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(参考了morrowwind、极昼的暮光、groovyoung三位的翻译 在此表示感谢)
PS:以前那个叫“【魔兽官方问答】Q&”的贴为第二期 忘了标注

IP属地:甘肃1楼2012-04-25 10:54回复
    Q: How did ethereals get so... ethereal? They seem to act a lot more like a mortal race than other energy beings we meet, such as elementals.
    A: K'aresh was an arid planet, home to a thriving ecosystem and several sentient species before the arrival of Dimensius the All-Devouring. How the void lord found K'aresh is still hotly debated among the surviving ethereals, but the effects of his coming were unmistakable: he opened countless gateways into the void and the Twisting Nether around the planet, bathing K'aresh in arcane and dark energies. Using every scrap of its advanced technology, one of the mortal races hastily attempted to construct magical barriers around its cities, but it was only partially successful; although the dark energies were blocked, the unimpeded flood of arcane energy tore away the mortals' corporeal shells and infused their souls with enough energy so that they could subsist without a body… barely. Members of this race, now called ethereals, took to binding themselves with enchanted strips of cloth to provide their souls with enough structure to survive. This altered state proved to be a blessing in disguise, as their enhanced minds and magical abilities allowed the ethereals to fight Dimensius and his limited forces to a standstill. Over the years, however, Dimensius eventually grew powerful enough to summon armies of fellow void creatures, forcing the ethereals to flee into the Twisting Nether.
    答:卡瑞许是一个干旱的星球。但是,在诸界吞噬者迪门修斯来到这里之前,曾经是一个有着生机盎然生态系统和众多生物的地方。迪门修斯究竟是如何找到卡瑞许星球这个话题,至今仍然是幸存的虚灵们炙手可热的辩论话题。但是他的到来引起的后果是明确无误的:他在星球周围开启了无数通往扭曲虚空的传送门,将卡瑞许沐浴在奥术和黑暗能量之中。卡瑞许其中一个凡人种族运用各种先进技术,试图在城市周围建立魔法防护,但是它只部分成功。虽然黑暗能量被挡住了,但是洪水般的奥术能量侵入了这些人类的躯壳,使他们能够在几乎没有身体的情况下完全以灵魂状态生存。 这个种族的成员,现在就被叫做虚灵。他们用附加有魔法的布条绑住自己,使灵魂有一个适合生存的结构。这种改变被证明是塞翁失马,头脑的魔法能力的增强使得虚灵们拥有了对抗迪门修斯的有限力量。但是,迪门修斯最终变的强大召唤了无数仆从组成军队,迫使虚灵们逃到了扭曲虚空。

    IP属地:甘肃6楼2012-04-25 12:46
      Q: Who is the arakkoa "master" that Isfar talks about? It is not Terokk…
      A: There are more Old Gods than just the ones trapped on Azeroth. It takes a lot for them to become manifested on a physical plane, however; see the quest line in Shadowmoon Valley that ends with "Thwart the Dark Conclave" for more information.
      Q: With Lady Prestor's, aka Onyxia, plot foiled, will Stormwind once again send soldiers to Lakeshire, Duskwood, and Wesftall or will these area's and their self-made miitias continue to defend themselves?
      A: With the return of King Varian Wrynn and the removal of Lady Prestor from power, the outlying towns finally received the reinforcements they needed. As you'll see in Cataclysm, however, the reinforcements might not be enough....
      Q: There was (and still is) a Moonwell smack dab in the center of Duskwood. This was the ONLY Moonwell on the Eastern Continent prior to the Burning Crusade which saw a Moonwell being added to the island west of Silvermoon (which from a lore sense, the placement of this Moonwell in Quel'Thalas made absolutely no sense.) Will the Duskwood's Moonwell's presence be explained?
      A: Without spoiling anything, we can tell you that both of these moonwells are recent creations by night elves.
      Q: What did the massive machines around the Storm Peaks, like the Engine of the Makers, actually do?
      A: These machines are all part of the same system: the Forge of Wills.
      Q: What's the relation between The Order of the Silver Hand, Tyr's Hand (City from Lordaeron region) and Watcher Tyr (from Ulduar)?
      A: Long ago, on the continent that would eventually become known as the Eastern Kingdoms, a small group of creatures struggled to survive, using the limited supplies provided to it by parents who had just abandoned their children on an unfamiliar shoreline. These creatures, eventually called "humans," would occasionally take to gathering around a fire whilst trying to read from scrolls telling of ancient heroes and leaders tales from the civilization that had cast these creatures out. One of these scrolls spoke of a great leader, a paragon of order and justice, who sacrificed his right hand in a fight against an unfathomable evil. Although it was within this hero's power to fix his hand after the fighting had ended, the her0 instead chose to replace it with a closed fist made of the purest silver. In this way, the hero impressed upon those who followed him that true order and justice can only be accomplished through personal sacrifice. This hero, who slipped into memory long ago, went by the name of Tyr.

      IP属地:甘肃10楼2012-04-25 13:00
        发资料是不要插楼是qian规则啊 你你你……

        IP属地:甘肃12楼2012-04-25 13:03
          帮我看看 第一次翻译东西 看看能凑合不 问题大的话重新发帖

          IP属地:甘肃14楼2012-04-25 13:17
            托维尔其实就是黑曜石毁灭者 给你上几个图:



            IP属地:甘肃19楼2012-04-25 13:46
              好吧 给你们重新发一次


              IP属地:甘肃24楼2012-04-25 21:04
                - -|||没让你看英文 让你看左边那个怪 是不是黑曜石毁灭者
                而恰恰那两个怪就是托维尔的失落之城副本中 托维尔人的将军和祭司

                IP属地:甘肃26楼2012-04-25 21:07
                  宾果 回答正确 把XP奖励给你吧 欢呼吧

                  IP属地:甘肃30楼2012-04-27 11:13