Unable to adjust to theNorman bocage and conduct proper reconnaissance of their surroundings,the Desert Rats were “swanning” through the village ofVillers-Bocage on June 13th. They were completely unaware how close they hadcome from schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 which had just takenposition in their path to cover Panzer-Lehr‘s open flank. But sowere the Germans: SS captain Michael Wittmann, commander of s.SS-Panzer-Abt.101‘s 2. Kompanie, was taken completely by surprise uponwatching the 7th AD‘s vanguard emerging from Villers-Bocage.
Yet, having spotted theenemy first and acting with boldness, Wittman attacked the British column.Destroying a Cromwell driving in front of him and blocking the road, he wentback up the same road used by the 7th AD, blasting every tank andvehicles he passed by. Meanwhile, further away along the road, the rest of Wittmann’scompany attacked the head of the column. Within Villers-Bocage itself, Wittmanwas engaged in several close-range tank duels from which his tank miraculouslyemerged (mostly) unscathed until disabled by a 6-pdr gun, forcing its crew toevacuate on foot. In a matter of a quarter of an hour, Wittmann and his companyleft about 15 tanks and as many various transport vehicles ablaze.

The battle soon expanded insize, with 7th Armoured regrouping while Panzer-Lehr wasbringing in reinforcements to the German side. Recovering from their surprise,the Rats started evening the score, stalking and destroyingTigers & Panzer IV unsupported by infantry at close range inVillers-Bocage’s streets and vicinities. But when the tide of battle wasfinally turning in 7th AD‘s favor, the Germans finally receivedinfantry reinforcements in the form of two battalions of 2. Panzer‘sgrenadiers. Attacking immediately, they forced 22nd Armoured Brigade toretreat and regroup in an all-around defensive position.
June 14th became known as“The Battle of the Island”, with 22nd Armoured Brigade surroundedand attacked from several directions by Panzer-Lehr & s.SS-Pz-Abt.101. Subjected to bombardments, attacks by infantry and tanks, the 22nd lostground, had positions overwhelmed, its headquarters was even threatened, yetalways managed to restore its perimeter, on its own or with the help of the RAFand nearby US 1st Infantry Division‘s artillery providing firesupport. When the night came, the Germans finally pulled out.

Although the Rats wereable to recover quickly from a beating which would have routed manyless-experienced units, and fought well afterward, Villers-Bocage remained astain of the division’s honor. Although 7th Armoured latertook part in several other operations (Goodwood, Spring, Bluecoat),it was never able to regain its old prestige in the eye of Monty and otherBritish commanders, and its every action was regarded with skepticism. The dayof reckoning for Villers-Bocage was approaching: in early August, GeneralErskine and about 100 men from the division, as well as the corps commander,were sacked.