高尔夫球第44届莱德杯,欧洲队以16.5~11.5战胜美国队。赛后,获得“Nicklaus-Jacklin”奖的Justin Rose提到,小德给球队的建议起到了作用,面对强大压力下的处置方法。
Nicklaus-Jacklin奖不仅仅代表高水平的实力展现,更包括团队精神,风度品格等综合表现。Rose本届表现当之无愧,连续两天配对新人MacIntyre打四人四球赛,MacIntyre全程几乎没有贡献,Rose 1v2从美国队手上拿下1.5分,几个神级推杆完美复刻了他自己在2012年单人赛逆转Mickelson的表现,抗压能力爆表。第一天赛后采访时MacIntyre都要哭了,Rose一直搂着他的肩膀给他鼓励。最后一天单人赛,Rose不敌对手,毕竟岁数大了,MacIntyre终于靠自己的实力获得了1分,这一分也是完美回报了Rose的传帮带以及队长Donald的信任。
原文摘抄“Justin Rose said: “Winning this Award is a huge compliment. This event really pushes you to the limit because it has so much passion. You have to find that line and get close to it, but always stay on the right side and be respectful towards your opponent. The Americans played their heart out today and deserve a lot of respect. Novak Djokovic gave the team some advice earlier this week and really emphasised how you need to embrace a pressurised situation and use it as inspiration. The putt on the 18th on day one was a good example of where I tried to embrace the moment – I didn’t want to blemish such a great start by the team, and my immediate reaction was to embrace my teammates who had all performed so well as a group.”
Nicklaus-Jacklin奖不仅仅代表高水平的实力展现,更包括团队精神,风度品格等综合表现。Rose本届表现当之无愧,连续两天配对新人MacIntyre打四人四球赛,MacIntyre全程几乎没有贡献,Rose 1v2从美国队手上拿下1.5分,几个神级推杆完美复刻了他自己在2012年单人赛逆转Mickelson的表现,抗压能力爆表。第一天赛后采访时MacIntyre都要哭了,Rose一直搂着他的肩膀给他鼓励。最后一天单人赛,Rose不敌对手,毕竟岁数大了,MacIntyre终于靠自己的实力获得了1分,这一分也是完美回报了Rose的传帮带以及队长Donald的信任。
原文摘抄“Justin Rose said: “Winning this Award is a huge compliment. This event really pushes you to the limit because it has so much passion. You have to find that line and get close to it, but always stay on the right side and be respectful towards your opponent. The Americans played their heart out today and deserve a lot of respect. Novak Djokovic gave the team some advice earlier this week and really emphasised how you need to embrace a pressurised situation and use it as inspiration. The putt on the 18th on day one was a good example of where I tried to embrace the moment – I didn’t want to blemish such a great start by the team, and my immediate reaction was to embrace my teammates who had all performed so well as a group.”