14Our children grew up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Even my husband and I sometimes sneak one in late at night with a glass of milk. I believe that the Earl of Sandwich himself would agree with me that the success of this universally loved concoction lies not in the brand of peanut butter used, but rather in the jelly. The right jelly delights the palate, and homemade is the only choice. I wasn't the jelly maker in this family. My mother-in-law was. She didn't provide a wide range of flavors, either. It was either grape or blackberry. And since we liked both flavors, we usually picked
4Night has fallen over the country. Through the trees rises the red moon and the stars are scarcely seen. In the vast shadow of night the coolness and the dews descend. I sit at the open window to enjoy them; and hear only the voice of the summer wind. Like black hulks, the shadows of the great trees ride at anchor on the billowy sea of grass. I cannot see the red and blue flowers, but I know that they are there. Far away in the meadow gleams the silver Charles. The tramp of horses' hoofs sounds from the wooden bridge. Then all is still save the continuous wind or the sound of the neighboring s
0When Bill was very young, they had been in love. Many nights they had spent walking, talking together. Then something not very important had come between them, and they didn't speak. Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved. Bill went away, bitter about women. Yesterday, walking across Washington Square, she saw him for the first time in years. "Bill Walker," she said. He stopped. At first he did not recognize her, to him she looked so old. "Mary! Where did you come from?" Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss, but he held out his hand. She took it. "I liv
0Dawn had just broken and the sun's rays were beginning to slowly light up the village clearing. Always an early riser, the Shaman sat in the shade of a large oak tree. A line of sunlight on the ground slowly approached his toes. Listening to the morning birdsong, he gently lifted his pan pipes to his lips and began to play. The music took him quickly into a reverie in which he was aware of nothing other than the mysterious dance between the music of the pipes and that of the birdsong. His surroundings disappeared from his awareness. The trees in which the birds perched disappeared. His body di
5持续3天签到者 囧妈爱心之吻*1 5天 囧妈温柔之抚摸 10天任意要求囧妈做任何一件事
50建到4级考试结束; 大学生活结束; 生命结束. 哈哈
2I must put more my efforts on it
407年6月那份长篇阅读全对,听力选择题对一半,短篇阅读10题选择题对4题,感觉还好。。 但是07年12月的做得很糟糕,长篇阅读10题错2题,短篇阅读10题对2题。。听力选择题错一半以上。。 还有一个月不到的时间,加油!!!!
2今天是失恋第33天 我相信我会找到属于我的幸福 我会幸福一辈子的
48There was a lady all skin and bone There was a lady all skin and bone, Sure such a lady was never known: It happened upon a certain day, This lady went to church to pray. 从前有个皮包骨头的女人, 当然你从没听说过这样的女人: 一切发生在某一天, 这位女士去教堂作祷告。 When she came to the church stile, There she did rest a little while; When she came to the church yard,&nbs
1Of the process for my future,there is no end...... Fight for CET-6 from now on, And will never give up on myself !!!
0对于英文能力不高的学习者来说,听懂英语新闻实在是难度较大。要突破英语新闻这一关,这里我有以下几点建议: 第一,在听英文新闻之前,要用自己的母语了解新闻的内容,给要听的英文听力作出铺垫。而且英文的新闻范围较广,要先从自己熟悉的领域下手。背诵相关领域的词汇。其实,你了解多了,不难发现每个领域的词汇并不是很多,而且它们是很固定的。熟悉一个领域的单词之后,就可以听了。不建议听直播,因为你就不能听第二遍了,
11、学会选择适合自己的美剧 非常有特点或专业性的美剧,比如《越狱》《豪斯医生》等,可以作为学习补充,但最好不要把它们作为重点学习素材,因为不是所有美剧都值得投入大量精力去模仿和学习的。在这给大家推荐三部非常经典的美剧,大家可以根据目前的英语水平进行选择和学习。对于英语在初级水平的朋友来说,《老友记》(Friends)是较为正确的选择,从发音到对话,从常用词汇积累到了解老美的思维模式......只要你肯抽时间看上个十几
11 皮卡,皮卡皮卡,皮卡皮卡,皮卡皮卡,皮卡。皮卡皮卡,皮卡皮,皮卡。 2 皮卡皮卡皮:“皮卡皮卡,皮卡,皮卡皮卡皮。” 3 皮卡皮卡?皮卡。皮卡皮卡皮卡?皮卡。皮卡皮卡皮卡皮?皮卡! 4 皮卡,皮卡皮,皮卡皮卡皮卡,皮卡皮卡。皮卡,皮卡皮,皮卡皮卡皮卡。皮卡。 5 皮卡皮卡皮卡,皮卡。皮卡皮卡皮卡皮,皮皮,皮卡。 6 皮卡皮卡!皮卡。皮卡!皮卡。皮卡皮卡皮卡!皮卡?皮卡。 7 皮卡丘~~~~~~~~皮卡皮卡,皮卡,皮卡皮卡?皮卡皮
0刚在3366玩到的... http://www.3366.com/flash/47560.shtml
32叔叔,买一包吧!您就买一包卫生巾吧!”小男孩步履蹒跚地走在雪地里,没人在乎他来自哪里,更没人有会向他多看一眼,人们的心似乎比这天气还要冷。小男孩却不在意,一步一步向前走着,瘦弱的小肩膀瑟瑟发抖,怀里抱着几包卫生巾,那是他今天的晚饭,如果卖不完,回家又要挨饿了,父亲的一顿打骂和饥饿比起来根本不值一提。 “叔叔!”小男孩看到一个衣着得体的中年人,跑了过去,“叔叔!买一包卫生巾吧!” “去去去!滚一边去!11太好了31lbd- -神曲25去大学过日子了4http://www.numino.net/numino/csj/xgjq.asp2七夕情人节单身快乐01契约召唤囧妈- - 立下契约- - 囧妈快来保护我- -2囧淫, 这名字怎样3..... 很高兴能再此认识大家~ >_<怪蜀黍不要加我喔~(散发出灿烂阳光的笑容)1ich will我想要 ich will我想要 ich will我想要 ich will我想要 ich will我想要 ich will我想要 ich will我想要 (ich will) ich will dass ihr mir vertraut我要你们信赖我 (ich will) ich will dass ihr mir glaubt我要你们相信我 (ich will) ich will eure blicke spuren我要感觉到你们的注视 (ich will) jeden herzschlag kontrollieren我要控制每一次心跳 (ich will) ich will eure stimmen horen我要听到你们的声音 (ich will) ich will die ruhe storen我要打破寂静 (ich will) ich will dass ihr mich gut seht我要你们好好的看看我 (ich will) ich will