01. GLASGOW 1877
“I remember itas if it was yesterday.
My papa took meto see the ancestral home of our clan.
The desolatecastle on Dismal Downs, abandoned since the 17th century,
Now inhabited byno-one but golden eagles in its turrets and
Ptarmigan &grouse in the heather o’the clan cemetery.
In this sight offormer glory, of ochre grass and bracken,
Sadness andhope, this is where I begin my story.
Rannoch moor,1877, the eve of my 10th birthday…”
Tha’n sgeul agaiseig bu bràth
Toirt taic bhotiotain a tha gar deanamh mar a tha sinn
Howls on themoor
Dreams ofsailing all seas
Call of thehills
And a fiddle offarewell
Far, far intothe night
Your callingguided you
Far, far acrossthe dark
Horizon filledwith red
And yearning ofa childless ma
The finalfrontier
Of uttersolitude
Of wildernessuntamed
Into White AgonyCreek
The cradle ofnew hope
Many the springthaws from home
O Me! O Life!Here in the wild
Nothing but twocold Klondike hearts
Charm of adancehall girl
A true star ofthe north
Those precious30 days
A letter in thesnow
Love lost yetalways there
A burning needof life
O Me! O Life!Home in the wild
Nothing but twocold Klondike hearts
“There’s gold,and it’s haunting and haunting, it’s luring me on as of old!
Yet it isn’t thegold that I’m wanting so much as much as just finding the gold!
It’s great, big,broad land ’way up yonder!
It’s the forestswhere silence has lease!
It’s the beautythat fills me with wonder!
It’s thestillness that fills me peace!”
-Robert W. Service
The great, broadland ‘way up yonder
Haunting him asof old
Yet, it ain’tthe gold itself, so much as finding the gold
Farewell, WhiteAgony Creek
Farewell, thethree long years
Can’t leavebehind what’s in this sled
Things we lost
The things wecouldn’t share
Another rainbow’send
Another memory
Fortuna favetfortuibus
Hold on to allthat’s dear to you
As the last sledto Dawsonfinally arrives
The stillnessthat fills him with peace
The beauty of thewild
Rainbow’s endwith golden dreams
Starlit sky andcoffee & beans
Farewell, WhiteAgony Creek
Farewell, thethree spring thaws
One day I willreturn to you
Silent nights,silent years
The cold hearthaunting still
Sleepless watchof the night
And her face onthe moon
To be rich is
To still remember
To treasure your first dime
To have a chance to say farewell
Story of your life
Time of solitude and strife
Freedom of an open road
Hope, and many miles to go
Promises to keep
Countless goldfields to reap
To be rich is to seek
To relive a memory
Far-off lands, quests of old
Self-respect, true grit
Never care what a fortune mightbuy
To seek is to be rich
Story of your life
Time of solitude and strife
Freedom of an open road
Hope, and many miles to go
Promises to keep
Countless goldfields to reap
To be rich is to seek
To relive a memory
All the strangers on your path
Crossroads, the letters from home
The cooling embers of a Yuletidehearth
All the songs of widerness
The truth in which you roamed
Now your lost Rosebud has broughtyou back home
Story of your life
Time of solitude and strife
Freedom of an open road
Hope, and many miles to go
Promises to keep
Countless goldfields to reap
To be rich is to seek
To relive a memory
Go slowly now, sands of time
Still have some verses to pour
This wonder of life has led me home
Like a poet ofScotlandonce scribed:
Home is the sailor
Home from the sea
And the hunter home from the hill
Go slowly now, sands of time
Still have a memory to make
Dancing to Auld Lang Syne
Thinking of the heather of home
Home is the sailor
Home from the sea
And the hunter home from the hill
“I remember itas if it was yesterday.
My papa took meto see the ancestral home of our clan.
The desolatecastle on Dismal Downs, abandoned since the 17th century,
Now inhabited byno-one but golden eagles in its turrets and
Ptarmigan &grouse in the heather o’the clan cemetery.
In this sight offormer glory, of ochre grass and bracken,
Sadness andhope, this is where I begin my story.
Rannoch moor,1877, the eve of my 10th birthday…”
Tha’n sgeul agaiseig bu bràth
Toirt taic bhotiotain a tha gar deanamh mar a tha sinn
Howls on themoor
Dreams ofsailing all seas
Call of thehills
And a fiddle offarewell
Far, far intothe night
Your callingguided you
Far, far acrossthe dark
Horizon filledwith red
And yearning ofa childless ma
The finalfrontier
Of uttersolitude
Of wildernessuntamed
Into White AgonyCreek
The cradle ofnew hope
Many the springthaws from home
O Me! O Life!Here in the wild
Nothing but twocold Klondike hearts
Charm of adancehall girl
A true star ofthe north
Those precious30 days
A letter in thesnow
Love lost yetalways there
A burning needof life
O Me! O Life!Home in the wild
Nothing but twocold Klondike hearts
“There’s gold,and it’s haunting and haunting, it’s luring me on as of old!
Yet it isn’t thegold that I’m wanting so much as much as just finding the gold!
It’s great, big,broad land ’way up yonder!
It’s the forestswhere silence has lease!
It’s the beautythat fills me with wonder!
It’s thestillness that fills me peace!”
-Robert W. Service
The great, broadland ‘way up yonder
Haunting him asof old
Yet, it ain’tthe gold itself, so much as finding the gold
Farewell, WhiteAgony Creek
Farewell, thethree long years
Can’t leavebehind what’s in this sled
Things we lost
The things wecouldn’t share
Another rainbow’send
Another memory
Fortuna favetfortuibus
Hold on to allthat’s dear to you
As the last sledto Dawsonfinally arrives
The stillnessthat fills him with peace
The beauty of thewild
Rainbow’s endwith golden dreams
Starlit sky andcoffee & beans
Farewell, WhiteAgony Creek
Farewell, thethree spring thaws
One day I willreturn to you
Silent nights,silent years
The cold hearthaunting still
Sleepless watchof the night
And her face onthe moon
To be rich is
To still remember
To treasure your first dime
To have a chance to say farewell
Story of your life
Time of solitude and strife
Freedom of an open road
Hope, and many miles to go
Promises to keep
Countless goldfields to reap
To be rich is to seek
To relive a memory
Far-off lands, quests of old
Self-respect, true grit
Never care what a fortune mightbuy
To seek is to be rich
Story of your life
Time of solitude and strife
Freedom of an open road
Hope, and many miles to go
Promises to keep
Countless goldfields to reap
To be rich is to seek
To relive a memory
All the strangers on your path
Crossroads, the letters from home
The cooling embers of a Yuletidehearth
All the songs of widerness
The truth in which you roamed
Now your lost Rosebud has broughtyou back home
Story of your life
Time of solitude and strife
Freedom of an open road
Hope, and many miles to go
Promises to keep
Countless goldfields to reap
To be rich is to seek
To relive a memory
Go slowly now, sands of time
Still have some verses to pour
This wonder of life has led me home
Like a poet ofScotlandonce scribed:
Home is the sailor
Home from the sea
And the hunter home from the hill
Go slowly now, sands of time
Still have a memory to make
Dancing to Auld Lang Syne
Thinking of the heather of home
Home is the sailor
Home from the sea
And the hunter home from the hill