CE75 June 15th 下午4:04 穿着红色风衣的阿斯兰:Hey Yamato, your Super D.R.A.G.O.O.N System days are over. Give me the strike freedom. (挑手) 穿着蓝色驾驶服的基拉:If you want it, then you have to take it. But you already knew that. (意义不明的鼓点) (摆开架势) 基拉:How many times have we fought? 阿斯兰:It's the only memory I have since we are kids. (曾形影不离23333) 鏖战许久…… 解除魔(怔)人化的小鸟:别打了别打了 两人各一拳把小鸟揍地上:长辈的事情小孩子别管