2Laz (ლ4304;ზ4323;რ4312; ნ4308;ნ4304;/Lazuri nena) Laz is a South Caucasian language with about 33,000 speakers around the Black Sea, mainly in the northeast of Turkey, but also in Georgia. Laz is closely related to Mingrelian, and though the two languages are not mutually intelligible, they are considered by some as dialects of a single language known as Zan. In Turkey Laz is written with a version of the Latin alphabet, while in Georgia a version of the Georgian alphabet is used. Laz has no official status in either Turkey or Georgia and there is
15一、问候语 МЭНДЛЭХ 编 号 汉 语 基里尔(Кирилл)蒙古文 1 青城刀客先生,您好! Дэлгэр / Сэлэмчин авгай, та сайн байна уу? 2 大家好! Сайн байцгаана уу? 3 老爸,给您请安了! Аав, таны амгаланг айлтгая! 4 您的身体好吗? Таны бие сайн уу? 5 贵体康健否? Таны бие лагшин тунгалаг уу? 6 您工作忙不忙? Та ажил ихтэй биз дээ? 7 休息好了吗? Сайхан амарсан уу? 8 晚安!(
171 sapa-Menyapa/Tegur sapa 1打招呼 selamat pagi早安 selamat siang午安 selamat sore下午好 selamat malam晚安 selamat tidur晚安 selamat datang欢迎 selamat jalan一路平安
2##: *Eurish是一种辅助语言,简单规则,分析-粘着语法,区分词类,词序主宾谓,有前后置词,主 从句跟随;用限量汉字和日语音节字符.它有欧洲语言字母语法词汇也有亚洲语言小词等特色. *Daisilingo国际辅助语 作者Jian Huang 1997年:语源:English, Latin, France, Interlingua, Italian, Japanese日语, Chinese汉语;辅音+元音单音节,有元音变化。 *Tceqli : Loglan 的一种版本。 *Ceqli 语言 : 一种比较用户友好的逻辑语言, 词汇根据英语,北京话,Loglan,与所有主要语言。 *lojban其词
6Virtual Bangladesh: Bengali Primer: Lesson 1 Transliteration Schema Vowel Sounds a/aw The o sound in god. A The Aa sound in Aardvark. e/ay The ay sound in bay. i The i sound in miss. I Long e o The o sound in go. u The u sound in put. U/oo The oo sound in good. a/ya The a sound in can. oy The oy sound in coy
0葡萄牙语基础教程到处没找到,谢谢你辛苦打出来!不甚感激,建议和葡语国家吧联盟!谢谢, 非洲打工族
4印欧语系中自成一支的语言。分布于苏联亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚和阿塞拜疆等苏维埃社会主义共和国;土耳其和中东一些地区也有相当数量的使用者。使用人口共约550 万。亚美尼亚语是印欧语系中最古老的有文字的语言之一,其发展可分为3个时期:5~11世纪为古代期,11~17世纪为中期(见图),17世纪以后形成近代亚美尼亚语。分东部方言和西部方言。亚美尼亚语有 6个元音和30个辅音。许多词都源自伊朗诸语言, 源于希腊语和古叙利亚语的多为科学和神学词
2东北高加索语支 原文: Tabassaran (табасаран чIал) Tabassaran is a North East Caucasian language spoken by about 100,000 people mainly in the Russian republic of Dagestan, where it is one of the 14 official state languages. There are also speakers of Tabassaran in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. There are two main dialects of Tabassaran: Southern Tabassaran and Northern Tabassaran, and written Tabassaran is based on the southern dialect. From the beginning of the 20th Century to 1928, Tabassaran was written with the Arabic alphabet, after
1Zulu(祖鲁语) is one of the major Bantu languages of South Africa. The home of the Zulus, Zululand, is located in the province of Natal, in the eastemmost part of the Republic of South Africa. The language is closely related to Xhosa and Swazi, the three belonging to the Nguni branch of the Bantu family. There are about 8 million speakers. Zulu is spoken/used in the following countries: Mozambique, South Africa.
5Sango (Yângâ tî Sängö) Sango or Sangho is spoken mainly in the Central African Republic (Ködörö tî Bêafrîka). There are also speakers of Sango in Chad and Congo-Kinshassa. There are about 400,000 native speakers and maybe 5 million second language speakers. Some sources describe Sango as a Ngbandi-based Croele with French influences, while others say that it is made up mainly of Sango grammar and vocabulary, with many French loanwords, which are rarely used. Sango is used as a lingua franca throughout the Central African Republic, it
3爱斯基摩人 Eskimo 北极地区的土著民族。自称因纽特人,分布在从西伯利亚、阿拉斯加到格陵兰的北极圈内外。分别居住在格陵兰 、美国、加拿大和俄罗斯。属蒙古人种北极类型。先后创制了用拉丁字母和斯拉夫字母拼写的文字。多信万物有灵和萨满教,部分信基督教新教和天主教。社会以地域集团为单位 。首领多为萨满,行一夫一妻制。住房有石屋、木屋和雪屋 。房屋一半陷入地下,门道极低。一般养狗,用以拉雪橇。主要从事陆地或海上
2原文; Lak (Лакку маз) Lak belongs to the Nachsko-Daghestan branch of North Caucasian languages and is spoken by about 100,000 speakers mainly in the Russian republic of Dagestan. There are also speakers of Lak in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Lak is closely related to Dargwa. Lak was written with the Arabic alphabet 1928, when the Latin alphabet was adopted. Since 1938 a version of the Cyrillic alphabet has been used to write Lak.
1东干语(Dungan),是东干族使用的语言,是汉语陕甘语在境外的特殊变体,主要融会了俄语词汇,也融会阿拉伯语、波斯语和突厥语部分词汇,近来由于和中文的交流增加了,也吸收了不少普通话词汇。 东干语并不使用汉字,而是采用斯拉夫字母拼写。以下为东干语采用的字母表: А/а, Б/б, В/в, Г/г, Д/д, Е/е, Ё/ё, Ж/ж, Җ/1175;, З/з, И/и, Й/й, К/к, Л/л, М/м, Н/н, Ң/1187;, Ә/1241;, О/о, П/п, Р/р, С/с, Т/т, У/у, Ў/1118;, Ү
0原文: Svan (ლ4323;შ4316;უ 4316;ი4316;/შ4313;ა776;ნ) Svan is a South Caucasian la
0东北高加索语支 Georgian alphabet (Mkhedruli) Origin The Mkhedruli alphabet developed from an older Georgian alphabet known as Nuskha
1原文: Abkhaz (аҧсуа бызш1241;а) Abkhaz is a North West Caucasian language with about 105,000 speakers in Georgia, Turkey
0原文: Dargwa (дарган мез) Dargwa or Dargin is a North East Caucasian language with about 439,000 speakers, most of whom live in
0东北高加索语语支 原文:Chechen (Noxchiin mott/Нохчийн мотт) Chechen is part of the small family of Nakh-Daghestanian or North
0原文: Adyghe (адыгэбзэ) Adyghe is a North West Caucasian language spoken by about 300,000 people mainly in the Russian republics
1高加索语言 高加索语言泛指来源于高加索地区的语言,共同结合为高加索语系,其归属及分类均存争议。一般来说,高加索语系分为2或3种语族,包括东