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德国FLM孚勒姆CP30-S4 II三脚架评测及介绍


FLM CP30-S4 II Review
The FLM CP30-S4 II is the smallest tripod in FLM’snewly redesigned tripod line. FLM’s previous series of tripods tested wellon this site for stiffness, but were rather heavy. These new ones are muchlighter and bring the designs into the modern age. With the CP30-S4 II, wehave a tripod that is small and light enough to plausibly be considered atravel tripod, yet with the design and construction quality we are accustomedto from a larger all-purpose model.
As we have seen from other recent designs, it islargely the omission of a center column that enables this advance in strengthto weight ratio. If you can live without a center column, I believe youwill find the FLM to be a very compelling option.
FLM CP30-S4 II是FLM新设计的三脚架系列中最小的一款。FLM以前的三脚架系列在这里测试出来的刚度很好,但相当重。对于CP30-S4 II,它是个小而轻的三脚架,可以被认为是一个旅行三脚架,但在设计和做工质量上,我们习惯于采用一个更大的通用型测试产品。正如我们最近从其他设计中看到的,主要是由于省略了一个中心柱,使得强度和负重得以提高。如果你能接受一个没有中心柱的三脚架,我相信你会发现FLM是一个非常有吸引力的选择。
This tripod was kindly lent to me for test and reviewby FLM Canada.
I was not paid by any party to write this review, andthe opinions are entirely my own.
这支三脚架是由FLM Canada好心借给我进行测试的,我没有得到任何一方的报酬来写这篇评论,我的意见完全是我自己的。
名称:FLM CP30-S4 II
方向刚度(横向抗扭刚度)723.6 +/- 2.1 Nm/rad
方向减震(横向阻尼减震)0.145 +/- 0.014 Js/rad
纵向刚度(纵向抗压刚度)2726.1 +/- 6.4 Nm/rad
纵向减震(纵向阻尼减震)0.396 +/- 0.04 Js/rad
重量:2.89 lbs (1.31 kgs)
制造商建议负重:44.1 lbs (20kgs)
最大高度:53.0 in (134.6 cm)
最小高度:3.1 in (7.9 cm)
底盘直径:2.1 in (5.3 cm)
折叠尺寸:19.0 in (48.3 cm)
折叠周长:9.5 in (24.1 cm)
折叠体积:136.0 cu. in. (2.2 liters)
主脚腿角度:23.0 °
第一节脚腿直径:30.2 mm
第二节脚腿直径:26.2 mm
第三节脚腿直径:22.2 mm
第四节脚腿直径:18.6 mm
The test results are included here as I consider themto be part of the tripod’s specification. For full discussion of thestiffness and damping, see the test results page of the review.
The CP30 has, as the name implies, 30mm diameter tubingfor the largest of the leg sections. This is partly what has made itawkward to characterize this tripod as travel or all-purpose. Traveltripods typically have 28mm or smaller diameter tubes. However, as thedesign here lacks a center column, the overall size and weight of the tripodremains well within the range we typically see for travel. In the end,the distinction doesn’t matter, but I am just trying to point out that the CP30could make a great travel tripod for the right person.
At 53 inches (~3375px) in height, the CP30-S4 II won’tget the camera quite up to eye level for most people but is tall enough torequire a minimum of hunching over to look through the viewfinder. If youprefer to shoot mirrorless using a rear tilting screen, as I do, the height isperfect. I tend to really like tripods in this height range as theyafford the best compromise of size, weight, and u****lity for my applications.
在53英寸(约135厘米)的高度,CP30-S4 II不会使相机完全达到很多人眼睛的水平位置,但它的高度足以满足俯身情况下使用取景器。如果你像我一样喜欢使用无反相机的后倾式屏幕拍摄,那么三脚架高度就是完美的。我很喜欢这个高度范围内的三脚架,因为它们为我提供了尺寸、重量和可用性的最佳折衷方案。
What’s in the Box? 包装里的产品
The tripod comes with a set of rather nice spiked feetand an allen wrench for tightening the set screws on the top plate. Oftenwe see very short, stubby spikes of limited use when they are included with thetripod for free. These ones are of an appropriate length for very softloose surfaces such as sand and snow.

