Lisa Wu
参加了两季亚特兰大娇妻秀后,2011年,Lisa和她的丈夫Ed Hartwell离婚了。在退出真人秀后,她一直忙于照顾儿子EJ,并还和Nene保持了联系。(这之后)Lisa在Nene和Gregg2013年的婚礼上出现过,还在《I Dream of NeNe》系列上露了脸。她现在专注于事业,与人合作出了一本名为《When the Cake Is Made》(当蛋糕“做好”?)的书;还参演了电影《Meet the Browns》和《The Internship》。

After two seasons of RHOA, Lisa split from husband Ed Hartwell in 2011. Since then she's been kept busy by her son EJ, and kept in touch with NeNe Leakes. Lisa was at NeNe and Gregg's 2013 wedding and spotted on the series I Dream of NeNe. She's also been focused on her career, co-authoring the book When the Cake Is Made and appearing in films Meet the Browns and The Internship.