim Do HoonxBrave Brothers that STARCAST have prepared.