Design 设计
The FLM CP3-S4 II features the modern center columnfree design that was pioneered by Really Right Stuff (RRS) and has now spreadto quite a few smaller tripods. Removing the center column allows thedesigner to shed weight and size, all while making the tripod a little bitstiffer. This is a recipe for success in the rankings on this site. Unlike some other models, the FLM unfortunately has no option for adding acenter column. If you think you may want a center column in the future,or for occasional use, this probably isn’t the right tripod for you. Ifyou don’t want a center column, the FLM will be a fantastic option.
FLM CP30-S4 II采用了流行的无中心柱设计,这是由ReallyRight Stuff(RRS)开创的,现在已经扩展到许多三脚架上,去掉中心柱可以减轻重量和尺寸,同时使三脚架更坚固一些。在本网站的排名里这是成功的设计。与其他一些测试品不同,FLM CP30-S4 II没有添加中心柱的选项。如果你认为在未来可能需要一个中心柱或偶尔使用,这可能不是适合你的三脚架。如果你不想要一个中心柱,FLM将是一个极好的选择。
Build Quality 制造品质
The build quality of the FLM is excellent. Thisis where the value of the CP30-S4 II really becomes apparent. Thealuminum parts are precisely machined and nicely finished with a hardanodization. This level of fit and finish are nearly the equal of thehighest priced tripods, and significantly better than any other tripod I havetested in this price range. I can still notice a small difference betweenthe FLM and RRS when handling them side by side. Again though, its asmall difference, and not one that you would realistically notice when handlingthe tripod in the field. This is high praise. I’m impressed by thelevel of quality FLM has achieved at this price.
FLM的制造品质非常好,这就是使CP30-S4 II的测试值变得明显的原因。铝合金零件经过精密加工,并经过硬质阳极氧化处理,这一水平的适合度和完成度几乎相当于最高价格的三脚架,并明显优于任何其他我在这个价格范围内测试过的三脚架。当把FLM和RRS并排摆放时,我可以注意到它们之间的一点小差异,不过,这是很小的区别,而不是一个你在野外实际使用三脚架时会注意到的地方。这是高度的赞扬。我对FLM在这个价位上所达到的质量水平印象深刻。
Leg Locks脚腿锁紧
The leg locks are of the ubiquitous twist lockvariety. The locking feel of these is merely average. There is noproblem with performance, but it doesn’t have quite the same snug feeling thatone gets from RRS and Gitzo. The exterior of the lock is bare metal, notcovered by a rubber grip as is typically seen. The grooves provide plentyof friction with a hand to properly tighten the lock with a bare hand, thoughit may be an issue with some soft gloves. I typically prefer rubber onthe locks, but this is personal, and you may feel differently.

The included feet are of the rubber teardrop variety,and screw into the bottom of the last leg section via a standard 3/8〃-16 screwthread. These are my favorite style feet as they are both compact andversatile. Their wide stance also allows the foot to maintain contactwith the ground even when the legs are spread to their widest setting forlow-angle shots. A set of spikes are included for use on soft or slipperysurfaces. These are fairly long compared to most spikes typicallyincluded for free with a tripod. They are long enough to provide a solidfooting in sand and snow. The downside of the length is that they makestorage awkward. Pick your poison. Both sets of feet come with arubber O ring to prevent dirt and water ingress. This is a nice touch Ihaven’t seen often.

Top Plate 顶板
The top plate is a fairly simple affair with a couplenice details. The piece of metal that makes up the top of the tripod ispretty small, but this presents no known issue from a stability perspective,and saves a significant amount of weight. The plate is large enough tocomfortably mate with most mid-sized ball heads. There is a damping padin the form of a FLM-specific mix of rubber and cork. The claim is thatthis mix provides the damping performance of cork with the durability of rubber. Its a nice material, but I don’t see any evidence of superior dampingperformance in this tripod.
My favorite detail on the top plate is the inclusion ofnylon set screws to secure the head. Many tripods include steel setscrews to prevent the head from coming loose and provide a more rigidconnection to the tripod, but these typically scratch up the base of the ballhead. Nylon ones don’t. I wish every tripod did this.

