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物理ERT 眼镜


1楼2014-03-09 11:30回复

    来自手机贴吧2楼2014-03-19 13:58

      来自手机贴吧3楼2014-03-26 21:16

        Okay, okay, lets’ be honest: I wasn’t born in heaven.However, I have made the decision: I am going to go there tonight. When the silvery moonlight from the windowwith iron grating covers my whole body, when the breeze which blows from twohundred miles away, brings the sweet smell of the grass and soil of my land,I’m going to go there.
        I am lying here, on a narrow bed with a despicably thinquilt, in this room which is cold stone cell of seven by eleven-----I have walkedaround this tiny square for millions of times so I won’t be wrong about itsarea-----I look up the sky through the air vent, the South- Cross looks dim andweak.
        In heaven, the South-Cross is shining far more brightly andclearly in the night sky, like the diamonds on the dark, smooth velvet. Yes, Idid saw them once; they were the decorations of a handbag which was under anold, fancy white madam’s arm. In the next second I saw it fail off from her armand lied on the ground. I run across the road and pick it up in tension to giveit back, but I hadn’t got any chance to yell and caught her attention, she hadnoticed her mistake and turned back: “Police! Police! Help! Someone is stealingmy handbag, a flagitious robber, a dirty and disgusting bastard!”
        That was the first time I got into jail. No explanation werelisten, no jury is needed. I stayed in the prison for one month; it was thedarkest and coldest place under this dark and cold control. “An animal!” the guardsaid, spitted towards my face, “what good can an animal do?”
        In that month I realised, my sin is fixed. I am guilty,because I was born as who I am, because I don’t have the pallor, morbid sinkwhich looks like wax; because I am an Aboriginal, because I am someone who wastold by his parents to proudly live in our own land.
        “You are smart.” Before I went out from the jail, one of theofficers had a counselling with me. He said these words with a fake smile, “youcould have a bright further, yes indeed, you will have a bright further, if youremember to stay in line, stay in our side.”
        As return, I gave a bigger smile back. I could not see mybright further, but I could see my bright eyes reflected from his eyes. My eyeswere burning, with the flame of hate. Since them, I have been in and out for somany times. Stole a bag of biscuits or two pencils is fairy enough for them to sendme in for three days or more. I don’t know how many times I have been here and pleasebelieve me, I don’t care. Stay in line, where is the line? The line that theseinterlopers draw on our land! Stay on your side, who actually are you? You arethe ones who we treated friendly and then trampled us underfoot! You are, youare the ones who killed my father and destroy my family, my innocent familyfrom the little happiness we had.
        “Do not stare at people, my son; stare at rocks, clouds andstars. They are your family and friends. They will always hug you with the mostsincere kindness. Stare at them.”
        These are the last words of my father. We were sitting on ahuge red rock; all I could see was the green grasses and blue sky with nolimited. I lay my head on my father’s arm. It felt warm, so warm andcomfortable; I pillowed it and slowly closed my eyes. His voices was smooth anddesolate; the words sound like a song, an ancient aboriginal song in our ownlanguage, which could only be understand by us.
        At that night, my father was captured. My mother isseriously sick from typhia. We did not have any traditional method to deal withthis illness, and there is no possibility for us to get medication. My father wentinto the town, tried to steal some medicines from a pharmacy, but he failed. Whenthe police found out what in his shaking arms were valued medicines, they beathim hard at once. I saw all the injuries left from the torture, when the policeasked my mother and me to identify the body. He was found died because of weak bodyand hydropenia on the back of the track. He stayed in that stuffy steel box forfour hours during the midday; because the local prison was full therefore theyhave to send him two hundred miles away to another prison.
        My mother was mad since then. She smiles with tears, laughwith tears, but she never cry. She sets on the red rock for days and nights,silently, without saying anything. She looks like a sculpture, setting there tothe eternality. She is waiting for him, but I’m going to find him.
        I went to the town, found the police who beat him, and beatthem in the same way. My father, I could hardly recognize him when I saw hisbody. The blood on his face came from his nose, a deep tear on his left ear,broken fingers, all the marks and wounds on his chest and back``` I paid themback, I paid them all back. There is no hope, no justice, nothing from thissociety could be given me. I am so lonely, but I’m not alone. How many of you,my brothers and sisters, my closet siblings who have the same blood that ournature has given us, are on the same war as me? This land owns our soul, ourheart and our highest loyalty; we can’t, and will never give it up. So there mustbe, there must be ones who are always fighting for a better living.
        I was sent to the same jail on the same track as my father,but this time, they did this during the midnight. I don’t know what I wassentenced, twenty years? Fifty years? Or even worth? Please believe me, I don’tcare. The cells of seven by eleven are exactly the same everywhere, but I knowI am so far away from there, from the land I treated as my home.
        However, I’m fine now. I’m lying here, the moonlight islight and clean, covers me like a skill blanket; I can smell the scent of thegrasses, the new ones are growing up and breaking through the soil. I’m staringat stars, there is no could tonight. The soft winds and night firmament hung meas gentle as my parents did. I am safe and I am saved in their arms, would yoube pleasant by this, my old father? Youdo believe in a brighter future, for not only you and me, but all of us who arethe son of this land? It will be heaven, I agree. Actually, I can see thelights, papa, I can see the lights; I DO SEE THE LIGHTS!

        4楼2014-04-17 21:55

          Good morning everyone, welcome to “Youand Law”, I’m today’s guest speaker Jasmine Wu. Today, I’m here to talk about the Family LawAmendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth). I will brieflyintroduce the aims and achievements of this amendment, then discuss the issuesappeared in the act, such as if a shared care-time agreement achieved by theparents, the negative impact of unstable life for their children.
          Basedon the principles that the children have the right to be cared by both of the parents,and the parents have to “jointly share duties and responsibilities concerning”the development of their children [section 8, 60B (2), 2006 Amendment], The Family Law Amendment (SharedParental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) aims to ensure that children havethe benefit of both of their parents by having a meaningful involvement intheir lives, as well as protects them from physical or psychological harm fromabuse, neglect or family violence.
          Society,parents who are getting divorced and their children are the stakeholders of theAmendment. Families are the fundamental groups of the society; everyday people canall be directly or indirectly influenced by the Family Law Act. The publicneeds the law to ensure that children can grow healthily so they can contributeto the further development of society. Parents are keen to get more involved intheir children’s lives by increasing the amount of time and communications withthe children. That’s why the outcry from fathers’ groups became one of thereasons for the amendment to be established[http://ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2985&context=artspapers]. Children easily suffer long-termpsychological damage from their parent’s separation as they are young andinnocent, so the law is required to provide extra protections for the childrento minimize the potential injury of them.
          The 2006 amendment has brought about severalimprovements. To avoid the feeling that children are treated like the propertyof the parents, the 2006 Amendment use the term “parental responsibility”instead of “specific issues” or “guardianships” from the acts in 1995 and 1975[ http://www.lawhandbook.org.au/handbook/ch05s02s01.php].So the duty ofthe parents is highlighted, not the “ownership” of the children. Also, one parent could usuallyreceive the sole care of the children prior to the amendment. In orderto address this issue, the 2006 amendment requires the Family Court to “considerchild spending equal time or substantial and significant time with each parent”[s61DAA] with “a presumption that itis in the best interests of the child for the child's parents to have equalshared parental responsibility for the child” [s61DA] if there is not any family violence or abuse could beproved.

          5楼2014-04-20 21:14