This world was broken. Screaming for salvation. Into fire and blood and treachery, you were born... My majestic Blade! 这世界已经支离破碎,为求得救赎而呼号着。我庄严神圣的无尽之剑啊!你甫一诞生,便陷入了这血与火和背叛之中! Immortal. Invincible. The Deathless came. Caressed the throats of weak humanity. 无可匹敌的不死战士降临世间,轻而易举的地便扼住了人类这一脆弱种族的咽喉。(caress本身是轻轻触摸,这里应该是要显现不死战士对人类而言的强大) To kill the Immortal is impossible, they said. But I, the Worker of Secrets, embraced a Deathless warlord and forge you. A weapon to slay the un-slayable. 人们说,任何想要杀死不死战士的想法都只是妄念;但是我,秘密工匠,与一名不死霸王结盟并铸造了你,一把能将那不死的存在斩杀的神器。