0天下事有难易乎? 为之,则难者亦易矣; 不为,则易者亦难矣。 人之为学有难易乎? 学之,则难者亦易矣; 不学,则易者亦难矣。
0心文化就是普遍的人性,因为无论来自什么样的文化背景,人的内心深处都是相通的。心文化认为心御万法,万法归心,“若人若法,统属一心” ,“人者,天地万物之心也。心者,天地万物之主也。心即天,言心则天地万物皆举之矣。” “
0Master Tianxin, if we talk about our first thought again, thinking about our own interests will not make us confused
0Why do people feel anxious? It is often due to past negative events or negative expectations for the future that one becomes overly distracted. But we should not become victims of the past or future. Rogers' humanistic perspective emphasizes' here and now '- because regret for the past and fear for the future may only lead you to live in denial and retreat, making it difficult to make effective responses. A person with a sound mind can recognize and accept the good or bad in their life state, and live in the present without judgment.
0研究认为优雅的音乐旋律流畅,令人欣快,能最大化地激发人们的快乐情绪 Columbia University proposed the hypothesis that there is a certain connection between music, space, and reasoning ability. For this purpose, they conducted an experiment: 36 non music major college students were divided into three groups, with independent variables set as Mozart's "D Major Double Piano Sonata", popular music, and no music stimulation. The experimental method was simple appreciation. After 10 minutes, the Stanford Biner Intelligence Scale was used for testing, and
0天辛大师揶揄早有预谋,细辛果然是也确实是细辛 The latest research achievement of Master Tianxin: detailed world, detailed text, detailed cultivation, and detailed believers
0大脑是人体中可塑性很强的器官。没有训练,天才可以变得平庸,有了规律的训练,普通人可以成为精英。Intelligence can be trained, and in philosophy, philosophers undoubtedly have higher intelligence than ordinary people because of training. The human brain is a highly malleable organ in the human body. Without training, genius can become mediocre, with regular training, ordinary people can become elites.
0真龙天子? 未来的东西可能是潜伏在一堆噪音里微弱的信号,而不是敲锣打鼓来的。所以,判断一个东西能不能改变世界,不用宏大的叙事,就在从微观上判断。人们起初看不懂它的伟大性,看不懂它的技术,黑天鹅刚出来时,就觉得这是一场革命。Only paranoids can survive? True dragon emperor? The future may be a weak signal hidden in a pile of noise, rather than a loud gong. Therefore, to determine whether something can change the world, we need not use grand narratives, but rather judge from the micro level. P
0释迦明明说要“无我相”,不是“无我”啊! 孔子也说的是“毋我”而不是“无我”啊!相,是心相,是个影子。I believe it is often mentioned by many people. Whether it's the mindfulness realm or the meditation realm. It makes us first give up our thoughts and emotions because 'you are bound'. This "truth" is too enlightening. It turns out that I have been deceived by myself for so many years! So what should we do? Meditation will make you more free, "but I don't know what meditation is yet. I need to learn quickly, buy bo
0冥想会使人的心跳加速,并且让心血管系统和植物性神经系统的压力加大。相关的研究结论已经被发表在了国际心理生理学杂志上。German researchers have conducted some research on the types of meditation and found that several types of meditation can accelerate a person's heart rate and increase stress on the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. The relevant research conclusions have been published in the international journal of psychophysiology. After research, it was found that during the meditation process, the latter two types of
0专心与时间,觉醒之道 We rely on our own concentration and time. The path of awakening means living a conscious life that requires continuous practice of contemplation. If you don't practice, this path will be covered in weeds and obscure, and even more and more difficult to find. However, at any time if you are willing, you can return to this path because it has always been
0冥想到底是为了什么 The fisherman asked me what I should do, and he said you should go fishing at sea. The fisherman asked, and he said, 'Then you sell the fish. With the money, you can buy bigger fishing boats and earn more money.'. Then, buy a larger fishing boat, and finally, buy a modern and state-of-the-art fishing boat. The fisherman asked, and then, the tourist said, you can lie here and bask in the sun. The fisherman said, 'No need, I can do it now.'.
