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【钢铁之师 2018.1.25】英国第七装甲师


好啦好啦 第二个DLC的师团介绍来了
虽然昨天是小年 不过还是先祝各位小年快乐 (好像北方有的是今天

1楼2018-02-09 20:02回复

    2楼2018-02-09 20:02
      Asannounced last week, the second DLCfor SteelDivision: Normandy 44, Back to Hell,will feature 4 new divisions, 2 exclusive ace models, as well as 7 historicalmissions, including 5 in cooperative play. Let’s start this new round ofdivisional accounts with one of Great Britain’s most famous (and most requestedby the community) WW2 division: the 7th Armoured Division,a.k.a “The Desert Rats“.

      3楼2018-02-09 20:04
        FROM IMMOBILE FARCE …从陆军之耻
        The 7th ArmouredDivision traces its origins to the Matruh Mobile Force, a brigade-sizedcavalry unit created in Egypt from 1935 to face the threat of Italian militarybuild-up in Libya & Abyssinia. Despite its name, the Mobile Force wasseverely ill-equipped and hardly able to move at all, being usually referred toas the Immobile Farce within its own ranks.
        Things began to change from1938 when it was decided to increase it to division strength. Placed under thecommand of Major-General Percy “Hobo” Hobart,it started receiving additional units, including a motor battalion, 25-pdr guns& Cruiser tanks to replace its obsolete Vickers (medium)tanks. But shipping the full complement of an armored division took time andthe new division would be far from being entirely equipped at the outbreak ofthe war in September 1939.
        但是从1938年开始情况逐渐改观,那时机动部队被扩编成师级部队。该师被划归Percy Hobart少将指挥,并且不断得到新部队的补充,这些新部队包括一个迫击炮营、25磅炮和十字军坦克(被用来替换过时的维克斯中型坦克)。但是一个完整装甲师的装备运送非常耗时,在1939年9月二战爆发的时候该师还远远未能形成战斗力。


        4楼2018-02-09 20:04
          … TO THE DESERT RATS到沙漠之鼠
          In December 1939, Hobart was replaced byMajor-General Michael O’Moore Creagh at the head of the MobileDivision. On February 16th, 1940, the division received its definitivedesignation as the 7th Armoured Division and designedits famous insignia which will give it its nickname: the Jerboa mouse.
          On September 9th, 1940,Italian Field Marshal Rodolfo Graziani (reluctantly) initiated OperazioneE, the invasion of Egypt. His 10th Army advanced some 90 km past the borderbefore setting camps and establishing a series of fortified positions. For thenext three months, a desert version of the Phony War prevailedin Egypt, with both sides sitting on their positions. But on December 8th, theBritish Western Desert Force with elements from 2nd NZDivision, 4th Indian Division & 7th ArmouredDivision (all three being far from their full complement) began OperationCompass: making the best of use of their superior mobility against the morenumerous but static Italian troops, WDF quickly defeated theirfortified camps one after the other before they could support each other. Theensuing pursuit of the fleeing Italian troops back to Libya culminated with theunsung battle of Beda Fomm on February 6-7th, 1941, whenelements from the Desert Rats managed to cut through thedesert to intercept the Italian line of retreat along the coast betweenBenghazi & El Agheila.
          1939年12月,Hobart被解除指挥权,第七装甲师的指挥官替换为Michael O’Moore Creagh少将。1940年2月16日,该师正式得到第七装甲师的番号并且设计出了著名的师徽:跳鼠。1940年9月9日,意大利元帅Rodolfo Graziani不情愿的发动了E行动,入侵埃及。意大利第十军越过边境,挺进了90公里,然后开始扎营,准备守卫阵地。在接下来的三个月里,沙漠里的“静坐战”在埃及再次上演。但是12月8日,英国西部沙漠军团并新西兰第二师、印度第四师和第七装甲师(这三个师都远远没有达到整装待发的程度)一道发动了罗盘行动。该行动中,高机动力的英国部队迅速一个接一个击溃了数量上更占优势但是更迟钝的意大利部队。在接下来的追击中,沙漠之鼠成功在班加西和欧盖莱切断了处于撤退中的意大利战线。

          通往BEDA FOMM的路
          Between the early “CampsBattle”, the pursuit & Beda Fomm, the WDF had killed orcaptured over 150.000 Italians, that is the entire Italian 10th Army savefor a few thousand men and nine (of Babini’s) tanks! And 7th Armoured playedno small part in this outcome.

