耒阳一中吧 关注:8,806贴子:674,809
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IP属地:湖南1楼2011-03-13 15:21回复
        * RTFM ("Read The Fu*king Manual")
        * UTFH ("Use The Fu*king Help")
        * STFW ("Search The Fu*king Web")
        * STFG ("Search The Fu*king Google" or "Search The Fantastic Google")
        * GIYF ("Google Is Your Friend")
        * JFGI ("Just Fu*king Google It")
        * JGIYN ("Just Google It You Noob")
        * UTSL ("Use The Source Luke"—alternately, RTFS)
        * RTFA ("Read The fu*king Article"—common on news forums such as Fark.com[3] and
        * RTFE ("Read The fu*king Email")
        * RTFC ("Read The fu*king Code," or "Reboot The fu*king Computer")
        * RTFSC ("Read The fu*king Source Code")
        * RTFQ ("Read The fu*king Question")
        * RTFFAQ ("Read The fu*king Frequently Asked Questions")
        * LMGTFY ("Let Me Google That For You")
        * WIDGI ("When In Doubt Google It"—also occasionally "WIDGIT")
        * FIOTI ("Find It On The Internet")

    IP属地:湖南2楼2011-03-13 15:24
      Language variants: In some countries (e.g. observed in UK and Australia) a
      fractionally more polite alternative with identical meaning, RTBM ("Read The Bloody
      Manual"[4]) can be heard
      ASAP       As soon as possible   尽快
          BF            Boyfriend   男朋友
          BTW        By the way 随便说一下
          BBL         Be back later 稍后回来
          BRB         Be right back 很快回来
          CU           See you 再见
          CUL         See you later 下次再会
          DIIK         Damned if I known 我真的不知道
          DS            Dunce smiley 笨伯
          FE            For example 举例
          FTF          Face to face 面对面
          FYI          For your information 供参考
          GF            girlfriend 女朋友
          IAE           In any event无论如何
          IC             I see 我明白
          ILY           I love you 我爱你
          IMHO       In my humble opinion 依愚人之见
          IMO          In my opinion 依我所见
          IOW         In other words 换句话说
          LOL          laughing out loudly 大声笑
          NRN         No reply necessary 不必回信
          OIC           Oh, I see 哦,我知道
          PEM         Privacy enhanced mail 保密邮件
          RSVP        Reply if you please 请答复
          TIA            Thanks in advance 十分感谢
          TTUL        Talk to you later 以后再讲
          TY             Thank you 谢谢
          VG              very good 很好

      IP属地:湖南3楼2011-03-13 15:43

        PRC             People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国
        Prof.           professor教授
        PS               postscript附言
        Rd./rd           road路
        Sat.               Saturday星期六
        sec.              second秒
        Sep.,            Sept.September九月
        sing.            singular单数
        sq               square平方;广场
        st.             street街道
        sth                something某物,某事
        Sun.              Sunday星期日
        t.                  ton吨
        tel.                telephone电话
        Thurs                Thursday星期四
        Tues                 Tuesday星期二
        UK      United Kingdom(大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国,英国
        UN            United Nations联合国
        US/U.S.          United States(= America)美利坚合众国,美国
        usu.                 usually通常
        v,            vsversus…对…
        VIP           very important person重要人物,大人物
        vol.          Volume卷,册
        W,            wwatt瓦特
        WC            water closet厕所
        Wed,        WedsWednesday星期三
        A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险
            A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号
            A/C = Account 账号
            AC. = Acceptance 承兑
            acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺
            a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户
            ackmt = acknowledgement 承认,收条[/color]

