1that I can not make me happy. I've been trying to avoid the fact that I'm actually the problem of myself, there is no one else to be blamed.
6经核实吧主Ivy一个人上路 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 ivy一个人上路吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
5你去哪里了?是账号被封禁了吗? @既坏又不帅💤
0说不上突然 球场终须一别 也许正是最好的时机 我最爱的那支利物浦 他们接连离开安菲尔德 最后退役 遗憾从未去现场看过 以至于我的年少疯狂像一场长梦 梦醒了 我也耗尽了青春 还好回忆都在 可以伴我余生 Xabi, good luck with everything! I miss all of you. YNWA
0Thanks for the journey! Now go and have a new one! Love and Always. YNWA
5Life bases on reality. You just have to deal with the fact that you can't have everything perfectly set up in life. In terms of my current situation, I need to be more appreciative for everything I have right now. I need to work hard, dream big and work harder.
4原以为这些年过去,我的内心变得更强大了。 可这几日回家感触良多,竟然让我有些动摇,甚至感觉脆弱。 要是时间能停住多好。
1Things around me lately have become somewhat overwhelming. It is just a bit too much for me. I never anticipated this from happening. Ever since I came home, all I have been doing is to take care of all attention from mutiple directions. Even if I always know that most of it are with good intention. Still, it has weighted me down from inside. I owe a lot people by not being there for them when they needed. I have tried my atmost best to make up for them since I arrived. Now I am just exhausted and emotionally numbed. Maybe it is because I could not fully understand the volume of need in relati
0心从来没累到这种程度。 我从没想到我也有厌倦的一天。 每天忙到只睡三四个小时,要怎么才能挺过去。 那么多繁杂的事,要怎么才能不生气。 这里是我最后能说话的地方了。 太累。
1听闻你要离去。 我不敢哭出声。 怕真的相信。 我曾一路有你。 谢谢。 不说再见。 现在才发觉, 这句“你永远不会独行”是最虐。
1any more.
2Maybe this is the best ending that it could ever be. Once again, I turn out to be such a fool. Maybe I'll think of you, but I won't miss you. My heart was messed up. I was so stupid. Once again, I make myself suffer. It's gonna be ok. And I'm leaving. I'll say goodbye to you. Cause that's really gonna be farewell. Actually, I'm lucky. It's not too late to realize the fucking truth. It doesnt hurt much, I'm not even angry. I'm just too young, too simple, sometimes naive. I'm not coming back.
7好听死了,缺歌荒终于被终结~ Radioactive实在太洗脑,it's kept rolling and rolling in my head. 怪不得被Rolling Stone评为 best rock hit of the year。整张专辑都好听cry~ 连专辑EP封面我都好喜欢~ 新出的Monster也大爱,跟Radioactive有异曲同工的感觉~ 还是alternative rock最合我心意~
3When you touch me,I just die a little inside. I wonder if this could be love.
1Its killing me. God, help me. I just dont wanna go down that road again. I just wanna feel normal and calm. Its eating me up inside. Like a naughty boy who never stops messing around.
6you better fucking remember this night. Remember every bit of it. Humiliation, desperation.
0My dearest Pepe, Good Luck and goodbye。 Fuck,its just so hard to say goodbye。 I love you so much and I miss you more than ever. Thank you for everything. I love you the best. I wish you and Rafa all the best. And for sure, I'll be watching you next season.
1听说只有你能翻译BEING LIVERPOOL 可是只有第一集 期待第二集 第三集的中文字幕到来
1I'm sorry. And I'm really sorry. I fucked it up. Again. This is all me. Me alone. I've always known the answer, but I never took it seriously. I'm watching myself losing and falling apart. I'm sorry.
0胖子,这个赛季结束就回默西塞德来吧~~ 其实你去哪我都祝福,只是真心受不了破车~ 阿布的手底下,哪个主教练能好过~ 明年希尔斯堡纪念仪式你也许不会来了吧,也许是不能来。 明年你会作为破车主教练带女神重回安菲尔德,kill me~ Anyway, best of luck~ I mean it.
3Dark night, with my sight, my affection spread in the mind. I do not know exactly when. But your image has engraved in my mind. You do not know and it is fine. there is one thing I can not hide, that eventually you are not mine. This is not a love letter, and the missing is not just bitter. You are so far away, so I have been missing you every hour of every day. You are so close to me, It almost feels like I can touch your face in my dreams. I can not conceal from you, that sometimes I dreadfully long for you, that sometimes I feel my heart will burst, from wanting you. For a very long time,
1I'm like a thorn right now. I don't wanna attack people and their words, but I can't help not being sharp. I just couldn't help it. Just can't. It's me, but it's boring anyway. And it's really annoying that there's no one seem to fit in my game. We belong to the different levels. Far too different. They are just too weak to even fight with. And I've lost my interest. So... I really need a good distraction. God bless me.
1yeah, it's time. Now. Cause I'm letting myself down again. I should have ended it a long time ago. Now I am eating up my own mistake. It's time for me to let go. It's time for me to leave and fight my own battle. I hate this feeling. I hate myself. I hate the fact that I'm stuck in this like forever.
13you are really in good form, xxx
1Black & White Just irresistible
2It's not gonna ease any pain. But at least, we finally got the truth and justice. Now we could finally have a good cry without putting up with injustice. Always,we are gonna remember this tragedy and feel the pain inside our heart. But we can say, we didn't fail you. We've tried for 23 years and we've got it right. May you all rest in peace. God bless you.
4How true is that. And I just realize it. Living in a lie which was made up by my own doesn't make anything any better.
0the whole shit about signing Owen is just unbelievable. I genuinely don't know whether to laugh or cry.
3Each person appreciates the stuff standing on different spots. We are different, everyone is different from others. We've grown up differently and we've experienced different things. And it is fuking natural that we think differently. Sometimes even if we see the same scene, everyone may perceive something different about it. That's how this big world works! That's why society is always making a progress!We change our views and we make this world better. So, what the hell? Just because you've got a fuking point of view that I disagree with, it doesn't make you smart or make me dump. It is bloo
1heels~Absolutely Fantastic Those shoes made my day~