Good news/Bad news: I will be leaving for 2 years on July 28th, 2021. I've mentioned a few times that this game will be "finished" (I've had a few people volunteer to develop for the game, and they can easily take over when I leave) by summer 2021. I'd hope to continue development on SFHU after I'm back, but there's no guarantee. I'd say the chances right now are 50/50, but if people still care about the game by the time chances will be much higher.
I'll be moving to South Korea for 2 years for a religious mission. I'm from Utah, which is well known for having many members of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, or, as you're more likely to recognize, Mormons. It's a bit scary to say out loud, since religion and business tend to stay separate and religion is usually more private, but sharing my religion with others is what I'll be doing the whole time in South Korea so I'd best get used to it. (Along with Kimchi) I'm sure many of you have your own religion as well, anyways. If you're genuinely interested in finding out more, you can ask in a DM or in general or something, but this should mostly cover it. Don't be scared to ask something even if it seems offensive, I'm open to talk slight_smile
Currently, the TOP top priority is getting online support for the game (making good progress btw), and then afterwards spending the rest of the time filling up the game with some more "meat" (weapons, maps, killstreaks, skills)
While I expect this announcement to be a little disappointing for some, I hope that this announcement doesn't get in the way of having fun with the Strike Force Heroes series. Besides, Sky9 has gone dark for far longer than 2 years before rofl