Good morning. 早安。
- Good morning. 早安。
Here ye, here ye, 10 minutes to go
till Van Dort's wedding rehearsal.
Watch it!
- It's a beautiful day ***-今天是个好日子。***
- It's a rather nice day ***-的确不错的日子。***
A day for a glorious wedding***婚礼的大喜之日。***
A rehearsal, my dear
To be perfectly clear
A rehearsal for a glorious wedding
Assuming nothing happens
That we don't really know
That nothing unexpected
Interferes with the show
And that's why everything
Every last little thing
Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing
Must go
- According to plan
- Our son will be married
- According to plan***-按照计划,***
- Our family carried
Elevated to the heights of society
- To the costume balls***-挤进化装舞会,***
- In the hallowed halls***-挤进皇庭宫殿,***
Rubbing elbows with the finest***-和权贵擦肩往来,***
Having crumpets with Her Highness***-和女王共进点心,***
-We'll be there, we'll be seen
Having tea with the queen
We'll forget everything
That we've ever, ever been
- Blimey! It's my dress is caught.-噢,我的裙子卡住了。
- Begging your pardon, ma'am.
- Come on, dear.
- It's not me. It's my dress is caught.
Where is Victor? We might be late.维克特在哪儿?我们要迟到了。