          5楼2018-02-09 20:05
            DARKEST HOURS 黑暗时代
            Compass & Beda Fomm hadtaken its toll on the Desert Rats, both men and equipment. The division wasbrought back to Cairo for refitting, receiving new Crusader tanks in the process.Meanwhile, Hitler had sent Erwin Rommel to restore the situation of his Italianallies in Afrika and in the course of a few weeks the later had reversed it infavor of the Axis: the British had been pushed back near the Egyptian borderagain and Tobruk was surrounded.
            不过,罗盘行动和Beda Fomm的战斗使得沙漠之鼠损失了不少人员和装备,该师不得不撤回开罗重新修整。在那里他们得到了全新的十字军坦克。同时,希特勒将隆美尔派到北非以拯救非洲意大利盟友危如累卵的局势。隆美尔只用了几周就彻底扭转了局势:英国人不得不向埃及边境撤退,图卜鲁格被围。
            7thArmoured tookpart in all of the ill-fated Operation Battleaxe in June 1941before being once again pulled back for refitting in Egypt, where its straw ofbad luck continued, suffering about 1.000 casualties in a friendly fire RAFraid. Yet, it didn’t remain inactive there, for it organized and sent smallcombined arms groups, made up of armored cars, converted self-propelled guns ontrucks and lorried infantry & artillery to harass the Germans &Italians in the desert. Those units were called “Jock Columns“, afterthe officer who conceived them, Lt-Colonel John Charles “Jock” Campbell,commander of the 7th Armoured Division‘s Support Group.
            1941年6月,第七装甲师同时参加了失败的战斧行动。之后,该师再一次回到埃及休整。不过,该师的厄运还没有结束,在一次皇家空军的空袭中,该师损失了1000人。不过,该师却没有止步不前。该师组织了由装甲车、改装自行火炮和摩托化步兵组成的小股战斗群,将他们派往交战区域,骚扰德意联军。这些部队被称为“Jock纵队”,因为是JohnCharles “Jock” Campbell中校提出这种构想,他同时也是第七装甲师支援战斗群的指挥官。
            In May-June 1942, the DesertRats took part in the hard-fought series of engagements collectivelyknown as the Battle of Gazala… which didn’t fare much better than Battleaxe,ending with the British army retreating deeper into Egypt.

            6楼2018-02-09 20:06
              PAYBACK 君子报仇十年不晚
              In July, 7thArmoured was held in mobile reserve, licking its wound but alsoproviding battlegroups to deliver counter-blows against German probes duringthe First Battle of El Alamein, which brought Rommel’s drive West to a finalhalt.
              One month later, GeneralSir Bernard Law Montgomery took command of Eighth Army, and withhim the Desert Rats‘ luck was about to change. It received newequipment, increased in strength and trained relentlessly to prepare for thenext offensive. Starting October 23rd, 1942, the Second Battle of El-Alameinsaw 7th Armoured initially only used in diversionary attacksagainst the far right of the Axis front, near the Qattara Depression. But assoon as November 26th, most of the division was pulled back and placed inreserve to exploit a breakthrough. On November 30th-31st, after a mock attackto show itself in the South, the division was moved all the way to the North,just behind the frontline.

              On November 3rd, with theGerman front showing signs of imminent collapse, Monty released 1st & 7thArmoured Division forward. The next day, the two divisions met whatwas left of their Axis counterparts for the showdown of the Desert War: 15.Panzer had 10 tanks left, 21. Panzer 14, whileItalian Littorio division had 17 and Ariete 29serviceable ones (and 40 in repair workshops). However weak they were, thoseveteran divisions put a tough fight. Yet by the end of the day, the threeformer were forced to retreat while the latter, surrounded, lost all its tankand was destroyed the next day by the Desert Rats.
              Acknowledging his defeat, Rommel abandoned hisunmotorized Italian units and tried to save his more mobile divisions byretreating West. It was the beginning of the end for the once mighty DAK whichretreat would only end in with the capitulation of its remnants in Tunisia onMay 13th, 1943.
              It was during the pursuittoward Tunisia that the Desert Rats‘ commander, General Harding,was wounded by a shell while leading from the front in his jeep and replaced byMajor-General Sir George W. E. J. “Bobbie” Erskine.
              意识到失败之后,隆美尔抛弃了非摩托化的意大利友军,只想着救下更具机动力的德国部队。至此,曾经不可一世的德国非洲军团的丧钟已经敲响。德国非洲军团的撤退行动直到1943年5月13日其剩余部队在突尼斯全部缴械投降才宣告结束。在朝着突尼斯追击的过程中,沙漠之鼠的指挥官哈丁少将被流弹击中,George W. E. J. “Bobbie” Erskine少将取代了他的位置。