        IP属地:湖南7楼2011-03-13 15:43

              a/d = after date 出票后限期付款(票据)
              ad.advt. = advertisement 广告
              adv. = advice 通知(书)
              ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 从价税
              A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单
              Agt. = Agent 代理商
              AI = first class 一级
              AM = Amendment 修改书
              A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇
              Amt. = Amount 额,金额
              A.N. = arrival notice 到货通知
              A.P. = account payable 应付账款
              A/P = Authority to Purchase 委托购买
              a.p. = additional premiun 附加保险费
              A.R. = Account Receivable 应收款
              Art. = Article 条款,项
              A/S = account sales 销货清单
              a/s = after sight 见票后限期付款
              asstd. = Assorted 各色俱备的
              att,.attn. = attention 注意
              av.,a/v = average 平均,海损
              a/v = a vista (at sight) 见票即付
              DD/A =documents against acceptance, 承兑后交付单
              = documents for acceptance,= documents attached, 备承兑单据
              = deposit account 存款账号
              d/a = days after acceptance 承兑后……日付款
              D.A. = Debit advice 付款报单
              D/D,D. = Demand draft,documentary draft 即期汇票,跟单汇票
              d/d = day’s date (days after date) 出票后……日付款
              d.f.,d.fet. = dead freight 空载运费(船)
              Disc. = Discount 贴现;折扣
              DLT = Day Letter Telegram 书信电
              D/N = debit note 借方通知
              D/O = delivery order 卸货通知书
              D/P = documents against payment 付款后交付单据
              Dr. = debit debter 借方,债务人
              d/s. = days’ sight 见票后……日付款
              DV = Dividends 股利
              Eea. = each 每,各
              e.e.E.E. = error excepted 错误除外
              E/B = Export-Import Bank 进出口银行(美国)
              enc.,encl.= enclosure 附件
              E.& O.E. = errors and omissions excepted 错误或遗漏不在此限
              ETA = estimated time of arrival 预定到达日期
              ex. = example,executive,exchange,extract 例子,执行官,外汇交换,摘要
              Exp. = Export 出口
              f.a.q.=fair average quality 良好平均品质
              f.a.s.=free alongside ship 船边交货价
              F.B.E.=foreign bill of exchange 国外汇票
              f.c.l.=full container load 整个集装箱装满
              f.d.free discharge 卸货船方不负责
              F.& D.=Freight and Demurrage 运费及延装费
              f.i.=free in 装货船方步负责
              f.i.o.=free in and out 装卸货船方均不负责
              f.i.o.=free in out stowed and trimming 装卸堆储平仓船方均不负责
              f.o.=free out 卸货船方不负责
              f.o.,f/o=firm offer 规定时限的报价
              f.o.b.=free on board 船上交货价
              f.o.c.=free of charge免费
              F.O.I.=free of Interest 免息
              f.o.r.=free on rail,free on road 火车上交货价
              f.o.s.=free on steamer 轮船上交货价
              f.o.t.=free on truck 卡车上交货价
              f.p.a.=free of particular average 单独海损不保
              fr.f=franc,from,free 法郎,从,自由
              FX=Foreign Exchange 外汇
              Gg=good,goods,gramme 佳,货物,一克
              G/A=general average 共同海损
              GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税贸易总协定
              gm.=gramme 一克
              g.m.b.=good merchantable brand品质良好适合买卖之货品
              g.m.q.=good merchantable quality良好可售品质
              G/N=Guarantee of Notes 承诺保证
              g.s.w.=gross shipping weight 运输总重量
              gr.wt.=gross weight 毛重 

