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IP属地:上海1楼2017-10-21 12:48回复
    10.23 Bonus Preview #1: Crypt
    Hello, and welcome to the first Nocturne bonus preview. Today I’m going to talk about Crypt.

    Crypt is yet another Night-Duration card. But unlike most Duration cards, Crypt may stay in play for several turns, providing you with an ongoing benefit. When you play a Crypt, you set aside any number of Treasure cards you have in play, and you get to put one back into your hand as an extra card at the start of each of your turns until they run out. It’s like you got to use each Treasure twice!
    Often you’ll just set aside all the Treasures you have in play, but probably not every time. Maybe you’ll play two Crypts in the same turn and want to split your Treasures between them, or maybe you just won’t want to have all of your Treasures trapped in a Crypt. Or perhaps you might prefer them to sit in your Crypt for as long as possible! You won’t have to draw those Coppers for a while.
    I’ll be back each day this week with another bonus preview. I plan to continue posting them around 8:00 AM Eastern Time, 5:00 AM Pacific Time. See you again tomorrow!

    IP属地:上海3楼2017-10-27 15:57
      10.24 Previews #2: Shepherd, Pooka, Cemetery
      I have this preview from my father, who had it from his father, who had it from his father. Who won it in a cat's cradle contest, if you must know.
      Seven cards in Nocturne come with an Heirloom. Let's see one.

      That yellow band means, everyone replaces a starting Copper with the listed card. In a game with Shepherd, you have 3 Estates, 6 Coppers, and a Pasture. In a game with Shepherd, Pooka, and Cemetery (they're coming in a second), you start with 3 Estates, 4 Coppers, a Pasture, a Cursed Gold, and a Haunted Mirror. See how it works?
      Shepherd can draw lots of cards if you have a bunch of Victory cards. Pasture meanwhile is a Victory card that rewards you for holding onto those Estates, or getting more of them.

      Pooka lets you trade a Treasure you didn't want for +4 Cards, that seems completely innocent. It can't trash Cursed Gold but everyone has their limits. And as it happens you have some Cursed Gold. It's a Treasure worth $3 but you get Cursed each time you use it. Do you buy that great card turn one and get a Curse with it? I can't make that decision for you.

      Cemetery trashes cards when you gain it, that's pretty sweet. I will just tell you now, it is great to gain it with a Workshop or something. It means everyone has a Haunted Mirror, which gives you a little sub-game to play to get a Ghost. And there's Ghost, another Spirit. It comes out at Night, finds an Action, and does it twice on your next turn.

      IP属地:上海4楼2017-10-27 15:58
        10.24 Bonus Preview #2: Faithful Hound
        In these dark days it’s good to have reliable companions, friends that will stick with you to the bitter end. But in a pinch, a dog will do.

        Faithful Hound is an Action-Reaction card, like Moat. And just like Moat, it draws you two cards when you play it. The reaction is quite different, though. When you send a Faithful Hound away, it comes right back as an extra card in your next hand. You might never even play your Faithful Hounds, just discarding them to Cellars and the like.
        And like most Reaction cards, Faithful Hound can help against some attacks. It’s nice against Attack cards that make you discard from your hand, like Militia. But maybe sometimes you’ll get lucky and a Bandit will flip your Faithful Hound. Hope springs eternal.
        Faithful Hound doesn’t have an Heirloom, look at that. It’s an off-theme preview! Tomorrow’s bonus preview will have an Heirloom to make up for it, I give you my word.