              The Desert Rats didn’ttake part in the campaign of Sicily and only a brief part in the Italian one,from September 15th to November 1943, but nonetheless proved instrumental indefending the Salerno beachhead and breaching through the Volturno Line.

              7楼2018-02-09 20:07
                Unable to adjust to theNorman bocage and conduct proper reconnaissance of their surroundings,the Desert Rats were “swanning” through the village ofVillers-Bocage on June 13th. They were completely unaware how close they hadcome from schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 which had just takenposition in their path to cover Panzer-Lehr‘s open flank. But sowere the Germans: SS captain Michael Wittmann, commander of s.SS-Panzer-Abt.101‘s 2. Kompanie, was taken completely by surprise uponwatching the 7th AD‘s vanguard emerging from Villers-Bocage.
                Yet, having spotted theenemy first and acting with boldness, Wittman attacked the British column.Destroying a Cromwell driving in front of him and blocking the road, he wentback up the same road used by the 7th AD, blasting every tank andvehicles he passed by. Meanwhile, further away along the road, the rest of Wittmann’scompany attacked the head of the column. Within Villers-Bocage itself, Wittmanwas engaged in several close-range tank duels from which his tank miraculouslyemerged (mostly) unscathed until disabled by a 6-pdr gun, forcing its crew toevacuate on foot. In a matter of a quarter of an hour, Wittmann and his companyleft about 15 tanks and as many various transport vehicles ablaze.

                The battle soon expanded insize, with 7th Armoured regrouping while Panzer-Lehr wasbringing in reinforcements to the German side. Recovering from their surprise,the Rats started evening the score, stalking and destroyingTigers & Panzer IV unsupported by infantry at close range inVillers-Bocage’s streets and vicinities. But when the tide of battle wasfinally turning in 7th AD‘s favor, the Germans finally receivedinfantry reinforcements in the form of two battalions of 2. Panzer‘sgrenadiers. Attacking immediately, they forced 22nd Armoured Brigade toretreat and regroup in an all-around defensive position.
                June 14th became known as“The Battle of the Island”, with 22nd Armoured Brigade surroundedand attacked from several directions by Panzer-Lehr & s.SS-Pz-Abt.101. Subjected to bombardments, attacks by infantry and tanks, the 22nd lostground, had positions overwhelmed, its headquarters was even threatened, yetalways managed to restore its perimeter, on its own or with the help of the RAFand nearby US 1st Infantry Division‘s artillery providing firesupport. When the night came, the Germans finally pulled out.

                Although the Rats wereable to recover quickly from a beating which would have routed manyless-experienced units, and fought well afterward, Villers-Bocage remained astain of the division’s honor. Although 7th Armoured latertook part in several other operations (Goodwood, Spring, Bluecoat),it was never able to regain its old prestige in the eye of Monty and otherBritish commanders, and its every action was regarded with skepticism. The dayof reckoning for Villers-Bocage was approaching: in early August, GeneralErskine and about 100 men from the division, as well as the corps commander,were sacked.

                9楼2018-02-09 20:08
                  AFTER NORMANDY
                  Under General Lloyd-Verney’s command, the DesertRats took part in the race toward the Seine River, then in the liberation ofBelgium & the Netherlands, although it wasn’t involved in Market Garden. Itentered Germany in January 1945, ending the war in Hamburg which it hadcaptured. Moved to Berlin, it participated in the Allied victory parade.
                  The division remained inGermany as part of the BAOR after the war, before converted to an infantrybrigade in April 1958.