          IP属地:湖南8楼2011-03-13 15:43
            Language variants: In some countries (e.g. observed in UK and Australia) a
            fractionally more polite alternative with identical meaning, RTBM ("Read The Bloody
            Manual"[4]) can be heard
            ASAP       As soon as possible   尽快
                BF            Boyfriend   男朋友
                BTW        By the way 随便说一下
                BBL         Be back later 稍后回来
                BRB         Be right back 很快回来
                CU           See you 再见
                CUL         See you later 下次再会
                DIIK         Damned if I known 我真的不知道
                DS            Dunce smiley 笨伯
                FE            For example 举例
                FTF          Face to face 面对面
                FYI          For your information 供参考
                GF            girlfriend 女朋友
                IAE           In any event无论如何
                IC             I see 我明白
                ILY           I love you 我爱你
                IMHO       In my humble opinion 依愚人之见
                IMO          In my opinion 依我所见
                IOW         In other words 换句话说
                LOL          laughing out loudly 大声笑
                NRN         No reply necessary 不必回信
                OIC           Oh, I see 哦,我知道
                PEM         Privacy enhanced mail 保密邮件
                RSVP        Reply if you please 请答复
                TIA            Thanks in advance 十分感谢
                TTUL        Talk to you later 以后再讲
                TY             Thank you 谢谢
                VG              very good 很好

            IP属地:湖南9楼2011-03-13 15:43

              PRC             People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国
              Prof.           professor教授
              PS               postscript附言
              Rd./rd           road路
              Sat.               Saturday星期六
              sec.              second秒
              Sep.,            Sept.September九月
              sing.            singular单数
              sq               square平方;广场
              st.             street街道
              sth                something某物,某事
              Sun.              Sunday星期日
              t.                  ton吨
              tel.                telephone电话
              Thurs                Thursday星期四
              Tues                 Tuesday星期二
              UK      United Kingdom(大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国,英国
              UN            United Nations联合国
              US/U.S.          United States(= America)美利坚合众国,美国
              usu.                 usually通常
              v,            vsversus…对…
              VIP           very important person重要人物,大人物
              vol.          Volume卷,册
              W,            wwatt瓦特
              WC            water closet厕所
              Wed,        WedsWednesday星期三
              A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险
                  A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号
                  A/C = Account 账号
                  AC. = Acceptance 承兑
                  acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺
                  a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户
                  ackmt = acknowledgement 承认,收条[/color]

              IP属地:湖南13楼2011-03-13 15:43

                    a/d = after date 出票后限期付款(票据)
                    ad.advt. = advertisement 广告
                    adv. = advice 通知(书)
                    ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 从价税
                    A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单
                    Agt. = Agent 代理商
                    AI = first class 一级
                    AM = Amendment 修改书
                    A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇
                    Amt. = Amount 额,金额
                    A.N. = arrival notice 到货通知
                    A.P. = account payable 应付账款
                    A/P = Authority to Purchase 委托购买
                    a.p. = additional premiun 附加保险费
                    A.R. = Account Receivable 应收款
                    Art. = Article 条款,项
                    A/S = account sales 销货清单
                    a/s = after sight 见票后限期付款
                    asstd. = Assorted 各色俱备的
                    att,.attn. = attention 注意
                    av.,a/v = average 平均,海损
                    a/v = a vista (at sight) 见票即付
                    DD/A =documents against acceptance, 承兑后交付单
                    = documents for acceptance,= documents attached, 备承兑单据
                    = deposit account 存款账号
                    d/a = days after acceptance 承兑后……日付款
                    D.A. = Debit advice 付款报单
                    D/D,D. = Demand draft,documentary draft 即期汇票,跟单汇票
                    d/d = day’s date (days after date) 出票后……日付款
                    d.f.,d.fet. = dead freight 空载运费(船)
                    Disc. = Discount 贴现;折扣
                    DLT = Day Letter Telegram 书信电
                    D/N = debit note 借方通知
                    D/O = delivery order 卸货通知书
                    D/P = documents against payment 付款后交付单据
                    Dr. = debit debter 借方,债务人
                    d/s. = days’ sight 见票后……日付款
                    DV = Dividends 股利
                    Eea. = each 每,各
                    e.e.E.E. = error excepted 错误除外
                    E/B = Export-Import Bank 进出口银行(美国)
                    enc.,encl.= enclosure 附件
                    E.& O.E. = errors and omissions excepted 错误或遗漏不在此限
                    ETA = estimated time of arrival 预定到达日期
                    ex. = example,executive,exchange,extract 例子,执行官,外汇交换,摘要
                    Exp. = Export 出口
                    f.a.q.=fair average quality 良好平均品质
                    f.a.s.=free alongside ship 船边交货价