0知有长生药,谁为不死人In many martial arts novels and TV dramas, it is common to see scenes where the protagonist is seriously injured or possessed by various factors, and then, by chance, takes some "divine medicine" to revive and improve his martial arts skills. From then on, he rises to the top and becomes invincible. The "divine medicine" that has been artistically rendered is often omnipotent, either it can cure all diseases or prolong life, or it is immune to all poisons or greatly increases internal power. With the spread of word of mouth, real-life "
0经验表明, 白领阶层受到较好的健康教育,精神文明、卫生知识、自我保健意识强. 所以首先要讲清楚,病越来越多, 绝不是物质文明提高了收入多了钱多了的原因,而是因为养生保健知识没跟上。Many people die not from illness, but from ignorance. Therefore, many diseases can be prevented from occurring and death can be avoided
0思想决定行为,行为决定性格,性格决定命运, 要想越活福报越大, 就要学会改变自己的思想, 改变自己对命运和因果的看法。 Thought determines behavior, behavior determines personality, and personality determines fate. To live a better life and achieve greater rewards, one must learn to change one's thoughts and perspectives on fate and causality.
0慧泉静修民宿位于济南南部山区,地处门牙景区,与103省道咫尺相望,交通便利,停车自由。民宿设有园林庭院,环境清幽,舒适安静。假山,亭台,空中花园,瑜伽室、书法室、会议室、乒乓球室,KTV室等,每一点都见证着用心。 民宿设有静缘大床房、静美双床房,静和LOFT房,还有棋牌房等,满足不同住客的用房需求。客房的装饰十分考究,设施配备齐全中央空调,独立卫浴,24小时热水,采光通透,安静典雅。在餐厅服务方面,民宿设有容纳60人
0The absolutely accurate and infallible "Y chromosome Adam theory" discovered so far has proven the "purity" of human blood worldwide, and all men carry the "Adam marker" of Y chromosome DNA. There is no evidence of human evolution in DNA: from the hundreds of thousands of years of human DNA mutations, there have been no changes that can be called "evolution", and the "Adam's marker" on the Y chromosome has not changed at all. In other words, humans have never "evolved". The previously derived "evolutionary map of apes" b
0Labor is the only way to eliminate harm for the people. If we talk but don't do, there will be more and more bad people.
0When karma is not believed, there is no binding force. When moral persuasion is ineffective, bad people become more and more rampant, which is the real world where faith is effective and non faith is ineffective.
0Adequate sunlight can inhibit the secretion of melatonin. However, when autumn comes, the sunlight is no longer as intense as summer, and rainy days also increase. This increases the amount of melatonin in the human body, thereby inhibiting the secretion of thyroid hormone and adrenaline, making people feel depressed. So, moderate exposure to the sun can make people feel more open and energetic. If it is a rainy day, you can turn on the lighting facilities inside the house, which can also increase people's excitement.
0With enough determination, anything can be achieved. Sweet words can also turn a deer into a horse. It is difficult for ordinary individuals to distinguish the objectivity and logical aspects of their speech due to its inherent logical premise of secrecy, complexity of repeated verification, and mixed emotional characteristics. This is a common "cognitive error caused by incomplete and effective statistics" in the typical "survivor bias" theory, but it is clearly intentional. Throughout history, when praising virtues and achievements, it has always been the same, emphasizin
0Hobbes depicted us a scene that, although we cannot find historical evidence, can make us face it soberly. Leviathan and the concept of Hobbesism that later generations call it deeply rooted in people's hearts; Some people claim that Hobbes was the creator of "power is truth", which clearly distorts the original intention of the old gentleman. Perhaps we can understand that if hooligans form a group, the only way to deal with them is for all upright people to unite and face it together.
0Such a huge event. But this does not mean that we need to give up happiness. It is precisely in order not to give up happiness that we need to deeply reflect on this era of the end of the law. All written expressions are hypocritical. So in such a disaster, no one can stay out of it, and everyone can be a victim.
