lLR(Lexical Resources)词汇的丰富程度
1.有用的:useful= practical/ pragmatic/utilitarian
2.使用:use= utilize/ apply --- into ---/ theapplication of
Sthbe utilzied
(Nucleartechnology has already been universallyutilized in most countries. ) widely
The application of internationalstudents should be submitted due March 3rd.
The universal application of moderntechnology has already elevated currentliving to an unprecedentedphase.
Elevator = lift
Elevate = improve
(You’ve finally elevated yourself.)
3.不好的:bad=negative/ adverse influence, dire consequences,vicious circle, detrimental=deleterious
4.重要的:important= crucial/ vital关键的, essential 不能缺少的, significant 意义重大的, irreplaceable
1.有用的:useful= practical/ pragmatic/utilitarian
2.使用:use= utilize/ apply --- into ---/ theapplication of
Sthbe utilzied
(Nucleartechnology has already been universallyutilized in most countries. ) widely
The application of internationalstudents should be submitted due March 3rd.
The universal application of moderntechnology has already elevated currentliving to an unprecedentedphase.
Elevator = lift
Elevate = improve
(You’ve finally elevated yourself.)
3.不好的:bad=negative/ adverse influence, dire consequences,vicious circle, detrimental=deleterious
4.重要的:important= crucial/ vital关键的, essential 不能缺少的, significant 意义重大的, irreplaceable