blueministerabbey吧 关注:4贴子:233
  • 3回复贴,共1


1楼2013-07-04 13:34回复
    Hello darlings!
    So this is just a little snugly corner for my own murmuring/complaints! Lol nothing more than that.
    Haven't figure out any rules yet. But guess we won't be needing any anyways.
    Annnnnnd because I lost my Personal ID/tossed it away ages ago, I cannot apply for the intern admin positionof this page. So please, if you are reading this, DO NOT post anything illegal or intimidating or anything of the sort!
    And apologise for typing in English, coz that's easier for me - sorry if you find it offensive. But I am sure you are too sweet to think of that, are you not?
    As for my real name, hmm, that's really out of your concern. But smart as you are, you might soon figure it out. ;)
    Here are just some places where you can find me...Wait no, after a second thought, I prefer not to leave traces as obvious as that.
    But you can sure google 'blueminsterabbey' and see what comes up!
    Well I doubt that anyone will see this...but perhaps it's better be left this way.
    - Till next time then!

    2楼2013-07-04 13:47
      Shoot just found out that I've done something utterly stupid! I intended this page to be named exactly the same as my other blogs but failed rather epically :P Anyway! It's intended to be 'blueminster abbey' not 'blueminister abbey'! My apologies!

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2013-07-10 00:05
        Meh! Figured that I'd better keep this up! So ta-dah! lol please drop by I will make you cakes :P

        4楼2013-08-02 12:52