                IP属地:湖南14楼2011-03-13 15:43

                      F.B.E.=foreign bill of exchange 国外汇票
                      f.c.l.=full container load 整个集装箱装满
                      f.d.free discharge 卸货船方不负责
                      F.& D.=Freight and Demurrage 运费及延装费
                      f.i.=free in 装货船方步负责
                      f.i.o.=free in and out 装卸货船方均不负责
                      f.i.o.=free in out stowed and trimming 装卸堆储平仓船方均不负责
                      f.o.=free out 卸货船方不负责
                      f.o.,f/o=firm offer 规定时限的报价
                      f.o.b.=free on board 船上交货价
                      f.o.c.=free of charge免费
                      F.O.I.=free of Interest 免息
                      f.o.r.=free on rail,free on road 火车上交货价
                      f.o.s.=free on steamer 轮船上交货价
                      f.o.t.=free on truck 卡车上交货价
                      f.p.a.=free of particular average 单独海损不保
                      fr.f=franc,from,free 法郎,从,自由
                      FX=Foreign Exchange 外汇
                      Gg=good,goods,gramme 佳,货物,一克
                      G/A=general average 共同海损
                      GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税贸易总协定
                      gm.=gramme 一克
                      g.m.b.=good merchantable brand品质良好适合买卖之货品
                      g.m.q.=good merchantable quality良好可售品质
                      G/N=Guarantee of Notes 承诺保证
                      g.s.w.=gross shipping weight 运输总重量
                      gr.wt.=gross weight 毛重
                  BBC 英国广播公司
                  CD 光盘
                  HB 硬黑
                  KG 千克
                  S 小号
                  M 中号
                  L 大号
                  UFO 不明飞行物
                  CCTV 中国中央电视台
                  NCET 全国英语等级考试
                  CM 厘米
                  KM 千米
                  G 克
                  DM 分米
                  2B or not 2B To Be Or Not To Be
                  4ever Forever
                  A/S/L Age/Sex/Location
                  AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned
                  AFAIK As Far As I Know
                  AFK Away From Keyboard
                  AIAMU And I'm A Monkey's Uncle
                  AISI As I See It
                  AKA Also Known As
                  AMBW All My Best Wishes
                  ANFAWFOWS And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor
                  AOTS All Of The Sudden
                  ASAFP As Soon As "Friggin" Possible
                  ASAP As Soon As Possible
                  ATST At The Same Time
                  AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again
                  AYSOS Are You Stupid Or Something
                  B4 Before
                  B4N Bye For Now
                  BBFBBM Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel
                  BBIAB Be Back In A Bit
                  BBIAF Be Back In A Few
                  BBL Be Back Later
                  BBN Bye Bye Now
                  BCNU Be Seein' You
                  BFD Big F***ing Deal
                  BFN Bye For Now
                  BHOF Bald Headed Old Fart
                  BIF Basis In Fact
                  BITD Back In The Day
                  BM Byte Me
                  BMOTA Byte Me On The Ass
                  BNF Big Name Fan
                  BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again
                  BR Bathroom
                  BRB Be Right Back
                  BRT Be Right There
                  BS Big Smile
                  BT Byte This
                  BTDT Been There Done That
                  BTSOOM Beats The Sh** Out Of Me

                  IP属地:湖南15楼2011-03-13 15:43

                    IP属地:湖南18楼2011-03-13 23:13
                      lol 大笑
                      CU   再见
                      BBL 过会见
                      wd 干得好
                      yw   you are welcome
                      thx 谢谢
                      ty thank you 谢谢你
                      rtfm 好好去查说明书
                      giyf google是你的朋友(去查google去吧!)

                      IP属地:湖南19楼2011-03-13 23:46