Tell me goodbye
G-Drangon:Letting you go…
胜利:Here’s somebody…
G-Dradon:Letting you go…
胜利:Here’s somebody…
G-Dragon:Yo I got this, yeah
Still thinking about this thing a lot
You got me shaken up
胜利:Please tell me there’s a way
G-Dragon:And it got my headjust spinnin’ round round round round
胜利:Please tell me there’s a way
G-Dragon:Don’t wanna take afall
It’s best to break it up
It’s gonna be better for you, move on
胜利:Please tell me there’s a way
G-Dragon:Uh huh we break itbreak it
Or thought we make it make it
And now we cover it up
太阳:Girl I swear ki米诺阔朵哦 一几表呆莫 卡拉希吗塞那一牙苦嗦 吗莫路塔麦尼瓦莫 抹过莱希噶 艾拉布米吉哇那一噶啦
大成:Baby爱依稀得路耐一凯ki族族ki凯得希吗无And I’ve got nothing, nothing to say
All:Tell me goodbye tellme goodbye
All:Tell me goodbye tellme goodbye
大成:哈呐嗦博哭哦瓦素莱鲁莫多梅机油你那鲁那拉 baby
All:Tell me goodbye tellme goodbye
胜利:Girl you know ki米噶艾噶 那苦希得苦霍多 博苦瓦几部诺赛买鲁哟 耐苦撒麦鲁阔多巴莫 hi卡里撒爱莫 纳尼莫卡过迷雾希大雾
太阳:Baby 阔诺枯寂皮里噶哈那爱大希麦尼 I’ll never find better, better than you
All:Tell me goodbye tellme goodbye
All:Tell megoodbye tell me goodbye
大成:哈呐嗦嗦巴尼一鲁阔朵大ki噶呀撒希撒加那一多 baby
All:Tell me goodbye tellme goodbye
TOP:Yo and it's so, so
Sad it just ain't happening
Wish it could be better
Sorry to scrapping
But I just can't let ya
Shouldn't be less than happy
I said look at me
I couldn't live with myself seeing you lacking
The things you deserve
Baby you was a part?
Must believe that it hurts
That lead this world
I feel the aching through my body
It just takes a bigger part of me
To be let you go
I wish that one soul
大成:ki米诺阔为sei粗那苦 fade away away ay ay ay ay
胜利:卡撒尼卡ki铠仨嘞忒有酷 stay stay ay ay ay ay
太阳:阔莱一就瓦I can't take it 所诺纳米大don'tcry for me
大成:ki米诺它没 never look back again eh eh eh eh
All:Tell me goodbye tellme goodbye
All:Tell me goodbye tellme goodbye
大成:哈呐嗦嗦巴尼一鲁阔朵大ki噶呀撒希撒加那一多 baby
All:Tell me goodbye tellme goodbye
大成:Tell me goodbye