Shouldn*t hand base to check what score this evening, maybe I can get a good night*s sleep. I have been very hard in working in this year,But it every time, when you have the hope to tell you, again how effort also useless. So, I can*t sleep.
Well, discouraging words were said enough.I found that actually immerse yourself in this kind of negative energy, feels good.This is a new experience.Actually don*t have to always want to let myself so strong, right? Yeah!!Hurry up and forget the unhappy things.I can. Pls tell me this is the last time.
Hi Janine I will put the invoice amount that is expected to be received every week in a weekly cash budget on every monday, which can serve as the reference of this week*s payment, you can pay off at your convenience before the end of this week.
My mood is much better,And I have found a way to let oneself mood okay. 以后心情不好的时候就练英文,虽然有时候还是要借助一下辅助工具,但是比我大学时候的渣英文好很多了。还是要接着学习,比如说,这一段用话,让我用英文来表达就有点困难了