LS你激动啥。。= =穿衣服去。
内。婷子的声音好、LOLI= =
` *◇——『law sound. Day diplomatic group』。—————』』
│┆[The confused } {天使团}_``
|『”Imitation humanity's machine” │┆[专用<
Real skin has the temperature even to be able to breathe”』|
|『”Me still is the strongest existence
-------------------|Brain remnants| |洛.殿|___
内。婷子的声音好、LOLI= =
` *◇——『law sound. Day diplomatic group』。—————』』
│┆[The confused } {天使团}_``
|『”Imitation humanity's machine” │┆[专用<
Real skin has the temperature even to be able to breathe”』|
|『”Me still is the strongest existence
-------------------|Brain remnants| |洛.殿|___