                  10楼2018-02-09 20:09
                    The Desert Rats‘distinctive features are:
                    · Theirbattle experience: few Allied division fields as many veteran and elite troops.Yet, those battle-hardened troops are especially to be found in units usingolder equipment they are familiar with from the Western Desert Campaign,especially infantry, Stuarts (most ofthem”jalopied”) & Portee guns.
                    · 战斗经验:没有几个盟军部队像该师一样有如此多的老兵和精锐部队,不过这些部队更熟悉老式的装备,特别是步兵、斯图亚特坦克和Portee火炮。
                    · Theirmassive use of Cromwell tanks in almost every role possible,from mainstream combat vehicle to command, recon (from the 8th King’sRoyal Irish Hussars, which get their own distinctive N. Irish acknows:) )and even OP role. This fast and well-armed tank gives the Rats anedge in maneuver… but its weak armor makes it clearly the underdog in tank totank duel. At least the division has retained some Fireflies for that.
                    · 他们对于克伦威尔坦克的大规模使用(包括主力战斗车辆、指挥车辆、侦察车辆和炮兵观测车)使得沙漠之鼠们能够迅速机动。但是在坦克战中他们脆弱的装甲缺十分要命。不过该师好在还有萤火虫。

                    11楼2018-02-09 20:09
                      · Speakingof Cromwell’s weak armor, 7th Armoured featured a uniquecommand Cromwell named “Abbot of Chantry” which belonged to TroopLeader Bill Bellamy. Its crew prided itself in having the fastesttank in the division, maybe even in the British Army, and only realized whyafter an encounter with a German 20mm Flak gun: the low-caliber shells hadnonetheless dented their armor, prompting an investigation. It concluded thatBellamy had been given by mistake a training tank in soft steel! Meaning he andhis crew were roaming the battlefield almost naked, 20mm being the most thetank armor could withstand. After much debates, Bellamy and his men elected toretain “Abbot of Chantry“, considering that the extra armor wouldn’thelp them much in case of an encounter with a “cat”, while the extra-speedcould save their life. Therefore the Desert Rats ingame getaccess to a unique phase A under-armored but extra fast command Cromwell tank.
                      · 第七装甲师拥有第一无二的克伦威尔指挥型。该坦克的成员是该师跑的最快的,甚至是英国部队里跑的最快的。直到遭遇一门德国20毫米防空炮后才发现,20毫米口径的炮弹竟然使装甲凹了进去:因为这是一辆软钢造的训练坦克!这意味着之前他们在战场上裸奔,最厚的装甲不过20毫米。不过,之后他们还是保留了这个坦克,因为他们认为更多的装甲在碰到德国坦克时反正也没用,不如跑的更快来救命好了。于是,A阶段的该师就有了一辆跑的特别快的克伦威尔。
                      · Theirrecon tab has its pros and cons. The Rats proved unable toadjust to the Norman environment, acting as if they were still in the desert.Therefore, they have access to strong “recon under armor”, but lack light andstealthy ones.
                      · 侦察部队有好有坏:因为沙漠之鼠们还没有适应欧洲战场,他们的侦察部队以重装为主,缺少轻型和隐蔽好的部队。
                      · Theiruse of Wasp Mk.IIc, allowing the flame-thrower vehicle to carry asmall squad.
                      · 装备黄蜂Mk2型火焰喷射载具。

                      · TheirAA is entirely self-propelled, either Crusader AA tanksor Bofors Portees like the Free French & Poles.
                      · 防空炮兵全部自行化,包括十字军AA坦克和博福斯、波蒂斯(就像自由法国和波兰部队一样)。
                      · Theirreliance on speed makes it difficult for the artillery to follow, hence if theyhave access to all the regular British artillery options, they can only selectvery few ones.
                      · 他们依仗的速度同时使得炮兵十分难以跟进,因此他们只能选择很少的炮兵。
                      · Theirair support options include Mosquito PR.XVI reconnaissanceplane and Mitchell II (a.k.a American B-25)
                      · 空中支援包括蚊式侦察机和B25米切尔。

                      12楼2018-02-09 20:10
                        · Thedivision’s economy is among the strongest in A, the strongestAllied one in B, but then dive down in C.
                        · 该师的经济在A阶段最强,在B阶段是盟军部队中最强的之一,然后在C阶段骤降。

                        13楼2018-02-09 20:10

                          14楼2018-02-09 20:11

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