        IP属地:上海5楼2017-10-27 16:00
          10.25 Bonus Preview #3: Fool

          Who’s that schlemiel that’s always getting lost in the woods? It’s today’s bonus preview, Fool. There’s a lot to unpack here, so let’s start at the bottom.
          Lost in the Woods is a new kind of card-shaped thing, a State! You can think of it like a status effect. While it’s in front of you, at the start of each of your turns, you may discard a card to receive a Boon. Usually that’s a pretty good deal. But there’s only one copy of Lost in the Woods, so you might have to take it from somebody else.
          That’s where Fool comes in. If you already have Lost in the Woods, Fool does nothing. He’s lost in the woods, don’t you know! Maybe you can at least discard him for a Boon. Anyway. If you don’t have Lost in the Woods, then Fool goes on a little adventure. He bumbles around, getting three random Boons that you can receive in any order. For instance, if you drew the Boons that Donald X. previewed today (The Sea’s Gift, The Sun’s Gift, and The Swamp’s Gift), you might choose to first gain a Will-o’-Wisp, then look at the top 4 cards of your deck and discard/reorder them, then draw whichever one you put back on top! Not bad for a $3 card. Then you take Lost in the Woods, and your Fools are useless until somebody else plays one. At least you get that bonus every turn.
          Finally, in games that use Fool, everybody starts with a Lucky Coin. It’s like a Copper that gains Silvers! It can really speed up your deck early on. And later if you decide you have enough Silver, maybe you can remodel Lucky Coin into a Gold or something. Or trash it. Or just stop playing it. The possibilities are (not actually) endless.

          IP属地:上海7楼2017-10-27 16:05
            10.26 Previews #4: Werewolf, Skulk, Cursed Village
            Your punishment today: a preview. See it's all about your own perspective on it.
            Nocturne has Hexes. Hexes are another 12-card deck of landscape-style instructions. These ones are bad though. You get an effect like "each other player receives the next Hex," and then you turn over just one Hex, just one okay, and they all get that Hex. Of course sometimes you Hex yourself instead.

            Some examples. Greed puts a Copper on your deck; War trashes something that wasn't great but probably wasn't worthless; and Envy makes you Envious. Okay so what's that then. Envious makes your Silvers and Golds suck for one turn (well one Buy phase, because you can play Treasures ahead of your Buy phase with e.g. Storyteller, and not necessarily just one, because you can get another Buy phase with e.g. Villa - this game is full of edge cases). Envious is a State, a way of tracking special information about players. It sits in front of you and then it doesn't. It's too hard to remember without the card there to remind you. So there's a card, hooray.

            Werewolf is an Action-Night card. During the day he's just a Smithy, but at Night, he shows his vicious side. In your Action phase you can play Werewolf and draw 3 cards; in your Night phase you can play Werewolf and Hex everyone. Okay? It doesn't feel tricky to me but I am making sure here. As with Boons, a word on the card needs to tell you to shuffle up the Hexes, and that word is Doom. That makes Werewolf an Action - Night - Attack - Doom card. The Courtiers all like Dame Josephine, but they like Werewolves too.

            Skulk costs $4, is all upside, and comes with a Gold, wait what? Somehow, having a Skulk in your deck weighs down the Gold sufficiently to make this all okay.

            Cursed Village Hexes you when you gain it. Maybe you will get lucky there and just have to discard some cards or something. But probably it will hurt; that's the way it goes when your village is cursed. Once you have it it's a Village with "draw to 6" instead of +1 Card; that's pretty spiffy, but it has some quirks to learn about the hard way.
            I only showed off three hexes, but the online version... you're way ahead of me. Stef has been getting the cards up fast; they will probably be playable online within half an hour.

            IP属地:上海8楼2017-10-27 16:07
              10.26 Bonus Preview #4: Leprechaun
              Today I get to preview the most fun-loving Doom card of all, Leprechuan.