Angle Selectors 角度选择
The FLM features pull out tabs to select the angle ofthe legs. This a proved design, and is implemented well here. Thetabs are easy to grip and pull out. They are spring loaded to stay openwhile moving the leg up and snap back in when moving it down. No issueshere.
Carbon Fiber Quality 碳纤维品质
The CP30-S4 II appears to feature the same Japanesecarbon fiber tubing we have seen on several tripods now such as those fromLeofoto and Colorado Tripod Co. I can’t confirm that, but the externalappearance and statements about the sourcing of the tubing (Toryaca) all pointto a similar point of origin for the tubing. While this tubing doesn’tappear to be quite as good as the best stuff we have seen, it does appear tooffer the best price to performance ratio, and creates some of the best valuetripods we have seen. The FLM is no exception to that.
CP30-S4 II似乎采用了我们在目前几种三脚架上看到的相同的日本碳纤维管,例如Leofoto和Colorado Tripod Co.的那些。我不能确认,但外观和关于脚管(Toryaca东丽碳纤维)的声明都指向了类似的来源。也许这种脚管没有我们见过的最好的产品那么优秀,但它确实提供了最好的性价比,并创造了一些我们见过的最有价值的三脚架,FLM也不例外。
Test Results试验结果
The stiffness of the CP30-S4 II is excellent for itssize and weight. From the all-purpose rankings page, we can see that there is notripod in this category that is both lighter and stiffer than the CP30-S4 II. FLM has done a great job here balancing portability, stiffness and cost.
CP30-S4 II的刚度因其尺寸和重量而表现优异。从通用排名页面,我们可以看到,在这一类没有三脚架比CP30-S4 II既轻又硬。FLM在平衡便携性、刚度和成本控制方面做得很好。
方向刚度(横向抗扭刚度) 723.6 +/- 2.1 Nm/rad
方向减震(横向阻尼减震) 0.145 +/- 0.014 Js/rad
纵向刚度(纵向抗压刚度) 2726.1 +/- 6.4 Nm/rad
纵向减震(纵向阻尼减震) 0.396 +/- 0.04 Js/rad
The stiffness and damping data are the averages of 10trials for each measurement. The reported error is the standard error,except in the case of the damping data. I have set the error in the damping at10% as the standard error metric does not appropriately capture the error infitting to the data. All of the reported specifications are measured,with the exception of the weight rating. The tripod is measured at full height,with the center column (if applicable) down.
One aspect of performance that I expected to be alittle better is the damping. FLM uses a proprietary blend of rubber andcork on the top plate for damping, which they claim has excellent dampingproperties. I don’t see evidence of that here, with the damping figurescoming in as very average. I’ve seen much worse damping in tripods, butalso much better. I don’t know if the mediocre damping seen here is aresult of the cork not being as good as advertised, or other aspects of thegeometry. Either way, I am not concerned. For the typical uses thatthis tripod will receive with smaller, lighter camera gear, this won’t be anissue. Damping is primarily important when using long telephoto lenses.
Recommended Gear Limit 建议器材的限制
The exact gear limit is highly dependent on theexternal conditions such as wind, and technique, such as the use of a cablerelease. Under perfectly still conditions using perfect technique, sharpimages can be obtained using any tripod. Developing a consistent and broadlyapplicable set of guidelines for what kind of gear a given tripod canreasonably support is still a work in progress on this site.
For the CP30-S4 II, you should feel comfortable usinganything up to a 70-200mm in almost any conditions. Longer telephotozooms will be questionable, and super telephoto lenses will feel unstable.
对于CP30-S4 II,在几乎任何情况下,使用任何70-200mm的器材都会感到舒适,远摄的长变焦镜头有些问题,而且不适用超级长焦镜头。
Example Test Data 测试数据示例
The following data is example raw data from thestiffness and damping measurements. The relevant information with regardsto the tripod performance is entirely contained within the stiffness anddamping figures presented above. The plots below are solely present sothat the tested stiffness and damping figures are believed. Each plot and thecorresponding Fourier frequency space plot correspond to one of the ten trialsdone on each axis to obtain the test results. For a more in depthdiscussion on the meaning of these graphs, see the methodology section and the“understanding the test results” page.

Very clean data set, nice sharp resonance.

Again, very clean data.
Really Right Stuff TVC-24
Example data for oscillations about the vertical axisof the tripod:

Great looking data. Damping and Stiffness verygood as well.
Example data for oscillations about the radial axis ofthe tripod:

Again, very good looking data, and excellent test performance.
Gitzo GT2542 Mountaineer Series 2
Example data for oscillations about the vertical axisof the tripod:

Example data for oscillations about the radial axis ofthe tripod:

Colorado Tripod Company Centennial 2 Series

Very clean data. Again, good stiffness and dampingperformance.

The soft rubber on the top plate provides a lot moredamping for pitch oscillations. More damping is more difficult tomeasure, which is why the graphs are a little noisier here. Still no doubtabout finding the right resonance line here though.
Leofoto LS-284C Review
Example data for oscillations about the vertical axisof the tripod:

This isn’t the cleanest set of data we have ever seen, but it is stillclear we are hitting the resonance. Theinteresting note is that the initial damping is very good, but once themagnitude of the oscillations gets small that behavior dies out and we get verylittle damping. This is an example ofnon-linear behavior.
Example data for oscillations about the radial axis ofthe tripod:

In an unusual twist, the radial data is much better behaved than theaxial data.

1楼2020-02-20 14:05回复