0酸葡萄心理,话虽这么说,也引起了反思。 学术界的普遍现象:优汰劣胜现象。 你要想成功地被学术界接纳,你首先得平庸。 这和传说中的公场何其相似! 如果你不平庸怎么办呢?至少你得比你的导师平庸。 如果你不比你的导师平庸呢?那你就得装得很平庸。 如果你没有装得平庸怎么办呢? 你表现得总有一天会超过导师,你甚至现在就显得比导师高明? 那你就独木桥孤路一条。 这就是为什么学界一代不如一代的原因。
0时代造成的? 确实,现代教育制度科目的重心向理工科倾斜, 使得此后几代人的国学功底大不如前, 这确实是文史哲学者功力下降的一个重要因素。 既然如此,为什么不光文史哲一代不如一代, 而且其他社科院系也一代不如一代, 尤其是,为什么理工类也感叹一代不如一代? 是啊,理工类也一代不如一代,这是最不可理解的, 随着重理轻文的倾向越来越明显,应该一代胜过一代才对。 大学再也没有培养出神童大师,也再也没有出现过状元诺贝尔
0Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology detected genetic markers such as M7, M9, M89, M117, M175, M121, and M122 in the population genes. Further research has found that humans around the world are descendants of the ancient African man "Adam". After 'Adam', men with three markers, M91, M60, and M168, were born. They are descendants of 'Y chromosome Adam', and humans around the world are also descendants of these three men. M168 is the ancestor of humans who have walked out of Africa today. The descendants of M168 gave birth to M89, fol
0Luo Ji proposed the "Dark Forest" theory. The main idea of this theory is that observing civilization as a behavioral entity, the purpose of every civilization in the universe is survival, and its deepest fear is being deprived of survival. The total resources of the universe are limited. Therefore, civilization must hide its strength, avoid being discovered by other civilizations, and always be prepared to attack others to compete for resources and protect itself. Call it 'cosmosociology'.
0Human history is a history of continuous reconstruction. Regardless of whether technology is backward or advanced, human beings' ability to control natural forces always has its limits, and the occurrence of the end of the law era has its inevitability. For example, land, which used to be the god that gave birth to us and our home, has only become a mineral deposit that can be mined by anyone under the vision of technology. Now, we need to add a piece of land, which has become a land parcel for real estate development. For example, livestock, cattle, and sheep, which were originally indepe
0The Jungle Law generally refers to a natural state envisioned by British scholar Thomas Hobbes, in which there is no basic social framework, no order, no law, no convention, that is, nothing can be divided into yours or mine, and people generally live in "loneliness, poverty, filth, barbarism, and transience", The "everyone to everyone war" of competing for power puts people in this state and cannot extricate themselves.
0The theory of historical circulation acknowledges that history changes in a certain order, but distorts the objective laws of historical changes. The development of society from lower to higher levels is not a simple "cycle", let alone a paper circle that ends with self proclaimed ideology. Ancient thinkers could not search for the reasons for historical changes from the perspective of history itself, and modern materialist thinkers could not imagine a higher social form than acquisitionism. Modern Japanese scholars were unable to shake off the sharp contradictions and despair inhere
0饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉! 不有博弈者乎? 为之,犹贤乎已。 整天吃饱了饭,对什么事都不花心思,这样很难走上人生正途啊! 不是有掷骰子下棋的游戏吗?去玩玩也比这样无聊要好些! 人最怕两个字:无聊。 不让我无聊就好了。 换句话说,从小到大,每个人都怕无聊。 无聊之后怎么办呢? 说不定就会“饱食终日,无所用心”。 天辛大师大师也建议说,那你还不如去玩纸牌吧。
0如斯夫者,不舍昼夜。消失的一切就像这样啊,白天黑夜都不停息。“逝者”指时光,也是时光中的事件,人的生命当然也在其中。人的生命是在时间里展开的,你只有把握住时间,才能让自己的人生不至于虚度。而人生不虚度又是为了什么呢?如果你把目标放在外在的事业成就上面,那也是一种选择, 人把握时间的目的是要“造就自己”。修行者非常了解时间在生命发展上所具有的意义。 人都有一种潜能,只要活着,就可能登上更高的境界。 所以,走
0天辛大师在面对几百社会上风水从业人员的讲话时,都多次强调了以下几点: 1,要注重“大风水”的调查,所谓大风水就是一个地方的整体风水。大风水决定小风水,不可忽视。 2,现代的住宅建筑与古代有所不同,要有“立体风水”的概念。 3,对待五花八门的风水说,要发扬其中符合易学道理的内容。 4,要德易双修,君子爱财,取之有道,不能欺骗顾客。更不要“力小图大”,所谓“作风水”或“调风水”,如同看病一样,有的可以“调节