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17巫毒又译作“伏都”,该信仰起源于非洲,现已经传播非洲以外地区等西方世界,同样地也发生了融合主义的现象。Voodoo 一词来自Dahomey的语言 vodu,意指gods,巫毒传播的主要路线之一就是从Dahomy 传至海地Haiti,再传至美国。在Haiti,伏都信仰为两大官方信仰之一。毒教巫毒教崇拜鬼神和符咒,海地的巫毒信仰是源自西非的贝南。贝南是全世界巫毒教的原始发源地,过去的常规是掳人为奴,用活人献祭。在贝南,每家都有祖灵崇拜的铁祭坛,这是他们
16我是一只蝴蝶,我并不向往飞翔在无边无际的天空,我只愿意徘徊在令我醉心的花朵,寻找我的容身之所........ 我是一只蝴蝶,我不希望一辈子拥挤在细小的茧里,总有一天,我要张开我的翅膀,在天空里翱翔........... 姐姐啊,其实,留守在原地也很美啊,这里遍地黄花,幽静的小溪..........无不是人们所向往的地方 纱重啊,尽管这里是如此的美丽,可是这里绝对不是我们的容身之所,尽管我们留在这里,能有片刻的安宁,我们却得不到永久的平静 姐姐总会这样跟我说,她的
3Save this website.风中的落叶_瑟鲁之歌吧_百度贴吧转自:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1317880772#10006-tieba-1-84194-bf646171
16God Eat God Dear god do want to tear your knuckle down and hold yourself? Dear god do you want to climb that tree meat in the shape of a "T" Dear god the paper says you were the king in dark limousine.... Before the knives...Before the flies... Before authorities take out my eyes... The only smiling are you dolls that I made... But you‘re plastic, so are your brain... Dear god the sky is as blue as a gunshot wound Dear god if you were alive you know we’d KILL YOU! Before the knives...Before the flies.
14It has long been assumed that when cats scratch objects with their front paws that they are sharpening their claws. It turns out that this is only a secondary reason. Research on cat behavior suggests that the major reason for this behavior is communication. By scratching up the bark of a tree (`or the leg of your favorite chair) the cat is letting other cats or people know where she is and what she is up to.