This is my life This is my choice 或许在久远以前,命运已定 努力与挣扎,皆为泡影 尽管如此,我依旧宣誓: I will be kind to the weak. I will be brave against the strong. I will fight all who do wrong. I will fight for those who cannot fight I will help those who call me for help. I will harm no woman. I will help my brother knight. I will be true to my friends. I will be faithful in love. 下午的阳光懒洋洋的洒下,在银色的锋刃上流转 蔷薇与百合交错开放,是红色的鲜血,是洁白的冰雪 芝士蛋糕的香味四溢,香甜,腻人,柔软 红茶中夹杂着佛手柑的清香,透澈,浓醇 “英勇的骑士,请您守护吾等性命与灵魂” “I swear”