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就职于剑桥大学的伊朗裔英国数学家 高雪·贝卡尔(Caucher Birkar)
For his proof of the boundedness of the Fano varieties and for contributions to the minimal model program.
就职于苏黎世联邦理工学院的意大利数学家阿雷西奥·费加里(Alessio Figali)
for his contributions to the theory of optimal transport and its applications in partial differential equations, metric geometry,and probability.
就职于波恩大学的德国数学家彼得·舒尔茨(Peter Scholze)
表彰其将p进制域上的算术代数几何转换成对拟状完备空间(perpectoid space)并将其应用在伽罗瓦表示论上,以及对上同调理论的发展做出的贡献;
For transforming arithmetic algebraic geometry over p-adic fields through his introduction of perpectoid spaces, with application to Galoids representations and for the development of new chomology theories.
就职于普林斯顿大学印度裔澳大利亚数学家亚克西·文卡特什(Akshay Venkatesh)
For his synthesis of analytic number theory,homogeneous dynamics, topology,and representation theory
感谢 小饕、萧瑟向来、ALIMJAN、math001 第一时间的翻译
关注 哆嗒数学网 每天获得更多数学趣文
就职于剑桥大学的伊朗裔英国数学家 高雪·贝卡尔(Caucher Birkar)
For his proof of the boundedness of the Fano varieties and for contributions to the minimal model program.
就职于苏黎世联邦理工学院的意大利数学家阿雷西奥·费加里(Alessio Figali)
for his contributions to the theory of optimal transport and its applications in partial differential equations, metric geometry,and probability.
就职于波恩大学的德国数学家彼得·舒尔茨(Peter Scholze)
表彰其将p进制域上的算术代数几何转换成对拟状完备空间(perpectoid space)并将其应用在伽罗瓦表示论上,以及对上同调理论的发展做出的贡献;
For transforming arithmetic algebraic geometry over p-adic fields through his introduction of perpectoid spaces, with application to Galoids representations and for the development of new chomology theories.
就职于普林斯顿大学印度裔澳大利亚数学家亚克西·文卡特什(Akshay Venkatesh)
For his synthesis of analytic number theory,homogeneous dynamics, topology,and representation theory
感谢 小饕、萧瑟向来、ALIMJAN、math001 第一时间的翻译
关注 哆嗒数学网 每天获得更多数学趣文