              Leprechaun costs $3 and gains you Gold. What a deal! But unless you’re careful, the Leprecaun will also play a prank on you. Just going by the Hexes previewed today, your Gold might come with a Copper on your deck, or you’ll have to trash a $3-$4 card, or maybe all your Silvers and Golds will be Coppers this turn. Is it worth it? I guess that depends.
              If you are careful, you’ll gain a Wish instead of receiving a Hex. And a Wish is pretty sweet, I tell you what. It’s a one-use ticket to gain any card costing $6 or less directly to your hand. Sometimes that will be a Gold, but often there’s something you’d rather have that fits the moment just perfectly. Maybe you’ve got a hand full of Victory cards and need a Shepherd to sort them out. Perhaps you already have one Idol in hand and want another one to give out some Curses. Lots of options there.
              Getting that Wish isn’t trivial, though. You have to have exactly 7 cards in play when you play your Leprechaun. This will normally include the Leprechaun itself. It also includes any Duration cards that are still in play from previous turns. It’s something to shoot for in your Leprechaun games, assuming you think you can get that Wish in time to draw it before the game ends.

              IP属地:上海9楼2017-10-27 16:14
                10.27 Previews #5: Exorcist, Pixie, Vampire
                And now, something extra! Yes it's the last Nocturne preview.
                The 5th theme of this set is extra cards. And you've been seeing them all week, there were too many to just save them for today. But here are some more of these things. And more cards for the previous themes; they're all interconnected.

                Exorcist at last explains what Spirit is all about. It turns cards into Spirits. There are three Spirits and you've seen them all: Will-o'-Wisp, Imp, Ghost. So Exorcist can turn an Estate into a Wisp, a Silver into an Imp, and so on. And Wisp can draw Imp, and Imp can play Wisp, and Ghost can hit Wisps and Imps; if you get a bunch of Spirits they are a card-drawing package.

                Pixie is another Fate card and has another Heirloom. It gives you a Boon twice, but just once, and it hangs around until the Boon is good enough. One of the Boons is The Flame's Gift, which trashes, but it's not super-unfair if Pixie hits that in a game with no other trashers, because there's always another trasher: Goat. It eats anything. And you sell its milk or something.

                Of course there had to be a Vampire, and of course it turns into a Bat. That's what they do. Well vampires do tons of things, but that's one of them, and you can only capture so much in a Dominion card. Vampire gains you cards and Hexes people, while Bat is a trasher, and has to feed to turn back.
                The online version will have all the preview cards through the weekend (and then won't have them again until the physical version comes out). The physical version is now expected to ship from RGG on November 13 (so stores will have it a few days later).

                IP属地:上海10楼2017-10-27 16:27

                  IP属地:江西来自iPhone客户端11楼2017-11-12 14:17
                    Finally, the powers of the dead are yours to command. It’s about time. Today I’m doing the last bonus preview, Necromancer.

                    Necromancer lets you play Action cards from the trash. And just to ensure that you always have some options there, the trash starts with three Action cards in it, the Zombies. And two of the Zombies can help you get other Action cards into the trash. Somehow it all works out.
                    Each Action card in the trash can only be used once per turn, though if there are multiple copies of a card in the trash, you’ll be able to play each copy within the same turn. When you play a card in the trash, you flip it over to indicate that. So if you play three Necromancers in a turn, one could play Zombie Spy, the next could play Zombie Apprentice to trash a Skulk, and the last could play the Skulk you just trashed. If you use Throne Room to play Necromancer twice, each play of Necromancer will have to play a different card from the trash. Necromancer can’t play Duration cards, and cards that try to move themselves (like Reserve cards from Adventures) fail to do so; they’re stuck in the trash.
                    As for the Zombies themselves, you’ve got some choices. There’s the Zombie Spy, which is like a regular Spy except it can only discard the top card of your own deck. The Zombie Mason trashes the top card of your deck and optionally gains you a card costing up to $1 more. Usually if it wasn’t something you wanted to trash, you can gain a copy of it back from the Supply. And finally the Zombie Apprentice, which can only trash Action cards and always draws 3 cards when you do. Why keep that Moneylender around when a zombie Moneylender is just as good?

                    IP属地:上海12楼2017-11-12 14:19

                      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端13楼2017-11-16 16:02

                        IP属地:上海14楼2017-11-16 18:26