Power consumption model
Purpose: to create a system so that all reloadable systems are more comparable to systems that have a constant power consumption, essentially leveling the playing field.
Internal capacity
Weapons, tools and some other systems now have their own internal power capacity, enough to fire themselves once. This power capacity would slowly discharge over time so you need to have some power recharge to keep it topped off.
After firing it, the internal capacity would recharge using the available recharge rate. The maximum amount of power recharged for that system would be limited by its reload speed.
Priority queue
A system to prioritize power consumption in case you don’t have enough to run the entire ship. There would be different groups such as weapons, shields, thrusters, … with most likely sub-groups. We would have a fixed number of priorities you can use, and all systems with the same priority number would share power equally.
For docked entities, they just walk down towards the main ship till they find an entity with a powered (active) reactor. They would use the priority queue and power recharge of that entity only.
Chamber Tree
Purpose: adding a large amount of customization and depth, creating a whole new layer of gameplay.
It allows us to move several ship systems into one cohesive design.
This system can be compared to skill trees used in other games. The difference here is that you’re physically designing and building the skill tree, which consists of building chambers and connections in order to progress down a pre-made tree.
Reactor Chambers: tree nodes
Reactor Conduits: tree branches

Main Reactor
The main reactor group consists of a single block type that touch each other. Power will scale linear which means only the block count will affect its statistics so it’s easy to build them. The shape and reactor placement matters way more than it did before if you also have to build it in tandem with the stabilizers and make sure they’re well protected from weapon damage.
Each entity gets the same limited amount of ‘Tech Points (TP)’ to spend and only 1 active reactor group per entity is allowed at any given time. You do have the ability to put other inactive reactor groups down that you can switch to later for robustness and versatility. You spend these Tech Points for each Chamber that is connected to the current active reactor group.
Each main Chamber Tree grouping has a corresponding Chamber Block you can place.
Using the above example, these would be:
Shield chamber
Mobility chamber
Jump Drive chamber
Electronic Warfare chamber (Cloaking/Scanning)
Chambers are built by placing a touching group of touching Chamber Blocks.
Each chamber you build represents a node in the chamber tree, The shape of each chamber doesn’t matter, only the block count does. It needs to reach a certain size compared to the biggest reactor group on the entity in order to function. It does not matter if the biggest reactor group is inactive or active. This is to avoid exploits of building small reactors with low chamber requirements on huge ships and then switching the active reactors when needed.
In order for a chamber to be activated, TP’s (Tech points) have to flow into it. This happens at a fixed pace such as 1 TP/ 1 sec per chamber and only when it is fully filled does it activate before it moves on to any of the other connected chambers.
Disconnecting chambers manually will immediately make those chambers non functional and the spent SP’s get added to your pool again.
This means that while players can design ships with multiple configurations and switch between them, it will not be as viable to do so in battle, as the configuration has a ‘boot up time’.
These are lines of blocks that physically connect chambers with each other. On top of that tree is always the main reactor. However, a chamber can also be linked to other (inactive) reactor groups.
The conduits will require power per block to function although this is only a concern if you spread out the chambers as far as possible.
Reactor HP
Right now, we’re leaning towards removing SHP and its penalties. Instead, we’ll use Reactor HP instead. The existing system balance would need to be altered to counter the removal of the SHP penalties although not by much. The idea is that if someone targets a specific sub system such as thrusters (and they have the ability to roughly find them), they would be able to kill enough blocks to effectively disable it without relying on SHP penalties to do it for them. Overheating/loss of control would then be tied to Reactor HP and/or to a future mechanic such as hacking.
Reactor HP would be the same as Structure HP, but only the active reactor and its linked chambers affect it:
Reactor: 100 RHP
Conduit: 25 RHP
Chamber: 50 RHP
Each chamber is classified in 1 of 3 stages. As soon as the RHP% reaches one of the stage thresholds, all the chambers of that stage would have their effects disable.