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[clutchfan翻译][nashtypass]火箭vs 金块


1楼2013-01-24 12:35回复

    by dje243 Starters were in wayyyyy too long. With the lack of plays they run on offense and mchale's supposed defensive mentality you would think you would see SOMETHING on that end of the court. 25 turnovers? That's unbelievable. That's a lack of accountability. This has nothing to do with tired legs. It's time to get a serious coach in here.
    首发在场太久了。当看到火箭在进攻上缺乏战术及冰箱的防守思想,正常人会认为火箭在防守上会有所增强。但是25个失误?那是不可原谅的。那是因为教练对队员不严格 , 跟疲累的腿无关。这是时候我们得到严格的教练了。

    2楼2013-01-24 12:42

      3楼2013-01-24 12:44
        Jason's article quoted a lot of what Lin said in his interview today.
        At 2:14, Jason asked Lin a very good question. He was almost telling Lin what he needs to do: mainly to get his own shots first so that Lin could get going. A lot of shrewd fans on the site already pointed that before.

        4楼2013-01-24 12:54
          Lin is such a rhythm player (frustrating, yes. but it is what it is) that he SHOULD just have the ball in his hands and not care too much about himself ball-hogging for a few mins at the beginning of the each game and just score a few points by doing his ISOs (dribble shooting, using some screens to make some mid-range jumpers) to get himself in the rhythm and gain the confidence.
          林很大程度上依赖节奏感找到比赛感觉(很烦,但是这是事实),所以他需要在每场比赛开始时 得到球权后不要管什么霸占球之类的话,尝试得到得分(利用单打- 比如运球后跳投,利用掩护执行中距离跳投)使他进入状态及得到信心。

          5楼2013-01-24 12:59

            6楼2013-01-24 13:00
              Once he gets going, he then can concentrate more on facilitating. That way it would also benefit the whole team a lot more because the team would get the most out of Lin. The Mavs games was a perfect example: in the 4th quarter when we were down big, for a few consecutive possessions, Lin didn't even pass he simply did his ISOs and score a bunch in just a few mins, saving that game to an almost win.

              8楼2013-01-24 13:06

                Sometimes the bystanders knows better what Lin needs to do than himself. Lin’s being overly-unselfish will eventually lead to his own demise if he doesn't change his mental approach of his game (It seems he still doesn't get it from his answering to Jason’s question). He hasn't realized that being a pure facilitator is a luxury that only the establish players like Nash can enjoy. Nash doesn't try to score that much and people don’t care he scores or not because they know he can if he wants. Lin hasn't earned that status of just being a facilitator not a scorer. If he doesn't score first and he can’t get into the rhythm, he would get benched before he even gets the chance to do his ‘preferred’ facilitating.
                有时候旁观者还比林知道他应该做什么。林过度不自私的行为若再不改的话会害死他。(看起来从他向杰森回答中他还不了解)。他并没有发觉成为纯组织者是只有像纳什这样有权威的球员才能享受的。纳什并没有太多得分但是人家不管因为他们知道当纳什想得分时他就可以得分。林并没有得到这样的肯定(肯定他在组织上的权威)。当他没有先得分而又没有进入状态,他就没有机会进行他喜欢做的" 组织工作 ”

                9楼2013-01-24 13:12

                  grigoriNo, it was brilliant.
                  Lin and the team were working too well in the 2nd with Lin distributing the ball and getting screens. Couldn't justify benching him right then. So what does McHale do? Make halftime adjustment to take the ball out of Lin's hands, of course! Make him bring the ball up, either immediately pass it off or pass it off 2 sec later to somebody coming off an off-the-ball screen, take away the screens for Lin.

                  12楼2013-01-24 13:29
                    Quote:Originally Posted by Easy The main thing is the decline of transition offense. I don't think it's the tired legst. They play better transition defense and our half court offense is exposed.

                    13楼2013-01-24 13:35
                      Red eyes kirby
                      I just want to come in a say this.
                      What's wrong with sticking to what happened 2nd qtr? Harden is getting hammered, bashed, and fatigued cause 40+ minute per night + aggressive defense. Lin and Parsons were getting screens and it caused chaos to the Nuggets because they didn't know who to defend. When this happened, Harden had less pressure and was able to have more free space making him MORE efficient.

                      18楼2013-01-24 17:56
                        WHY THE EFF did we change it back to ISO Harden in the 3rd qtr? It screws him up and causes him way more turnovers than he actually is supposed to have. When you run plays for 3 penetration, the defense has to pick a poison to double team. We saw them double teaming Lin freeing up Parsons, Morris, and Harden. All of a sudden we were shut down again when no plays/screens were made for anyone but Harden.
                        为何我们在第3节把战略变回哈单打?这弄死哈,造成他比平时更多失误。当你同时执行3个突破战术时,对方防守会选择要防谁。我们今晚看到他们包夹林使得帕、莫、哈有空位。当其他人没有得到特别进攻战术及掩护时(除了哈以外) 我们就被对方打败。
                        Seriously, Harden is going to get injured sooner or later. Tonight was a good preview of what fatigue could do. He collapsed everywhere and got elbowed. Is McHale's objective to ruin Harden's career for good or something?

                        19楼2013-01-24 18:01

                          Sweet Lou 4 2Contributing MemberSince: Dec 2007Posts: 9,328Member: #28838 This. I've said all along that Harden was going to struggle when teams started taking away his game and forcing him to shoot more mid-range shots which he is weak at. Clog the paint in the half-court by doubling off our weak PF or Center, and Lin/Harden have no room to go anywhere near the basket.

                          20楼2013-01-24 18:05
                            Even now you will notice that in the half court Harden and Lin never make it to the front of the rim but are forced to go to side out side the paint. They are putting a lot more bigs in their and the guards are funneling them into walls or shot blockers. And teams are making sure to get back on Lin & Harden in transition.

                            21楼2013-01-24 18:30
                              At times, Lin was being picked up by 3 defenders to force him to pick up his dribble. 有的时候,林被3个防守人员包夹,逼使他拿起他的运球。Take away Lin's dribble and he like any other pg is pretty much finished. And Lin picks up his dribble readily. 把林的运球能力取走他就像任何一个控卫(就完蛋了)。而且林常常这么做。
                              Harden is trying to go Kobe Bryant which simply doesn't work. He's not Kobe. 当哈登尝试当个科比时,根本不起作用。他不是科比。
                              Coach needs to get Lin to be more aggressive, and to cut Harden's minutes a bit and keep encouraging him to pass despite his passes being often off the mark.教练需要使林变的更加激烈,把哈登上场时间减少,鼓励他多传球(虽然他传球常常不准确)

                              22楼2013-01-24 18:40