msgid "Your vociferous calls to bring our findings before the faculty were dangerously premature."
msgstr "你急切而又十分不成熟地想要将我们的发现马上公之于众"
msgid "Given the gaps in our understanding, doing so would risk ridicule, or worse, robbery."
msgstr "与你所想的不同,我认为这样做不仅会被学术界嗤之以鼻,也可能导致我们的成果落入他人手中
msgid "I took no pleasure in asserting my seniority -"
msgstr "情非所愿之下,我还是以严肃的手段"
msgid "stifling your protestations with a strict mandate of absolute secrecy."
msgstr "不顾你的激烈反对,强制将我们的发现掩盖于众
msgid "You acquiesced, but your plaintive susurrations betrayed a burgeoning resentment."
msgstr "哪怕你一时默许,但是你的悲忿的低语已经将那迅速积攒的愤懑展露无遗"
msgid "Your vociferous calls to bring our findings before the faculty were dangerously premature."
msgstr "你急切而又十分不成熟地想要将我们的发现马上公之于众"
msgid "Given the gaps in our understanding, doing so would risk ridicule, or worse, robbery."
msgstr "与你所想的不同,我认为这样做不仅会被学术界嗤之以鼻,也可能导致我们的成果落入他人手中
msgid "I took no pleasure in asserting my seniority -"
msgstr "情非所愿之下,我还是以严肃的手段"
msgid "stifling your protestations with a strict mandate of absolute secrecy."
msgstr "不顾你的激烈反对,强制将我们的发现掩盖于众
msgid "You acquiesced, but your plaintive susurrations betrayed a burgeoning resentment."
msgstr "哪怕你一时默许,但是你的悲忿的低语已经将那迅速积攒的愤懑展露无遗"